Juging Contests
Escalations Open
Sherlock Judging
Juging Contests
Escalations Open
Sherlock Judging
ComposableSecurity, HHK, Kose, ParthMandale, sakshamguruji, slylandro, y4y
There exists an edge case where the user will be withdrawing his entire locked MENTO amount and even then will be able to vote , this is depicted by a PoC to make things clearer.
The flow to receiving voting power can be understood in simple terms as follows ->
Users locks his MENTO and chooses a delegate-> received veMENTO which gives them(delegatee) voting power (there's cliff and slope at play too)
The veMENTO is not a standard ERC20 , it is depicted through "lines" , voting power declines ( ie. slope period) with time
and with time you can withdraw more of your MENTO.
The edge case where the user will be withdrawing his entire locked MENTO amount and even then will be able
to vote is as follows ->
1.) User has locked his MENTO balance in the Locking.sol
2.) The owner of the contract "stops" the contract for some emergency reason.
3.) In this stopped state the user calls withdraw() which calls getAvailableForWithdraw() here
4.) Since the contract is stopped , the getAvailableForWithdraw
will return the entire locked amount of the user as withdrawable
function getAvailableForWithdraw(address account) public view returns (uint96) { uint96 value = accounts[account].amount; if (!stopped) { uint32 currentBlock = getBlockNumber(); uint32 time = roundTimestamp(currentBlock); uint96 bias = accounts[account].locked.actualValue(time, currentBlock); value = value - (bias); } return value;
5.) The user receives his entire locked amount in L101.
6.) The owner "start()" the contract again
7.) Since the user's veMENTO power was not effected by the above flow , there still exists veMENTO a.k.a voting power to the delegate,
and the user's delegate is still able to vote on proposals (even when the user has withdrew everything).
Import console log first in the file , paste this test in the GovernanceIntegration.t.sol
function test_Poc_Stop() public { vm.prank(governanceTimelockAddress); mentoToken.transfer(alice, 10_000e18); vm.prank(governanceTimelockAddress); mentoToken.transfer(bob, 10_000e18); vm.prank(alice); locking.lock(alice, alice, 10_000e18, 1, 103); vm.prank(bob); locking.lock(bob, bob, 1500e18, 1, 103); vm.timeTravel(BLOCKS_DAY); uint256 newVotingDelay = BLOCKS_DAY; uint256 newVotingPeriod = 2 * BLOCKS_WEEK; uint256 newThreshold = 5000e18; uint256 newQuorum = 10; //10% uint256 newMinDelay = 3 days; uint32 newMinCliff = 6; uint32 newMinSlope = 12; vm.prank(alice); ( uint256 proposalId, address[] memory targets, uint256[] memory values, bytes[] memory calldatas, string memory description ) = Proposals._proposeChangeSettings( mentoGovernor, governanceTimelock, locking, newVotingDelay, newVotingPeriod, newThreshold, newQuorum, newMinDelay, newMinCliff, newMinSlope ); // ~10 mins vm.timeTravel(120); vm.startPrank(governanceTimelockAddress); locking.stop(); vm.stopPrank(); uint bal2 = mentoToken.balanceOf(alice); console.log(bal2); vm.startPrank(alice); locking.withdraw(); vm.stopPrank(); vm.startPrank(governanceTimelockAddress); locking.start(); vm.stopPrank(); uint bal = mentoToken.balanceOf(alice); console.log(bal); vm.prank(alice); console.log(mentoGovernor.castVote(proposalId, 1)); }
You can see the Alice withdrew her entire locked amount and still was able to caste her vote.
User still able to vote even when the entire locked amount is withdrawn.
When the entire amount is withdrawn adjust the logic to remove the corresponding lines for the delegator.
Valid medium, users retain vote in an edge case scenario then holds when owners stops (pause) contract
The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:
The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.
We noticed the Airgrab contract was using an incorrect KYC credential and after the contest ended, we discussed this with the KYC provider and updated the contracts accordingly.
Old credential:
New credential:
This issue is not about the countries that are put as placeholder, it is about the level of the credential which lacks liveness
and citizenship_not:
Issue is fixed in this PR:
Please review this fix and include it in the final report if everything looks good now.
The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:
The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.