from Convex SPELLSource:
Bauer, Ch_301
On WConvexPools.burn() transfer CRV + CVX + the extra rewards to Convex SPELL
But ConvexSpell.openPositionFarm() only refund CVX to the user.
So the rest rewards will stay in the SPELL intel if someone (could be an attacker) invokes _doRefund()
within closePositionFarm()
with the same address tokens
transfer CRV + CVX + the extra rewards
// Transfer LP Tokens
IERC20Upgradeable(lpToken).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount);
// Transfer Reward Tokens
(rewardTokens, rewards) = pendingRewards(id, amount);
for (uint i = 0; i < rewardTokens.length; i++) {
only refund CVX to the user
// 6. Take out existing collateral and burn
IBank.Position memory pos = bank.getCurrentPositionInfo();
if (pos.collateralSize > 0) {
(uint256 pid, ) = wConvexPools.decodeId(pos.collId);
if (param.farmingPoolId != pid)
revert Errors.INCORRECT_PID(param.farmingPoolId);
if (pos.collToken != address(wConvexPools))
revert Errors.INCORRECT_COLTOKEN(pos.collToken);
wConvexPools.burn(pos.collId, pos.collateralSize);
Manual Review
you should Refund all Rewards (CRV + CVX + the extra rewards)
Escalate for 10 USDC
Convex docs are confirming this point
Convex allows liquidity providers to earn trading fees and claim boosted CRV without locking CRV themselves. Liquidity providers can receive boosted CRV and liquidity mining rewards with minimal effort:
Earn claimable CRV with a high boost without locking any CRV
Earn CVX rewards
Zero deposit and withdraw fees
Zero fees on extra incentive tokens (SNX, etc)
and WConvexPools.burn() handle this properly
so Convex SPELL should refund all the rewards
Escalate for 10 USDC
Convex docs are confirming this point
Convex allows liquidity providers to earn trading fees and claim boosted CRV without locking CRV themselves. Liquidity providers can receive boosted CRV and liquidity mining rewards with minimal effort: Earn claimable CRV with a high boost without locking any CRV Earn CVX rewards Zero deposit and withdraw fees Zero fees on extra incentive tokens (SNX, etc)
and WConvexPools.burn() handle this properly
so Convex SPELL should refund all the rewards
You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!
To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.
You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
Senior watson's comment:
same as
Escalation accepted
Valid high
This issue is a valid high along with another duplicate #42
Escalation accepted
Valid high
This issue is a valid high along with another duplicate #42
This issue's escalations have been accepted!
Contestants' payouts and scores will be updated according to the changes made on this issue.
0x52, cuthalion0x
The JoinPoolRequest uses "" for userData meaning that it will decode into 0. This is problematic because join requests of type 0 are "init" type joins and will revert for pools that are already initialized.
We see above that enum JoinKind is INIT for 0 values.
return _joinExactTokensInForBPTOut(balances, normalizedWeights, userData);
} else if (kind == JoinKind.TOKEN_IN_FOR_EXACT_BPT_OUT) {
return _joinTokenInForExactBPTOut(balances, normalizedWeights, userData);
} else {
Here user data is decoded into join type and since it is "" it will decode to type 0 which will result in a revert.
Users will be unable to open any farm position on AuraSpell
Manual Review
Uses JoinKind = 1 for user data
0x52, Bauer, Breeje, J4de, ctf_sec, n1punp, nobody2018
AuraSpell forces users to swap their reward tokens to debt token but doesn't allow them to specify any slippage values.
for (uint256 i = 0; i < rewardTokens.length; i++) {
uint256 rewards = _doCutRewardsFee(rewardTokens[i]);
_ensureApprove(rewardTokens[i], address(swapRouter), rewards);
Above all reward tokens are swapped and always use 0 for min out meaning that deposits will be sandwiched and stolen.
All reward tokens can be sandwiched and stolen
Manual Review
Allow user to specify slippage parameters for all reward tokens
function of CurveOracleSource:
Bauer, helpMePlease
During a security review of the getPrice
function in the CurveOracle, a potential flash loan attack vulnerability was identified.
The getPrice
function retrieves the spot price of each token in a Curve LP pool, calculates the minimum price among them, and multiplies it by the virtual price of the LP token to determine the USD value of the LP token. If the price of one or more tokens in the pool is manipulated, this can cause the minimum price calculation to be skewed, leading to an incorrect USD value for the LP token. This can be exploited by attackers to make a profit at the expense of other users.
This vulnerability could potentially allow attackers to manipulate the price of tokens in Curve LP pools and profit at the expense of other users. If exploited, this vulnerability could result in significant financial losses for affected users.
Manual Review
use TWAP to determine the prices of the underlying assets in the pool.
0x52, Breeje, Ch_301, n1punp
ConvexSpell#closePositionFarm removes liquidity without any slippage protection allowing withdraws to be sandwiched and stolen. Curve liquidity has historically been strong but for smaller pairs their liquidity is getting low enough that it can be manipulated via flashloans.
Liquidity is removed as a single token which makes it vulnerable to sandwich attacks but no slippage protection is implemented. The same issue applies to CurveSpell.
User withdrawals can be sandwiched
Manual Review
Allow user to specify min out
0x52, Ch_301
Slippage limits protect the protocol in the event that a malicious user wants to extract value via swaps, this is an important protection in the event that a user finds a way to trick collateral requirements. Currently the sell slippage is checked but never applied so it is useless.
See summary.
Slippage limit protections are ineffective for ShortLongSpell
Manual Review
Apply sell slippage after it is checked
Escalate for 10 USDC
This is not a valid M/H. The toAmont and expectedAmount in the off-chain parameter MegaSwapSellData structure are the real slippage protection parameters. Just like ExactInputParams/ExactOutputParams of uniswapV3 pool.
Escalate for 10 USDC
This is not a valid M/H. The toAmont and expectedAmount in the off-chain parameter MegaSwapSellData structure are the real slippage protection parameters. Just like ExactInputParams/ExactOutputParams of uniswapV3 pool.
You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!
To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.
You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
I still think this is a valid issue
sellSlippage checked but not applied
function _withdraw(
ClosePosParam calldata param,
Utils.MegaSwapSellData calldata swapData
) internal {
if (param.sellSlippage > bank.config().maxSlippageOfClose())
revert Errors.RATIO_TOO_HIGH(param.sellSlippage);
it is true that the slippage is checked but not applied
The toAmont and expectedAmount in the off-chain parameter MegaSwapSellData structure are the real slippage protection parameters. Just like ExactInputParams/ExactOutputParams of uniswapV3 pool.
this is true, but the code should still check the slippage based on the received amount instead of off-chain parameter
Escalation rejected
Valid high
Agree with the Lead judge comment.
Slippage must be checked on code whenever possible instead of an off-chain parameter.
Escalation rejected
Valid high
Agree with the Lead judge comment.
Slippage must be checked on code whenever possible instead of an off-chain parameter.
This issue's escalations have been rejected!
Watsons who escalated this issue will have their escalation amount deducted from their next payout.
0x52, Ch_301
WAuraPools will irreversibly break if reward tokens are added to pool after deposit due to an OOB error on accExtPerShare.
uint extraRewardsCount = IAuraRewarder(crvRewarder)
.extraRewardsLength(); <- @audit-issue rewardTokenCount pulled fresh
tokens = new address[](extraRewardsCount + 1);
rewards = new uint256[](extraRewardsCount + 1);
tokens[0] = IAuraRewarder(crvRewarder).rewardToken();
rewards[0] = _getPendingReward(
for (uint i = 0; i < extraRewardsCount; i++) {
address rewarder = IAuraRewarder(crvRewarder).extraRewards(i);
@audit-issue attempts to pull from array which will be too small if tokens are added
uint256 stRewardPerShare = accExtPerShare[tokenId][i];
tokens[i + 1] = IAuraRewarder(rewarder).rewardToken();
rewards[i + 1] = _getPendingReward(
accExtPerShare stores the current rewardPerToken when the position is first created. It stores it as an array and only stores values for reward tokens that have been added prior to minting. This creates an issue if a reward token is added because now it will attempt to pull a value for an index that doesn't exist and throw an OOB error.
This is problematic because pendingRewards is called every single transaction via the isLiquidatable subcall in BlueBerryBank#execute.
WAuraPools will irreversibly break if reward tokens are added to pool after
Manual Review
Use a mapping rather than an array to store values
0x52, cuthalion0x
UserData for balancer pool exits is malformed and will result in all withdrawal attempts failing, trapping the user permanently.
IBalancerVault.ExitPoolRequest(tokens, minAmountsOut, "", false)
We see above that UserData is encoded as "". This is problematic as it doesn't contain the proper data for exiting the pool, causing all exit request to fail and trap the user permanently.
function exactBptInForTokenOut(bytes memory self) internal pure returns (uint256 bptAmountIn, uint256 tokenIndex) {
(, bptAmountIn, tokenIndex) = abi.decode(self, (WeightedPool.ExitKind, uint256, uint256));
UserData is decoded into the data shown above when using ExitKind = 0. Since the exit uses "" as the user data this will be decoded as 0 a.k.a EXACT_BPT_IN_FOR_ONE_TOKEN_OUT. This is problematic because the token index and bptAmountIn should also be encoded in user data for this kind of exit. Since it isn't the exit call will always revert and the user will be permanently trapped.
Users will be permanently trapped, unable to withdraw
Manual Review
Encode the necessary exit data in userData
The sqrtRatioLimit for UniV3 doesn't cause the swap to revert upon reaching that value. Instead it just cause the swap to partially fill. This is a known issue with using sqrtRatioLimit as can be seen here where the swap ends prematurely when it has been reached. This is problematic as this is meant to provide the user with slippage protection but doesn't.
if (amountToSwap > 0) {
SWAP_POOL = IUniswapV3Pool(vault.pool());
uint160 deltaSqrt = (param.sqrtRatioLimit *
uint160(param.sellSlippage)) / uint160(Constants.DENOMINATOR);
// if withdraw token is Token0, then swap token1 -> token0 (false)
? param.sqrtRatioLimit + deltaSqrt
: param.sqrtRatioLimit - deltaSqrt, // slippaged price cap
sqrtRatioLimit is used as slippage protection for the user but is ineffective and depending on what tokens are being swapped, tokens may be left the in the contract which can be stolen by anyone.
Incorrect slippage application can result in partial swaps and loss of funds
Manual Review
Check the amount received from the swap and compare it against some user supplied minimum
0x52, Ch_301, sinarette
The balance checks on ShortLongSpell#_withdraw are incorrect and will make contract basically nonfunctional
swapToken is always vault.uToken. borrowToken is always required to be vault.uToken which means that swapToken == borrowToken. This means that the token borrowed is always required to be swapped.
uint256 strTokenAmt = _doBorrow(param.borrowToken, param.borrowAmount);
// 3. Swap borrowed token to strategy token
IERC20Upgradeable swapToken = ISoftVault(strategy.vault).uToken();
// swapData.fromAmount = strTokenAmt;
PSwapLib.megaSwap(augustusSwapper, tokenTransferProxy, swapData);
strTokenAmt = swapToken.balanceOf(address(this)) - strTokenAmt; <- @audit-issue will always revert on swap
Because swapToken == borrowToken if there is ever a swap then the swapToken balance will decrease. This causes L89 to always revert when a swap happens, making the contract completely non-functional
ShortLongSpell is nonfunctional
Manual Review
Remove check
0x52, Ch_301
When increasing a position, all collateral is sent to the user rather than being kept in the position. This can cause serious issues because this collateral keeps the user from being liquidated. It may unexpectedly leave the user on the brink of liquidation where a small change in price leads to their liquidation.
IBank.Position memory pos = bank.getCurrentPositionInfo();
address posCollToken = pos.collToken;
uint256 collSize = pos.collateralSize;
address burnToken = address(ISoftVault(strategy.vault).uToken());
if (collSize > 0) {
if (posCollToken != address(wrapper))
revert Errors.INCORRECT_COLTOKEN(posCollToken);
wrapper.burn(burnToken, collSize);
In the above lines we can see that all collateral is burned and the user is sent the underlying tokens. This is problematic as it sends all the collateral to the user, leaving the position collateralized by only the isolated collateral.
Best case the user's transaction reverts but worst case they will be liquidated almost immediately.
Unfair liquidation for users
Manual Review
Don't burn the collateral
pendingRewards are factored into the health of a position so that the position collateral is fairly assessed. However WCurveGauge#pendingRewards doesn't return the proper reward tokens/amounts meaning that positions aren't valued correctly and users can be unfairly liquidated.
(address[] memory tokens, uint256[] memory rewards) = IERC20Wrapper(
).pendingRewards(pos.collId, pos.collateralSize);
for (uint256 i; i < tokens.length; i++) {
rewardsValue += oracle.getTokenValue(tokens[i], rewards[i]);
When BlueBerryBank is valuing a position it also values the pending rewards since they also have value.
function pendingRewards(
uint256 tokenId,
uint256 amount
returns (address[] memory tokens, uint256[] memory rewards)
Above we see that WCurveGauge#pendingRewards returns empty arrays when called. This means that pending rewards are not factored in correctly and users can be liquidated when even when they should be safe.
User is liquidated when they shouldn't be
Manual Review
Change WCurveGauge#pendingRewards to correctly return the pending rewards
can be manipulated using read-only reentrancySource:
makes an external call to BalancerVault.getPoolTokens
without checking the Balancer Vault's reentrancy guard. As a result, the oracle can be trivially manipulated to liquidate user positions prematurely.
In February, the Balancer team disclosed a read-only reentrancy vulnerability in the Balancer Vault. The detailed disclosure can be found here. In short, all Balancer pools are susceptible to manipulation of their external queries, and all integrations must now take an extra step of precaution when consuming data. Via reentrancy, an attacker can force token balances and BPT supply to be out of sync, creating very inaccurate BPT prices.
Some protocols, such as Sentiment, remained unaware of this issue for a few months and were later hacked as a result.
makes a price calculation of the form f(balances) / pool.totalSupply()
, so it is clearly vulnerable to synchronization issues between the two data points. A rough outline of the attack might look like this:
AttackerContract.flashLoan() ->
// Borrow lots of tokens and trigger a callback.
SomeProtocol.flashLoan() ->
AttackerContract.exploit() ->
// Join a Balancer Pool using the borrowed tokens and send some ETH along with the call.
BalancerVault.joinPool() ->
// The Vault will return the excess ETH to the sender, which will reenter this contract.
// At this point in the execution, the BPT supply has been updated but the token balances have not.
AttackerContract.receive() ->
// Liquidate a position using the same Balancer Pool as collateral.
BlueBerryBank.liquidate() ->
// Call to the oracle to check the price.
BalancerPairOracle.getPrice() ->
// Query the token balances. At this point in the execution, these have not been updated (see above).
// So, the balances are still the same as before the start of the large pool join.
// Query the BPT supply. At this point in the execution, the supply has already been updated (see above).
// So, it includes the latest large pool join, and as such the BPT supply has grown by a large amount.
// Now the price is computed using both balances and supply, and the result is much smaller than it should be.
price = f(balances) / pool.totalSupply()
// The position is liquidated under false pretenses.
Users choosing Balancer pool positions (such as Aura vaults) as collateral can be prematurely liquidated due to unreliable price data.
Manual Review
The Balancer team recommends utilizing their official library to safeguard queries such as Vault.getPoolTokens
. However, the library makes a state-modifying call to the Balancer Vault, so it is not suitable for view
functions such as BalancerPairOracle.getPrice
. There are then two options:
Bauer, Breeje, ctf_sec
Deadline check is not effective, allowing outdated slippage and allow pending transaction to be unexpected executed
In the current implementation in CurveSpell.sol
// 2. Swap rewards tokens to debt token
uint256 rewards = _doCutRewardsFee(CRV);
_ensureApprove(CRV, address(swapRouter), rewards);
the deadline check is set to type(uint256).max, which means the deadline check is disabled!
In IChiSpell. the swap is directedly call on the pool instead of the router
// if withdraw token is Token0, then swap token1 -> token0 (false)
? param.sqrtRatioLimit + deltaSqrt
: param.sqrtRatioLimit - deltaSqrt, // slippaged price cap
and it has no deadline check for the transaction when swapping
AMMs provide their users with an option to limit the execution of their pending actions, such as swaps or adding and removing liquidity. The most common solution is to include a deadline timestamp as a parameter (for example see Uniswap V2 and Uniswap V3). If such an option is not present, users can unknowingly perform bad trades:
Alice wants to swap 100 tokens for 1 ETH and later sell the 1 ETH for 1000 DAI.
The transaction is submitted to the mempool, however, Alice chose a transaction fee that is too low for miners to be interested in including her transaction in a block. The transaction stays pending in the mempool for extended periods, which could be hours, days, weeks, or even longer.
When the average gas fee dropped far enough for Alice's transaction to become interesting again for miners to include it, her swap will be executed. In the meantime, the price of ETH could have drastically changed. She will still get 1 ETH but the DAI value of that output might be significantly lower.
She has unknowingly performed a bad trade due to the pending transaction she forgot about.
An even worse way this issue can be maliciously exploited is through MEV:
The swap transaction is still pending in the mempool. Average fees are still too high for miners to be interested in it.
The price of tokens has gone up significantly since the transaction was signed, meaning Alice would receive a lot more ETH when the swap is executed. But that also means that her maximum slippage value (sqrtPriceLimitX96 and minOut in terms of the Spell contracts) is outdated and would allow for significant slippage.
A MEV bot detects the pending transaction. Since the outdated maximum slippage value now allows for high slippage, the bot sandwiches Alice, resulting in significant profit for the bot and significant loss for Alice.
Manual Review
We recommend the protocol use block.timstamp for swapping deadline for Uniswap V2 and swap with Unsiwap Router V3 instead of the pool directly!
LP price calculation for Balancer Pair in BalancerPairOracle will produce calculation underflow/overflow (so Aura pools won't work too).
will be 0 --> fairResA
calculation will revert upon dividing by 0.bpow
or similar.LP price for Balancer-like collateral token will revert in most cases, if not all.
Manual Review
Escalate for 10 USDC.
I think this is incorrectly excluded. The issue is not related to flashloan via BalancerPairOracle, but rather an organic math overflow/underflow, since the implementation is directly using 0.8.x's default SafeMath mode. Upon certain conditions (e.g. resA < resB
the calculation will always revert).
Escalate for 10 USDC.
I think this is incorrectly excluded. The issue is not related to flashloan via BalancerPairOracle, but rather an organic math overflow/underflow, since the implementation is directly using 0.8.x's default SafeMath mode. Upon certain conditions (e.g.resA < resB
the calculation will always revert).
You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!
To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.
You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
I don't think this report has sufficient prove
Escalation accepted
Considering this issue a valid medium
Escalation accepted
Considering this issue a valid medium
This issue's escalations have been accepted!
Contestants' payouts and scores will be updated according to the changes made on this issue.
Ch_301, cducrest-brainbot, cuthalion0x, nobody2018
The function to open a position for the AuraSpell does not join the pool due to wrong conditional check.
The function deposits collateral into the bank, borrow tokens, and attempts to join the pool:
function openPositionFarm(
OpenPosParam calldata param
existingCollateral(param.strategyId, param.collToken)
// 1. Deposit isolated collaterals on Blueberry Money Market
_doLend(param.collToken, param.collAmount);
// 2. Borrow specific amounts
uint256 borrowBalance = _doBorrow(
// 3. Add liquidity on Balancer, get BPT
IBalancerVault vault = wAuraPools.getVault(lpToken);
_ensureApprove(param.borrowToken, address(vault), borrowBalance);
(address[] memory tokens, uint256[] memory balances, ) = wAuraPools
uint[] memory maxAmountsIn = new uint[](2);
maxAmountsIn[0] = IERC20(tokens[0]).balanceOf(address(this));
maxAmountsIn[1] = IERC20(tokens[1]).balanceOf(address(this));
uint totalLPSupply = IBalancerPool(lpToken).totalSupply();
// compute in reverse order of how Balancer's `joinPool` computes tokenAmountIn
uint poolAmountFromA = (maxAmountsIn[0] * totalLPSupply) /
uint poolAmountFromB = (maxAmountsIn[1] * totalLPSupply) /
uint poolAmountOut = poolAmountFromA > poolAmountFromB
? poolAmountFromB
: poolAmountFromA;
bytes32 poolId = bytes32(param.farmingPoolId);
if (poolAmountOut > 0) {
The function only borrowed one type of tokens from the bank so the contract only owns one type of token. As a result one of the maxAmountsIn
value is 0. Either poolAmountFromA
or poolAmountFromB
is 0 as a result of computation. poolAmountOut
is the minimal value of poolAmountFromA
and poolAmountFromB
, it is 0. The following check if (poolAmountOut > 0)
will always fail and the pool will never be joined.
The rest of the function proceeds correctly without reverting. Users will think they joined the pool and are earning reward while they are not earning anything. This is a loss of funds to the user.
Manual Review
It is hard to tell the intent of the developer from this check. Maybe the issue is simply that poolAmountOut
should be the sum or the max value out of poolAmountFromA
and poolAmountFromB
instead of the min.
Bauer, nobody2018
The CurveSpell
protocol only ensure approve curve pool to spend its borrow token. Hence, it will not be able to add liquidity on the curve with another token with a balance.
The openPositionFarm()
function enables user to open a leveraged position in a yield farming strategy by borrowing funds and using them to add liquidity to a Curve pool, while also taking into account certain risk management parameters such as maximum LTV and position size. When add liquidity on curve ,the protocol use the borrowed token and the collateral token, it checks the number of tokens in the pool and creates an array of the supplied token amounts to be passed to the add_liquidity function. Then the curve will transfer the tokens from the protocol and mint lp tokens to the protocol. However, the protocol only ensure approve curve pool to spend its borrow token. Hence, it will not be able to add liquidity on the curve with another token with a balance.
// 3. Add liquidity on curve
_ensureApprove(param.borrowToken, pool, borrowBalance);
if (tokens.length == 2) {
uint256[2] memory suppliedAmts;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
suppliedAmts[i] = IERC20Upgradeable(tokens[i]).balanceOf(
ICurvePool(pool).add_liquidity(suppliedAmts, minLPMint);
} else if (tokens.length == 3) {
uint256[3] memory suppliedAmts;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
suppliedAmts[i] = IERC20Upgradeable(tokens[i]).balanceOf(
ICurvePool(pool).add_liquidity(suppliedAmts, minLPMint);
} else if (tokens.length == 4) {
uint256[4] memory suppliedAmts;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
suppliedAmts[i] = IERC20Upgradeable(tokens[i]).balanceOf(
ICurvePool(pool).add_liquidity(suppliedAmts, minLPMint);
The protocol will not be able to add liquidity on the curve with another token with a balance.
Manual Review
Allow the curve pool to spend tokens that have a balance in the protocol to add liquidity
If self.is_killed in the curve pool contract becomes true, user may be unable to call the CurveSpell.closePositionFarm()
function to repay his debt, resulting in his assets being liquidated.
The CurveSpell.closePositionFarm()
function is used to unwind a position on a strategy that involves farming CRV rewards through staking LP tokens in a Curve pool. Inside the function, the protocol swaps the harvested CRV tokens to the debt token, and calculates the actual amount of LP tokens to remove from the Curve pool. It then removes the LP tokens using the remove_liquidity_one_coin function of the Curve pool.
int128 tokenIndex;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
if (tokens[i] == pos.debtToken) {
tokenIndex = int128(uint128(i));
// 5. Withdraw isolated collateral from Bank
_doWithdraw(param.collToken, param.amountShareWithdraw);
// 6. Repay
// Compute repay amount if MAX_INT is supplied (max debt)
uint256 amountRepay = param.amountRepay;
if (amountRepay == type(uint256).max) {
amountRepay = bank.currentPositionDebt(bank.POSITION_ID());
_doRepay(param.borrowToken, amountRepay);
If self.is_killed in the curve pool contract becomes true, calling such remove_liquidity_one_coin()
function would always revert. In this case, calling the CurveSpell.closePositionFarm()
function reverts. When user's position is about to be liquidated, if the closePositionFarm()
function is DOS'ed,user may be unable to repay his debt, resulting in the user losing their funds
def remove_liquidity_one_coin(
_token_amount: uint256,
i: int128,
_min_amount: uint256
) -> uint256:
@notice Withdraw a single coin from the pool
@param _token_amount Amount of LP tokens to burn in the withdrawal
@param i Index value of the coin to withdraw
@param _min_amount Minimum amount of coin to receive
@return Amount of coin received
assert not self.is_killed # dev: is killed
dy: uint256 = 0
dy_fee: uint256 = 0
dy, dy_fee = self._calc_withdraw_one_coin(_token_amount, i)
If self.is_killed in the curve pool contract becomes true, user may be unable to repay his debt, resulting in his assets being liquidated.
Manual Review
will return a wrong value of riskSource:
In order to interact with SPELL the users need to lend()
some collateral which is known as Isolated Collateral and the SoftVault will deposit them into Compound protocol to generate some lending interest (to earn passive yield)
to liquidate a position this function isLiquidatable()
should return true
function isLiquidatable(uint256 positionId) public view returns (bool) {
getPositionRisk(positionId) >=
and it is subcall to getPositionRisk()
function getPositionRisk(
uint256 positionId
) public view returns (uint256 risk) {
uint256 pv = getPositionValue(positionId);
uint256 ov = getDebtValue(positionId);
uint256 cv = getIsolatedCollateralValue(positionId);
if (
(cv == 0 && pv == 0 && ov == 0) || pv >= ov // Closed position or Overcollateralized position
) {
risk = 0;
} else if (cv == 0) {
// Sth bad happened to isolated underlying token
risk = Constants.DENOMINATOR;
} else {
risk = ((ov - pv) * Constants.DENOMINATOR) / cv;
as we can see the cv
is a critical value in terms of the calculation of risk
the cv
is returned by getIsolatedCollateralValue()
function getIsolatedCollateralValue(
uint256 positionId
) public view override returns (uint256 icollValue) {
Position memory pos = positions[positionId];
// NOTE: exchangeRateStored has 18 decimals.
uint256 underlyingAmount;
if (_isSoftVault(pos.underlyingToken)) {
underlyingAmount =
(ICErc20(banks[pos.debtToken].bToken).exchangeRateStored() *
pos.underlyingVaultShare) /
} else {
underlyingAmount = pos.underlyingVaultShare;
icollValue = oracle.getTokenValue(
and it uses exchangeRateStored()
to ask Compound (CToken.sol) for the exchange rate
from CToken
This function does not accrue interest before calculating the exchange rate
so the getPositionRisk()
will return a wrong value of risk because the interest does not accrue for this position
the user (position) could get liquidated even if his position is still healthy
* @notice Accrue interest then return the up-to-date exchange rate
* @return Calculated exchange rate scaled by 1e18
function exchangeRateCurrent() override public nonReentrant returns (uint) {
return exchangeRateStored();
* @notice Calculates the exchange rate from the underlying to the CToken
* @dev This function does not accrue interest before calculating the exchange rate
* @return Calculated exchange rate scaled by 1e18
function exchangeRateStored() override public view returns (uint) {
return exchangeRateStoredInternal();
Manual Review
You shoud use exchangeRateCurrent()
to Accrue interest first.
Since we are using a view function we are unable to use exchangeRateCurrent()
we have to use exchangeRateStored()
Escalate for 10 USDC
The sponsor confirms that. so the user could get liquidated even in case his position is still healthy.
I believe the rules are clear on that
He decided to not fix it but the risk still exists
Escalate for 10 USDC
The sponsor confirms that. so the user could get liquidated even in case his position is still healthy.
I believe the rules are clear on that
He decided to not fix it but the risk still exists
You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!
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Can be a valid medium
Escalation accepted
Valid medium
Although the difference in the interest accumulated here can be very low as it updates slowly, although this cannot be exactly quantified, the fact that a position can be liquidated based on outdated value makes it a valid medium.
Escalation accepted
Valid medium
Although the difference in the interest accumulated here can be very low as it updates slowly, although this cannot be exactly quantified, the fact that a position can be liquidated based on outdated value makes it a valid medium.
This issue's escalations have been accepted!
Contestants' payouts and scores will be updated according to the changes made on this issue.
ShortLongSpell.openPosition() send uToken
to SoftVault then deposit it into the Compound protocol to earn a passive yield. In return, SPELL receives share tokes of SoftVault address(strategy.vault)
should receive address(strategy.vault)
token, but the logic of ShortLongSpell.sol
subcall (WERC20.sol) wrapper.burn()
and pass the uToken
address (please check the Code Snippet part) instead of strategy.vault
Short/Long Spell will never work
address burnToken = address(ISoftVault(strategy.vault).uToken());
if (collSize > 0) {
if (posCollToken != address(wrapper))
revert Errors.INCORRECT_COLTOKEN(posCollToken);
wrapper.burn(burnToken, collSize);
// 1. Take out collateral
Manual Review
- address burnToken = address(ISoftVault(strategy.vault).uToken());
+ address burnToken = strategy.vault;
if (collSize > 0) {
if (posCollToken != address(wrapper))
revert Errors.INCORRECT_COLTOKEN(posCollToken);
wrapper.burn(burnToken, collSize);
// 1. Take out collateral
- address(ISoftVault(strategy.vault).uToken()),
+ strategy.vault,
Escalate for 10 USDC
The same reason as #116 but in a different implementation and it needs another solution
Escalate for 10 USDC
The same reason as #116 but in a different implementation and it needs another solution
You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!
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Escalation accepted
Valid medium
This is a valid issue
Escalation accepted
Valid medium
This is a valid issue
This issue's escalations have been accepted!
Contestants' payouts and scores will be updated according to the changes made on this issue.
0x52, nobody2018
collToken.pendingRewards pulls the most recent reward list from Aura/Convex. In the event that reward tokens are added to pools that don't currently have an oracle then it will DOS every action (repaying, liquidating, etc.). While this is only temporary it prevents liquidation which is a key process that should have 100% uptime otherwise the protocol could easily be left with bad debt.
(address[] memory tokens, uint256[] memory rewards) = IERC20Wrapper(
).pendingRewards(pos.collId, pos.collateralSize);
for (uint256 i; i < tokens.length; i++) {
rewardsValue += oracle.getTokenValue(tokens[i], rewards[i]);
Using the pendingRewards method pulls a fresh list of all tokens. When a token is added as a reward but can't be priced then the call to getTokenValue will revert. Since getPostionValue is used in liquidations, it temporarily breaks liquidations which in a volatile market can cause bad debt to accumulate.
Temporary DOS to liquidations which can result in bad debt
Manual Review
Return zero valuation if extra reward token can't be priced.
ShortLongSpell.openPosition() pass to _doPutCollateral()
wrong value of balanceOf()
// 5. Put collateral - strategy token
address vault = strategies[param.strategyId].vault;
the balance should be of address(vault)
will never workManual Review
// 5. Put collateral - strategy token
address vault = strategies[param.strategyId].vault;
- IERC20Upgradeable(ISoftVault(vault).uToken()).balanceOf(
- address(this)
+ IERC20Upgradeable(vault).balanceOf(address(this))
Escalate for 10 USDC
This is a simple finding when you know that SoftVault
is transferring all uToken
to Compound to generate yield
Also of wonder the judge set this as invalid but he submitted both this and #114 in the next contest Blueberry Update 2
Escalate for 10 USDC
This is a simple finding when you know that
is transferring alluToken
to Compound to generate yieldAlso of wonder the judge set this as invalid but he submitted both this and #114 in the next contest Blueberry Update 2
You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!
To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.
You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
Escalation accepted
Valid medium
Since the issue does not clearly identify the impact where the tokens can be stolen, but still correctly recognizes the underlying issue considering this a valid medium.
Escalation accepted
Valid medium
Since the issue does not clearly identify the impact where the tokens can be stolen, but still correctly recognizes the underlying issue considering this a valid medium.
This issue's escalations have been accepted!
Contestants' payouts and scores will be updated according to the changes made on this issue.
0x52, HonorLt, cducrest-brainbot
Issue 290 from the previous contest points out that users may be liquidated without the chance to repay their debt. Liquidate was changed to only be allowed when repayment was allowed. While this does address some of the problem this will still fail to protect users who become liquidatable during the period of time that repay has been disabled.
MEV bots are typically used to liquidate positions since it is always more profitable to liquidate the vault even if a user tries to pay off their debt on the same black that repay is enabled, they will still be liquidated because of frontrunning.
See summary.
Users who become liquidatable during a repay pause will still be unable to save their position
Manual Review
When repay is paused and then resumed, put a timer that prevents liquidations for some amount of time after (i.e. 4 hours) so that users can fairly repay their position after repayment has been resumed.
0x52, Bauchibred, cducrest-brainbot, deadrxsezzz, helpMePlease, kaysoft, peanuts, tsvetanovv
Issue 94 still exists exactly even though it was marked as "will fix".
See Issue 94
See Issue 94
Manual Review
See Issue 94
AuraSpell#closePositionFarm requires users to swap all reward tokens through same router. This is problematic as it is very unlikely that a UniswapV2 router will have good liquidity sources for all tokens and will result in users experiencing forced losses to their reward token.
for (uint256 i = 0; i < rewardTokens.length; i++) {
uint256 rewards = _doCutRewardsFee(rewardTokens[i]);
_ensureApprove(rewardTokens[i], address(swapRouter), rewards);
All tokens are forcibly swapped through a single router.
Users will be forced to swap through a router even if it doesn't have good liquidity for all tokens
Manual Review
Allow users to use an aggregator like paraswap or multiple routers instead of only one single UniswapV2 router.
pendingRewards pulls a fresh count of reward tokens each time it is called. This is problematic if reward tokens are ever removed from the the underlying Aura/Convex pools because it means that they will no longer be distributed and will be locked in the contract forever.
uint extraRewardsCount = IAuraRewarder(crvRewarder)
tokens = new address[](extraRewardsCount + 1);
rewards = new uint256[](extraRewardsCount + 1);
tokens[0] = IAuraRewarder(crvRewarder).rewardToken();
rewards[0] = _getPendingReward(
for (uint i = 0; i < extraRewardsCount; i++) {
address rewarder = IAuraRewarder(crvRewarder).extraRewards(i);
uint256 stRewardPerShare = accExtPerShare[tokenId][i];
tokens[i + 1] = IAuraRewarder(rewarder).rewardToken();
rewards[i + 1] = _getPendingReward(
In the lines above we can see that only tokens that are currently available on the pool. This means that if tokens are removed then they are no longer claimable and will be lost to those entitled to shares.
Users will lose reward tokens if they are removed
Manual Review
Reward tokens should be stored with the tokenID so that it can still be paid out even if it the extra rewardToken is removed.
0xepley, Bauchibred, Bauer, Brenzee, J4de, ctf_sec, deadrxsezzz, tallo, tsvetanovv
Missing checks for whether Arbitrum Sequencer is active
the onchain deployment context is changed, in prev contest the protocol only attemps to deploy the code to ethereum while in the current contest
the protocol intends to deploy to arbtrium as well!
Chainlink recommends that users using price oracles, check whether the Arbitrum sequencer is active
If the sequencer goes down, the index oracles may have stale prices, since L2-submitted transactions (i.e. by the aggregating oracles) will not be processed.
Stale prices, e.g. if USDC were to de-peg while the sequencer is offline, stale price is used and can result in false liquidation or over-borrowing.
Manual Review
Use sequencer oracle to determine whether the sequencer is offline or not, and don't allow orders to be executed while the sequencer is offline.